Mar 12, 2025
DEA 424 - Dental Materials Lab Credits: 1 Lecture Hours: 0 Lab Hours: 2 Practicum Hours: 0 Work Experience: 0 Course Type: Voc/Tech Through laboratory experience, the student learns techniques in preparation and utilization of dental materials. Prerequisite OR Corequisite: DEA 256 Competencies
- Produce safe practice in the laboratory.
- Perform laboratory housekeeping practices.
- Appraise emergency equipment, procedures and assess first aid supplies.
- Locate material safety data sheets (M.S.D.S.) for dental products
- Formulate infection control practices.
- Categorize the infectious, physical, and chemical hazards in a dental office.
- Appraise the practice of universal precautions in dentistry.
- Prove the types of personal protective equipment (PPE) that must be used for the practice of dentistry in the operatory and laboratory and justify the criteria of selection.
- Rank the methods that may be used to prevent cross-contamination during distribution of dental supplies.
- Defend the significance of an office exposure control program and protocol for managing exposure to bloodborne pathogens for office personnel and the dental laboratory.
- Incorporate use of the instruments of measure.
- Predict mass on a gram scale
- Assess use of a milliliter graduate and ruler
- Prove volume using a cubic centimeter graduate.
- Generate care and use of dental equipment in the laboratory.
- The whip mix machine
- The model trimmer
- The dental lab engine
- The dental lathes for wet and dry use.
- The Sta-Vac machine
- The Triad machine
- Compare and contrast impression materials and perform the manipulation technique for each product including:
- Wax and impression compound
- Zinc oxide-eugenol (ZOE)
- Agar or reversible hydrocolloid, alginate
- Polysulfides, condensation silicones, polyethers and addition silicones
- Compare and contrast gypsum materials and perform the manipulation technique producing a variety of gypsum products to include:
- Materials: dental plaster, stone, and improved stone
- Products: study model, cast and die
- Create an alginate impression on a student partner.
- Appraise the aspects of patient preparation for alginate impressions including appropriate tray criteria and use of rope wax if needed.
- Perform mixing of the alginate, loading, seating and removal of the tray to obtain acceptable alginate impressions.
- Critique the impressions to acceptability of laboratory standards.
- Generate and trim a study model
- Assess the following laboratory procedures: a. use a gypsum product to pour a study model from an impression. b. trim the study model on the model trimmer using appropriate cast cuts for patient consultation and treatment planning
- Compare and contrast the two methods of diagnostic cast/study model fabrication.
- Critique the completed study model for diagnostic proficiency.
- Formulate the application and manipulation of dental waxes.
- Compare and contrast pattern and processing dental waxes.
- Formulate the application and manipulation of dental amalgam.
- Incorporate acceptable mercury hygiene practices.
- Perform by mixing and placing a dental amalgam restoration in a tooth cookie.
- Compare and contrast the application and manipulation of dental materials used in removal prostheses, bleaching trays and a variety of oral appliances.
- Assess the different oral appliances used in the dental profession.
- Interpret the different thermoplastic materials used in the fabrication of oral appliances and critique their properties.
- Prove the steps involved in fabricating an oral appliance.
- Compare and contrast the application and manipulation of adhesive and direct polymeric restorative materials.
- Evaluate the differences of the microanatomy of enamel and dentin regarding etching and bonding.
- Prioritize the properties of restorative resins.
- Interpret the differences between flowable and condensable composites.
- Perform the application of a variety of abrasive polishing materials used in the clinical or laboratory setting.
- Compare and contrast the rate of abrasion for clinical and laboratory procedures
- Compare and contrast the application and manipulation of a variety of dental cements
- Critique the properties of Zinc oxide eugenol, zinc phosphate cement, polycarboxylate cement, glass ionomer cement, calcium hydroxide cement.
- Prove the mixing process and setting times for the cements stated above.
- Compare and contrast the application and manipulation of a variety of provisional restorations.
- Prove the construction and placement of provisional restorations.
- Perform the procedure for the construction and placement of provisional restorations.
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