Feb 08, 2025
AGA 157 - Soil Fertility Credits: 1 Lecture Hours: 0 Lab Hours: 2 Practicum Hours: 0 Work Experience: 0 Course Type: Open The physical, chemical and biological study of soil properties provided through a laboratory setting. The class will review the interaction of nutrients, land measurement and environmental concerns through soil management issues. Corequisite: AGA 154 (recommended) or AGH 146 Competencies
- Demonstrate a knowledge of soil as a medium for plant growth
- Define soil
- Explain how the three phase soil system impacts plant growth
- Describe how hydroponics differs from soil as a growing medium
- Identify the 17 essential nutrients for plant growth
- Summarize how photosynthesis impacts the water and oxygen requirements
- Explain the soil formation process
- Explain the process of weathering and formation of parent material
- Demonstrate a knowledge of soil formation, profile formation and classification
- Identify the five soil forming factors
- Compare the physical properties of soil
- Identify the differences between soil separates
- Demonstrate soil texture classification using the textural triangle, field method (ribbon test) or hydrometer method
- Identify structural classification of soil peds
- Determine soil color using Munsell Color Chart
- Compare and/or evaluate soil profiles
- Analyze land use interpretations
- Identify a plot of land given a legal description
- Calculate land area, length and percent slope
- Demonstrate use of land surveying and measuring instruments
- Evaluate a soil classification map
- Differentiate land capability classes with the aid of a soil survey
- Compare soil limitations and potentials and develop a land management plan
- Interpret soil evaluation.
- Perform soil sampling techniques
- Perform soil test analysis for N-P-K and pH
- Interpret basic soil test for N-P-K and pH
- Identify the 17 macro and micro nutrients found within the soil
- Explain the role of primary and secondary nutrients in crop production
- Interpret fertilizer grades and ratios
- Compare fertilizer cost
- Calculate fertilizer cost based on nutrient recommendations
- Describe the benefits of animal waste as a source of soil nutrients
- Compare soil erosion concerns
- Identify the different types of erosion associated with water and/or wind
- Explain the components of the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE).
- Calculate soil loss using the USLE
- Calculate the economic impact of soil erosion
- Explain soil and water conservation practices
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