Mar 12, 2025  
2021-2022 Course Catalog 
2021-2022 Course Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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DHY 301 - Dental Hygiene IV

Credits: 2
Lecture Hours: 2
Lab Hours: 0
Practicum Hours: 0
Work Experience: 0
Course Type: Open
A continuation of clinical practices. Legal, ethical and management aspects of the dental care system are considered. Career alternatives and job-seeking skills are demonstrated.
Prerequisite: DHY 292 , DHY 291 .
Corequisite: DHY 302  
  1. Assessment of personal wants, needs and talents to enhance goal setting and selection of a career pathway
    1. Identify factors that health care providers often express as important considerations in selecting a practice setting
    2. Identify concerns that should be considered in assessing how a practice setting meets one’s priorities
    3. Explain how a formal decision making process applied to selecting an employment setting can clarify the strengths and weaknesses of each possible decision
  2. Identify how a dental hygienist can develop effective management and leadership skills that can be used by the dental hygiene clinician, office manager, change agent, consumer advocate, educator, or researcher
    1. Differentiate between leadership and management
    2. Explain how the dental hygienist uses the leadership process to benefit the client, the oral health team, society, and the dental hygiene profession.
    3. Demonstrate knowledge of how Iowa dental consumers have been affected by changes in the Iowa code and Rules for Dental Hygiene Practice.
    4. Explain how the dental hygienist uses the leadership process to benefit the client, the oral health team, society, and the dental hygiene profession
    5. Explain how leadership and management skills can be used to effect change
    6. Demonstrate knowledge of how Iowa dental consumers have been affected by changes in the Iowa Code and Rules for Dental Hygiene Practice
  3. Recognize the business aspects and resources needed to run a dental practice
    1. Develop a mission statement and goals for the dental hygiene component of a dental practice
    2. Discuss economic considerations for a profitable practice including production, collection and office overhead.
    3. Describe marketing plans for promoting a dental practice.
    4. Outline the three types of appointment book management systems
    5. Discuss economic considerations for a profitable practice including production, collection and office overhead
    6. Develop a marketing plan for promoting a dental practice
  4. Appreciate how dental hygiene productivity contributes to overall practice goals
    1. Outline a personal plan for career development in the profession of Dental Hygiene
    2. Describe job search strategies, including a list of sources and a prioritized list of job selection criteria
    3. Explain the contributions of the dental hygienist to the dental practice
    4. Compare and contrast the methods of remuneration, including elements of risk and security and range in value for each.
    5. Evaluate job performance, including expectations and techniques necessary for changing performance.
    6. Describe employment alternatives to clinical practice.
    7. Describe employment alternatives to clinical practice
  5. Prepare a resume and develop interviewing skills that will present the applicant as capable and confident for a specific job opportunity
    1. Explain what a resume is and how it can affect an employer’s decision to offer employment to an individual
    2. Specify the usual components of a resume and cover letter
    3. Identify which items are by law not to be considered by employers in offering employment
    4. Prepare a personal resume and cover letter.
    5. Explain briefly the purpose and significance of the interview in finding employment
    6. Prepare for an interview session by using pre-interview techniques including
    7. Outline follow-up procedures that can enhance the effectiveness of the interview and perhaps increase the possibility of receiving an offer of a position
  6. Develop a plan for personal financial management, including an annual budget, adequate insurance coverage, investment goals, and a retirement plan.
    1. Identify payment mechanisms related to the provision of health care
    2. Identify the advantages and disadvantages of remuneration types and select a method that is most compatible with one?s own personal goals
    3. Summarize ways in which cost effectiveness and overall productivity can be measured in a health care delivery system
    4. List functions of a good financial manager
  7. Discuss the principles of technology functioning and application to dental hygiene practice.
    1. Describe the basis for the selection of technology in a dental hygiene environment.
    2. Describe some current technology applications in clinical dental hygiene practice.
    3. Discuss the legal and thical issues of technology usage in dental hygiene practice.
  8. Recognize and apply the rights and duties in the patient-health care provider relationship.
    1. Describe key ethical principles and philosophies affecting healthcare.
    2. Identify the issues emphasized in a code of ethics for dental hygienists.
    3. Develop an awareness of ethical dilemmas encountered in the practice of ental hygiene.
    4. Recognize a theoretical framework to assit in ethical decision making.
    5. Describe the legal concepts and theories that apply to dental hygiene practice.
    6. Recognize methods to reduce risks within the practice of dental hygiene.
  9. Create an ethical framework which allows the student to sort through morally legitimate alternatives and develop an informed perspective for ethical decision-making in practice.
