Mar 11, 2025
EGT 450 - PLTW-Computer Integrated Manuf Credits: 3 Lecture Hours: 1 Lab Hours: 4 Practicum Hours: 0 Work Experience: 0 Course Type: Voc/Tech This course enhances computer modeling skills by applying principles of robotics and manufacturing automation to the creation of models of three-dimensional designs. Competencies During this course, the student will be expected to:
- Define the Fundamentals of computer modeling.
- Demonstrate the ability to store, retrieve copy, and output drawing files depending upon system setup.
- Utilize instructor identified 2D computer sketching functions.
- Incorporate various coordinate systems in the construction of 2D geometrical shapes.
- Calculate the x and y coordinates given a radius and angle and show work.
- Demonstrate the ability to construct objects.
- Produce 2D sketches using available sketching features.
- Apply editing techniques to produce an accurate sketch.
- Show, understand, and apply sketch constraints.
- Analyze drawings with appropriate inquiry functions.
- Construct Parts Modeling
- Define sketched objects with dimensions and geometric constraints.
- Apply necessary sketched features to generate a solid model.
- Demonstrate the application and modifying of placed features.
- Create Drawing Views
- Develop multi-view drawings such as top, front, right side, isometric, section and auxiliary views from the solid model.
- Demonstrate the proper application of annotations and reference dimensions while conforming to established drafting standards.
- Update model and drawing views using revision specification sheets provided by the instructor.
- Demonstrate effective Assembly Modeling
- Create assembly models through the integration of individual parts and sub-assemblies.
- Generate an assembly drawing, which include Views, Balloons, and Bill Of Materials (BOM).
- Demonstrate and implement rapid prototyping
- Recognize the wide array of industry-wide prototyping methods in use and list three.
- Identify the need for rapid-prototyping.
- Prepare a prototype model from a drawing data base.
- Explain the history of programmable machines
- Provide a brief history of Computer Controlled Machines charting the growth of NC and how it has been implemented into Private Industry.
- List how the application of CNC machines has impacted manufacturing.
- List the advantages and disadvantages of CNC Machining.
- Chart the evolution of machine tools, controllers, and software used in programmable machines.
- Provide an understanding of career opportunities and educational requirements within the field of programmable machines.
- Understand the characteristics of CNC
- Identify the axis relative to various CNC machines.
- Contrast open and closed loop control systems.
- Identify the types of drive systems used in CNC machines.
- Use the CNC control program to indicate the machine position and then contrast that position to the relative position of the part origin (PRZ).
- Identify by listing the function of the major components of a CNC machine tool.
- Examine and apply various work holding devices commonly used for CNC machining.
- Identify various types of tool changers used in CNC machine tools on paper.
- Define the three primary axes used in CNC machining and explore the remaining axes used in advanced machining.
- List the importance of cutting tool materials and how they affect the speed and feed rates used by machine tools.
- Examine and label different types of tool holding devices used in CNC machine tools.
- Select appropriate cutting tools to efficiently, safely and accurately cut parts using a CNC machine.
- Demonstrate effective CNC Programming
- Understand the difference between reference and position points through demonstration.
- Demonstrate that CNC machine movements are identified by axes.
- Demonstrate knowledge that the axis system is a worldwide standard for machine movement.
- Plot points using absolute, relative (incremental) and polar coordinates.
- Identify and label significant points on geometric shapes (ex. Center point, end point).
- Identify and label the optimum location for the Program Reference Zero (PRZ) point.
- Identify and list the three categories of machine movement: straight line, curved line, and non-regular shape.
- Complete a preliminary planning sheet to identify necessary work holding devices, cutting tools, reference points, machining sequences and safe operation.
- Define the term “Alphanumeric Coding”, “G codes”, and “M code.”
- Identify the three sections of a program; Initial Commands, Program Body, and Program End.
- Write a basic NC part program using necessary G and M codes including remarks that describe the function of each code.
- List the advantages and disadvantages of shop floor programming as well as off line programming.
- Create a simple NC part program using a text editor and a CAM package.
- Employ a CAD/CAM/CNC software solution to create a part.
- Analyze, identify and correct errors found in NC part program files.
- Use simulation software to graphically verify NC program operation.
- Perform a “Dry Run” to verify the machine setup and program operation.
- Safely conduct CNC operations
- Safely setup, maintain and operate a CNC machine center using appropriate documentation and procedures.
- Analyze part geometry to select appropriate cutting tools and fixturing devices needed to create the part using a CNC machine.
- Setup and edit the tool library of a CNC control program providing offset values and tool geometry.
