Mar 11, 2025  
2021-2022 Course Catalog 
2021-2022 Course Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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EGT 450 - PLTW-Computer Integrated Manuf

Credits: 3
Lecture Hours: 1
Lab Hours: 4
Practicum Hours: 0
Work Experience: 0
Course Type: Voc/Tech
This course enhances computer modeling skills by applying principles of robotics and manufacturing automation to the creation of models of three-dimensional designs.
During this course, the student will be expected to:

  1. Define the Fundamentals of computer modeling.
    1. Demonstrate the ability to store, retrieve copy, and output drawing files depending upon system setup.
    2. Utilize instructor identified 2D computer sketching functions.      
    3. Incorporate various coordinate systems in the construction of 2D geometrical shapes.
    4. Calculate the x and y coordinates given a radius and angle and show work.                     
  2. Demonstrate the ability to construct objects.
    1. Produce 2D sketches using available sketching features.
    2. Apply editing techniques to produce an accurate sketch.
    3. Show, understand, and apply sketch constraints.
    4. Analyze drawings with appropriate inquiry functions.   
  3. Construct Parts Modeling
    1. Define sketched objects with dimensions and geometric constraints.
    2. Apply necessary sketched features to generate a solid model.
    3. Demonstrate the application and modifying of placed features.
  4. Create Drawing Views
    1. Develop multi-view drawings such as top, front, right side, isometric, section and auxiliary views from the solid model.           
    2. Demonstrate the proper application of annotations and reference dimensions while conforming to established drafting standards.
    3. Update model and drawing views using revision specification sheets provided by the instructor.
  5. Demonstrate effective Assembly Modeling
    1. Create assembly models through the integration of individual parts and sub-assemblies.
    2. Generate an assembly drawing, which include Views, Balloons, and Bill Of  Materials (BOM).                          
  6. Demonstrate and implement rapid prototyping
    1. Recognize the wide array of industry-wide prototyping methods in use and list three.
    2. Identify the need for rapid-prototyping.
    3. Prepare a prototype model from a drawing data base.                   
  7.  Explain the history of programmable machines                       
    1.  Provide a brief history of Computer Controlled Machines charting the growth of NC and how it has been implemented into Private Industry.
    2.  List how the application of CNC machines has impacted manufacturing.                            
    3.  List the advantages and disadvantages of CNC Machining.                    
    4.  Chart the evolution of machine tools, controllers, and software used in programmable machines.
    5.  Provide an understanding of career opportunities and educational requirements within the field of programmable machines.                           
  8. Understand the characteristics of CNC
    1. Identify the axis relative to various CNC machines.
    2. Contrast open and closed loop control systems.
    3. Identify the types of drive systems used in CNC machines.
    4. Use the CNC control program to indicate the machine position and then contrast that position to the relative position of the part origin (PRZ).
    5. Identify by listing the function of the major components of a CNC machine tool.
    6. Examine and apply various work holding devices commonly used for CNC machining.
    7. Identify various types of tool changers used in CNC machine tools on paper.
    8. Define the three primary axes used in CNC machining and explore the remaining axes used in advanced machining.
    9. List the importance of cutting tool materials and how they affect the speed and feed rates used by machine tools.
    10. Examine and label different types of tool holding devices used in CNC machine tools.
    11. Select appropriate cutting tools to efficiently, safely and accurately cut parts using a CNC machine.                        
  9. Demonstrate effective CNC Programming
    1. Understand the difference between reference and position points through demonstration.
    2. Demonstrate that CNC machine movements are identified by axes.
    3. Demonstrate knowledge that the axis system is a worldwide standard for machine movement.
    4. Plot points using absolute, relative (incremental) and polar coordinates.
    5. Identify and label significant points on geometric shapes (ex. Center point, end point).
    6. Identify and label the optimum location for the Program Reference Zero (PRZ) point.
    7. Identify and list the three categories of machine movement: straight line, curved line, and non-regular shape.
    8. Complete a preliminary planning sheet to identify necessary work holding devices, cutting tools, reference points, machining sequences and safe operation.
    9. Define the term “Alphanumeric Coding”, “G codes”, and “M code.”    
    10. Identify the three sections of a program; Initial Commands, Program Body, and Program End.
    11. Write a basic NC part program using necessary G and M codes including remarks that describe the function of each code.
    12. List the advantages and disadvantages of shop floor programming as well as off line programming.
    13. Create a simple NC part program using a text editor and a CAM package.
    14. Employ a CAD/CAM/CNC software solution to create a part.
    15. Analyze, identify and correct errors found in NC part program files.
    16. Use simulation software to graphically verify NC program operation.
    17. Perform a “Dry Run” to verify the machine setup and program operation.
  10. Safely conduct CNC operations                                   
    1. Safely setup, maintain and operate a CNC machine center using appropriate documentation and procedures.
    2. Analyze part geometry to select appropriate cutting tools and fixturing devices needed to create the part using a CNC machine.
    3. Setup and edit the tool library of a CNC control program providing offset values and tool geometry.
    4. Calculate and verify appropriate spindle speeds and feed rates specific to each cutting tool utilized in an NC part program.
