Mar 14, 2025  
2021-2022 Course Catalog 
2021-2022 Course Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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AGV 166 - Veterinary Nursing Care

Credits: 3
Lecture Hours: 1
Lab Hours: 4
Practicum Hours: 0
Work Experience: 0
Course Type: Voc/Tech
Introduces the fundamentals of animal nursing, including common procedures, restraint, venipuncture techniques, medication or fluid administration. Emphasis will be placed on nursing care for the hospitalized patient.
Prerequisite: AGV 120 , AGV 128  , AGV 129  and AGV 133  
  1. Perform common diagnostic procedures.
    1. Demonstrate a manual blood pressure
    2. Demonstrate a pulse oximetry reading
    3. Demonstrate vision tests
  2. Administer medications.
    1. Administer IV, SQ, PO, IM and topical medications
    2. Administer oxygen therapy
  3. Outline handling of wounds.
    1. Describe development of a wound
    2. Prepare proper medicants and dressings for bandaging and splints
    3. Discuss with owners proper aftercare for wounds and bandages
  4. Outline proper handling of recumbent patients.
    1. Discuss prevention and treatment of decubitus ulcers
    2. Develop aftercare procedures for owner’s home-care
  5. Evaluate fluid dynamics of the animal.
    1. Determine levels of hydration
    2. Perform a cephalic and saphenous IV catheter
    3. Administer fluids and blood products
    4. Assess treatment responses
  6. Perform routine venipuncture techniques.
    1. Prepare a sample using a syringe or vacutainer for sample collection
    2. Understand how to find and palpate the jugular, cephalic and saphenous vein for sample collection

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