- Calculate and verify appropriate spindle speeds and feed rates specific to each cutting tool utilized in an NC part program.
- Safely and accurately fixture a part in a CNC machine and set the program reference zero (PRZ).
- Verify NC part programs using a simulation software before machining the part on a CNC device.
- List and demonstrate all possible methods of disabling a CNC machine in the event of an emergency.
- Follow and complete a safety checklist prior to running an NC part program on a CNC machine.
- Perform a Dry Run to verify the machine setup and program operation.
- Operate a CNC machine to cut a part to specifications.
- Perform Precision Measurement
- Measure a part using standard and metric systems.
- Convert measurements between metric and standard inch systems.
- Identify and label the dimensional tolerances and limits in technical drawings.
- Make precision measurements to the degree of accuracy required by plan specification using appropriate instruments.
- Show comparison instruments can be used to check dimensions, compare shapes, indicate centers and check parallel surfaces through an assignment.
- Describe advanced and automated measurement systems that are applied in industry. (ex. Coordinate Measuring Systems, Digital Probes and Optical scanners)
- Describe the importance of precision measurement in SPC and quality control.
- Effectively use CAM Software
- Define the acronym CAM and explain what the purpose of a CAM package is.
- Operate the user interface of a CAM package and access help using appropriate documentation and help screens.
- Perform basic file operations using a CAM package such as saving, opening, printing and editing part program files.
- Demonstrate an ability to import and export CAD files using a CAM package.
- Setup a CAM package by editing the material and tool libraries, defining stock sizes, selecting the appropriate post processor and defining the units of measure to be used.
- Define and apply the fundamental and advanced milling and turning procedures used in CAM packages.
- Generate and edit tool paths by applying appropriate machining processes to geometry imported from a CAD program.
- Define Robotics
- List the chronological development of automation leading to robotics.
- List the career opportunities in the robotics career fields.
- Demonstrate the development of robotics from Science Fiction.
- Identify and list a minimum of four dangerous and repetitive jobs that robots are used for.
- Formulate a definition of a robot.
- Classify different types of Robots.
- Describe the positive impact robots have on manufacturing.
- Provide examples about the social implications of robots.
- Identify and compare the four classifications of robots.
- Investigate and explain a classification of robot
- Design and build a working model of a robot.
- Identify and report specifications and work envelopes of robots.
- Apply the knowledge of Mechanical Components
- Identify and sketch the mechanical components to a robot.
- Design and develop an end effector.
- Demonstrate the way end effectors are specific to a process.
- Describe various drive systems used in robotics and analyze the advantages and disadvantages of each.
- Apply the knowledge of Control Systems
- Label the basic components of robot controllers.
- Explain and list control techniques and computer simulations.
- Using sensors design and build a feed system.
- Apply the knowledge of Programming Methods
- Program a robot to perform several tasks.
- Program a robot to solve a materials handling problem.
- Recognize and describe the need for end of arm tooling and how this tooling affects the robots operation.
- Apply the knowledge of Industrial Robot Applications
- List several necessities for specialty tooling applications in robotics.
- Prepare and document a presentation on end of arm tooling.
- Analyze and generate the solution to a robotic manufacturing problem.
- Provide a Rationale for CIM Manufacturing
- Demonstrate understanding of how the individual components of a flexible manufacturing system are interrelated.
- Document the benefits and problems associated with CIM technology and how they affect the manufacturing process.
- List some basic characteristics of a manufacturing operation that lend themselves to computer integrated manufacturing.
- Identify and label some of the typical components and sub systems that make up an automated machining, assembly and process-type manufacturing operation.
- Identify Types of CIM Systems
- List the three categories of CIM manufacturing systems.
- Compare and contrast the benefits and drawbacks of the three categories of CIM manufacturing systems.
- Explain the working relationship between the CNC mill and the robot.
- Identify and label the components of a FMS.
- Define the Components of SIM Systems
- Identify the relationship between a CNC milling machine interface and a jointed arm robot interface through a communication handshaking process.
- Evaluate the individual components used in selected CIM systems.
- Analyze and select components for a CIM system for a specific industrial application.
- Demonstrate understanding of the various applications of a Programmable Logic Controller as related to its use in a CIM system.
- Demonstrate the difference between a PLC and a computer with interface.
- Effectively use CIM Systems Applications
- Demonstrate understanding of the necessary safety precautions associated with a fully automated CIM system.
- Recognize and explain the significance of teamwork and communication when they combine the designs of the individual groups into a complete miniature FMS.
- Demonstrate how their individual components work together to form a complete CIM system.
- Assemble and test their individual component designs by integrating them into a complete miniature FMS built from course materials.
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