Feb 10, 2025
AGS 249 - Aquaculture/Aquarium Sci II Credits: 3 Lecture Hours: 2 Lab Hours: 2 Practicum Hours: 0 Work Experience: 0 Course Type: Voc/Tech This course continues the exploration of aquaculture as it relates to public aquariums, aquatic research facilities and the commercial marine ornamental pet trade. A specific focus on the breeding, spawning and rearing of ornamental marine fishes will be implemented through laboratory exercises and facility site visits. Live food culture and marine invertebrates aquaculture will be studied with hands-on experiences involving both jellyfish and live coral propagations. Prerequisite: AGS 222 Competencies
- Assess issues that impact the future of the industry
- Distinguish wild collected versus captive raised marine animals
- Evaluate economic impact of wild collected versus captive raised species
- Explain how consumer preference influences both selection and production methods
- Compare and contrast the work being done by SECORE versus Coral Reef Restoration Foundation
- Interpret data
- Collect data
- Analyze trends in larval rearing successes
- Predict spawning and hatching dates
- Diagram the reproductive cycle of the marine ornamental fish
- Compare protogynous versus protandrous hermaphroditism
- Define simultaneous hermaphroditism
- Discriminate benthic versus pelagic spawning
- Discuss mouth brooders
- Differentiate monogamy versus harem spawning
- Examine varying degrees of parental care of eggs and offspring
- Summarize quantitative gambling in egg production and larval survivability
- Evaluate benefits of live food versus frozen or prepared foods
- Create at least one species of green water
- Describe the benefits of a variety of species of alga commonly referred to as green water
- Produce consistent rotifer cultures
- De-capsulate and hatch live brine shrimp
- Assess coral growth dependency on physical parameters
- Explain available calcium and magnesium as limiting factors in coral growth
- Examine how phosphates inhibit coral growth
- Analyze coral structural growth dependency on water currents
- Interpret minimum light duration and intensity requirements and photo inhibition as it pertains to coral growth rates
- Decide water flow rates
- Examine water flow requirements for live coral versus fish production
- Assess impeller versus propeller water flow production and its sheer force effect
- Compare devices used in aquaculture to increase water flow taking into consideration the economics of energy consumption
- Describe the concept of a pseudokreisel
- Provide a detailed description of how a kreisel works
- Summarize multiple uses of kreisels in aquaculture
- Illustrate the life cycle of the Moon Jellyfish
- Demonstrate proper shipping and handling skills for animals produced in the aquaculture lab
- Package marine fish for a 48-hour transport
- Prepare package a variety of live corals for a 48-hour transport including methods involving dry shipping, flotation, and bubble wrap padding
- Package Moon Jellyfish for a 24-hour transport
- Utilizing the water balloon technique to package jellyfish for a 48-hour transport
- Evaluate wastewater management issues related to aquaculture
- Analyze the potential effects of untreated aquaculture wastewater as a pollutant
- Assess the impact of state and federal regulations
- Examine careers in aquaculture
- Compare commercial viability of small, medium, and large commercial start-up ventures
- Give examples of jobs outside the aquaculture field that utilize the skills obtained through aquaculture
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