Mar 10, 2025
ITR 891 - Judiciary I/T Internship Credits: 3 Lecture Hours: 2 Lab Hours: 0 Practicum Hours: 3 Work Experience: 0 Course Type: Open Application of the knowledge, skills and attitudes gained in the classroom by interning under qualified/ certified interpreters and translators in a variety of judiciary environments. Interns develop professional resumes, cover letters and portfolios. After securing an internship position, interns will shadow their mentors and then move into actual translation/translation assignments in appropriate monitored situations. (This course is Pass/Fail.) Prerequisite: Minimum of C in all ITR courses. Corequisite: ITR 209 Competencies During this course, the student will be expected to:
- Develop a professional résumé.
- Synthesize and incorporate relevant prior work experience.
- Synthesize and incorporate relevant prior studies.
- Prepare résumé according to format and editing guidelines.
- Print résumé using appropriate print/paper quality.
- Secure an internship position in an appropriate business situation, or a mentorship under a qualified business interpreter/translator.
- Use prior networking or active contact research to prepare list of potential positions.
- Use appropriate means (telephone, mail, visits) to make initial contacts with potential positions.
- Observe professional conduct in phone and in-person interviews.
- Notify instructor of internship position secured.
- Perform 60 hours of supervised translation or translation work during the term.
- Develop, in consultation with mentor and instructor, a plan of action for internship.
- Demonstrate professionalism (promptness, appropriate attire, appropriate behavior).
- Document translation and translation work performed during internship through weekly progress reports.
- Debrief experiences with instructor and other interns during weekly class sessions.
- Attend all class sessions.
- Hand in all required reports.
- Discuss potential technical and ethical issues that arise during internship.
- Apply principles discussed in class to internship activities.
- Develop a professional portfolio.
- Choose appropriate presentation style and format.
- Determine appropriate sections for portfolio.
- Gather relevant artifacts and reflections from prior studies/work.
- Incorporate updated résumé into portfolio.
- Obtain comments/critique on portfolio from internship mentor.
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