Mar 11, 2025
EGR 180 - Statics Credits: 3 Lecture Hours: 3 Lab Hours: 0 Practicum Hours: 0 Work Experience: 0 Course Type: Open This course includes the vector and scalar analysis of coplanar and non-coplanar force systems, equilibrium concepts, friction, centroids, moments and products of inertia. Mohr’s circle, radius of gyration, internal forces, shear and bending moment diagram. Prerequisite: PHY 213 . Corequisite: MAT 217 must be taken concurrently with or prior to this course Competencies
- Summarize General Principles of Statics
- Compare and Contrast Vectors and Scalars
- Define Force
- Define Concurrent Force Systems
- Explain the Principle of Transmissibility
- Calculate the Resultant of Two Concurrent Forces
- Calculate the Resultant of Three or more Concurrent Forces
- Resolve a force into components
- Calculate the Resultants by rectangular components of a force
- Understand Statics of Particles
- Construct Free Body Diagrams
- Define Equilibrium Conditions of a particle
- Analyze the effects of forces and moments on Rigid Bodies
- Define Moments
- Define Couples
- Calculate the Resolution of a force into a force and couple
- Calculate Resultants
- Calculate Distributed Forces
- Calculate the Center of mass and gravity
- Calculate the Centroids of volumes, areas and lines
- Calculate the Centroids of composite bodies
- Understand Theorems of Pappus and Guldinus
- Calculate the Distributed loads on a beam
- Calculate the Forces on submerged surfaces
- Understand Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies
- Construct Free body diagrams
- Calculate Equilibrium in 2D
- Calculate Equilibrium in 3D
- Understand Trusses, Frames and Machines
- Calculate equilibrium conditions for Plane Trusses
- Calculate equilibrium conditions for Space Trusses
- Calculate equilibrium conditions for Frames and Machines
- Understand Internal Forces in Structural Members
- Calculate Axial Force and Torque in Bars and Shafts
- Calculate Axial Force, Shear force and Bending Moments in Beams
- Construct Shear force and Bending Moment Diagrams
- Analyze Flexible Cables
- Understand Friction
- Understand Coulomb Friction
- Understand Dry Friction
- Understand Rolling Resistance
- Calculate Moments of Inertia
- Calculate Second Moment of Plane Areas
- Calculate Principle Second Moments
- Calculate Moments of Inertia
- Calculate Principle Moments of Inertia
- Use Virtual Work to solve equilibrium problems
- Define Work and Virtual Work
- Understand Principle of Virtual Work and Equilibrium
- Understand Principle of Potential Energy and Equilibrium
- Calculate Stability of Equilibrium
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