Jan 15, 2025  
2020-2021 Course Catalog 
2020-2021 Course Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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SUR 805 - Clinical Practicum I

Credits: 5
Lecture Hours: 0
Lab Hours: 0
Practicum Hours: 15
Work Experience: 0
Course Type: Voc/Tech
This course will develop the skills needed to work as a surgical technologist. This includes instruction with a preceptor on preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative surgical case management at the clinical facility. The student will scrub on a variety of surgical cases.
Prerequisite: SUR 130  and SUR 140  with a grade of C or better, BIO 733  
  1. Perform the ability to assist with circulating duties
    1. Demonstrate knowledge of safety measures for the surgical patient
    2. Establish patient safety measures such as never leaving the patient alone
    3. Perform application of grounding pad, safety strap and other safety equipment as needed
    4. Establish comfort measures to patient upon admittance to the OR, such as offer the patient a warm blanket.
    5. Utilize the knowledge of different safety measures, such as gel pads, pillows, offer the patient a warm blanket, ask if they ha
    6. Demonstrate proper techniques for transferring a surgical patient
    7. Demonstrate proper positioning techniques
    8. Demonstrates an understanding of the principles of the patient surgical skin preparation
    9. Develop an understanding of OR routines and techniques
  2. Evaluate how to interact with patients, peers and surgical staff in a professional manner
    1. Examine a professional appearance and manner
    2. Develop a caring attitude with patients
    3. Report information to the patient and staff in a professional manner
    4. Seek additional experience and information when dealing with unfamiliar situations
    5. Compose appropriate questions at an appropriate time
    6. Analyze constructive criticism
    7. Use clinical time to take advantage of learning opportunities
    8. Establish patient confidentiality by following all HIPPA requirements
  3. Illustrate the ability to assist anesthesia with patient care
    1. Demonstrate the ability of placement of anesthesia monitors
    2. Prepare to assist with intubation of the surgical patient
    3. Establish cricoid pressure
  4. Assess ability to organize and obtain applicable equipment for surgical procedures
    1. Prepare the operating room suite for a surgical procedure
    2. Assess needs for new equipment, instruments, or supplies for a surgical procedure by reviewing the doctor’s preference card
  5. Assess the ability to apply knowledge of proper instrument handling and setup
    1. Identify all instruments by proper name
    2. Demonstrate proper technique in handling and passing of instruments and equipment
  6. Assess preoperative case management
    1. Demonstrate the preparation and opening of supplies and instruments needed for any operative procedure with the maintenance of sterile technique at all times
    2. Show the proper technique for the surgical hand scrub, gowning and gloving of self and assisting the surgical team members
    3. Demonstrate the proper technique and organization for preparing sterile supplies and instruments on a sterile field
    4. Demonstrate the procedure of draping the Mayo stand
    5. Demonstrate in detail the procedure for counting instruments, sponges, needles and other items on the sterile field
    6. Demonstrate the proper technique for labeling, mixing and handling of medications and drugs on the sterile field with the ‘six rights of drug administration
    7. Select instruments and set up Mayo stand
    8. Prepare to organize towels and drapes in proper sequence with suction, ESU, towel clips and light handles in preparation for the surgical procedure
    9. Identify and correct breaks in sterile technique
    10. Report other team members of breaks in sterile technique
  7. Assess intraoperative case management
    1. Demonstrate the ability to perform in the role of primary scrub
    2. Characterize knowledge pertaining to basic surgical procedures
    3. Assess limitations in performing unfamiliar surgical procedures
    4. Demonstrate proper care, handling and assembly of surgical instruments
    5. Show proper draping technique of the surgical patient for a variety of surgical procedure
    6. Demonstrate proper identification, handling and delivery of surgical instruments and equipment during the surgical procedure
    7. Demonstrate proper handling and delivery of sharps and needles during the surgical procedures
    8. Demonstrate the appropriate procedure of passing medications on the operative field
    9. Develop organization of instruments, sharps and needles on the sterile field
    10. Show how to handle and pass specimens correctly from the sterile field
    11. Perform closing counts of surgical instruments, sharps and needles on the sterile field
    12. Identify and correct breaks in sterile technique, including informing other team members of such breaks
  8. Assess postoperative case management
    1. Demonstrate proper handling of instruments and equipment during the complete break down of the back table and Mayo stand postoperatively
    2. Show proper disposal of sharps and needles in appropriate container
    3. Demonstrate proper disposal of drapes postoperatively in the appropriate container
    4. Show proper disposal of trash and linen in the appropriate container
    5. Demonstrate proper gown and glove removal
    6. Demonstrate postoperative patient care, including transfer and transportation to PACU

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