    1. Summarize the sources which guide moral reasoning within the profession such as code of ethics, standards of practice and quality assurance.
    2. Identify perspectives which force us to weigh personal and public interests against professional obligations as health care providers.
    3. State the ethical principles for guiding the ethic decision-making process.
    4. Describe a situation which constitutes an ethical dilemma.
    5. Discriminate among and between ethically legitimate courses of action.
    6. Given an ethical dilemma, apply components of a problem-solving model evaluating issues and approaching decision-making in a step by step rpocess to determine the ethically valid choice(s).
    7. Assume responsibility for making ethically valid decisions in practice.
  10. Evaluate methods of recognizing and eliminating sexual harassment in the workplace.
    1. Differentiate between sexism, sex discrimination, and sexual harassment.
    2. Identify the process for the legal determination of sexual harassment.
    3. Develop methods to stop unwelcome sexual behavior.
    4. Recognize a theoretical framework to assist in ethical decision making
    5. Describe the legal concepts and theories that apply to dental hygiene practice
    6. Develop an awareness of the legal concepts affecting the dental hygienist-client and dental hygienist- dentist relationship
    7. Recognize methods to reduce risks within the practice of dental hygiene
  11. Discuss the standard of skill and care in providing health and dental care.
    1. Discuss the concept of standards and criteria as applied to quality assurance.
    2. Describe the quality assurance cyle in terms of assessment, feedback to providers, corrective action, reporting on corrective action, and reporting to a responsible party.
    3. Describe quality assessment in terms of the assessment of structure, process and outcome, evaluation, and correction.
    4. Describe a situation which constitutes an ethical dilemma
    5. Discriminate among and between ethically legitimate courses of action
    6. Given an ethical dilemma, apply components of a problem-solving model evaluating issues and approaching decision-making in a step by step process to determine the ethically valid choice(s).
    7. Assume responsibility for making ethically valid decisions in practice
  12. Explain the concept of consumer advocacy and how it relates to the ethical duties owed to patients.
    1. Describe the evolution of quality assurance practices in oral healthcare.
    2. Discuss why public agencies, third parties, and employers have an incentive to evaluate the quality of healthcare.
    3. Discuss the following quality assurance mechanisms: client surveys; client complaints; on-site evaluations; treatment record audits; clinical examinations; utilization review and peer review; formal education requirements; accreditation standards; the acc
    4. Advocate quality assurance activities in the oral healthcare environment.
    5. View the field of qulaity assurance as a viable career direction for the dental hygienist.
  13. Interpret portions of Chapter 153-Code of Iowa that pertain to the practice of Dental Hygiene and Dentistry.
    1. Discuss the concept of standards and criteria as applied to quality assurance
    2. Differentiate among quality assurance, quality assessment, and quality assurance mechanisms
    3. Describe the quality assurance cycle in terms of assessment, feedback to providers, corrective action, reporting on corrective action, and reporting to a responsible party
    4. Describe quality assessment in terns of the assessment of structure, process and outcome, evaluation, and correction
  14. Summarize the “Rules and Regulations” established by the Iowa State board of Dental Examiners.
    1. Describe the evolution of quality assurance practices in oral healthcare
    2. Discuss why public agencies, third parties, and employers have an incentive to evaluate the quality of healthcare
    3. Discuss the following quality assurance mechanisms; client surveys; client complaints; on-site evaluations; treatment record audits; clinical examinations; utilization review and peer review; formal educational requirements; accreditation standards; the a
    4. Advocate quality assurance activities in the oral healthcare environment
    5. View the field of quality assurance as a viable career direction for the dental hygienist

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