    5. Safely and accurately fixture a part in a CNC machine and set the program reference zero (PRZ).
    6. Verify NC part programs using a simulation software before machining the part on a CNC device.
    7. List and demonstrate all possible methods of disabling a CNC machine in the event of an emergency.
    8. Follow and complete a safety checklist prior to running an NC part program on a CNC machine.
    9. Perform a Dry Run to verify the machine setup and program operation.
    10. Operate a CNC machine to cut a part to specifications.                        
  11. Perform Precision Measurement
    1. Measure a part using standard and metric systems.
    2. Convert measurements between metric and standard inch systems.
    3. Identify and label the dimensional tolerances and limits in technical drawings.
    4. Make precision measurements to the degree of accuracy required by plan specification using appropriate instruments.
    5. Show comparison instruments can be used to check dimensions, compare shapes, indicate centers and check parallel surfaces through an assignment.
    6.  Describe advanced and automated measurement systems that are applied in industry. (ex. Coordinate Measuring Systems, Digital Probes and Optical scanners)
    7.  Describe the importance of precision measurement in SPC and quality control.
  12. Effectively use CAM Software
    1. Define the acronym CAM and explain what the purpose of a CAM package is.
    2. Operate the user interface of a CAM package and access help using appropriate documentation and help screens.
    3. Perform basic file operations using a CAM package such as saving, opening, printing and editing part program files.
    4. Demonstrate an ability to import and export CAD files using a CAM package.
    5. Setup a CAM package by editing the material and tool libraries, defining stock sizes, selecting the appropriate post processor and defining the units of measure to be used.
    6. Define and apply the fundamental and advanced milling and turning procedures used in CAM packages.
    7. Generate and edit tool paths by applying appropriate machining processes to geometry imported from a CAD program.
  13. Define Robotics
    1. List the chronological development of automation leading to robotics.  
    2. List the career opportunities in the robotics career fields.                   
    3. Demonstrate the development of robotics from Science Fiction.          
    4. Identify and list a minimum of four dangerous and repetitive jobs that robots are used for.               
    5. Formulate a definition of a robot.
    6. Classify different types of Robots.
    7. Describe the positive impact robots have on manufacturing.
    8. Provide examples about the social implications of robots.        
    9. Identify and compare the four classifications of robots.
    10. Investigate and explain a classification of robot
    11. Design and build a working model of a robot.
    12. Identify and report specifications and work envelopes of robots.     
  14. Apply the knowledge of Mechanical Components
    1. Identify and sketch the mechanical components to a robot.
    2. Design and develop an end effector.
    3. Demonstrate the way end effectors are specific to a process.
    4. Describe various drive systems used in robotics and analyze the advantages and disadvantages of each.    
  15. Apply the knowledge of Control Systems
    1. Label the basic components of robot controllers.
    2. Explain and list control techniques and computer simulations.
    3. Using sensors design and build a feed system.
  16. Apply the knowledge of Programming Methods
    1. Program a robot to perform several tasks.
    2. Program a robot to solve a materials handling problem.
    3. Recognize and describe the need for end of arm tooling and how this tooling affects the robots operation.
  17. Apply the knowledge of Industrial Robot Applications
    1. List several necessities for specialty tooling applications in robotics.
    2. Prepare and document a presentation on end of arm tooling.
    3. Analyze and generate the solution to a robotic manufacturing problem.
  18. Provide a Rationale for CIM Manufacturing
    1. Demonstrate understanding of how the individual components of a flexible manufacturing system are interrelated.  
    2. Document the benefits and problems associated with CIM technology and how they affect the manufacturing process.                   
    3. List some basic characteristics of a manufacturing operation that lend themselves to computer integrated manufacturing.
    4. Identify and label some of the typical components and sub systems that make up an automated machining, assembly and process-type manufacturing operation.   
  19. Identify Types of CIM Systems
    1. List the three categories of CIM manufacturing systems.
    2. Compare and contrast the benefits and drawbacks of the three categories of CIM manufacturing systems.
    3. Explain the working relationship between the CNC mill and the robot.
    4. Identify and label the components of a FMS.    
  20. Define the Components of SIM Systems
    1. Identify the relationship between a CNC milling machine interface and a jointed arm robot interface through a communication handshaking process.
    2. Evaluate the individual components used in selected CIM systems.
    3. Analyze and select components for a CIM system for a specific industrial application.
    4. Demonstrate understanding of the various applications of a Programmable Logic Controller as related to its use in a CIM system.
    5. Demonstrate the difference between a PLC and a computer with interface.   
  21. Effectively use CIM Systems Applications
    1. Demonstrate understanding of the necessary safety precautions associated with a fully automated  CIM system.
    2. Recognize and explain the significance of teamwork and communication when they combine the designs of the individual groups into a complete miniature FMS.
    3. Demonstrate how their individual components work together to form a complete CIM system.
    4. Assemble and test their individual component designs by integrating them into a complete miniature FMS built from course materials.

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