Feb 17, 2025
AGS 222 - Aquaculture/Aquarium Sci I Credits: 3 Lecture Hours: 2 Lab Hours: 2 Practicum Hours: 0 Work Experience: 0 Course Type: Voc/Tech An exploration of aquaculture as it relates to public aquariums, aquatic research facilities and the commercial marine ornamental pet trade. A specific focus on the effects of husbandry, natural habitat mimicry and water quality will be implemented through laboratory exercises and facility site visits. Competencies
- Explore careers implementing marine aquaculture related skills
- Discuss Educational / Entertainment uses for marine aquaculture
- Identify commercial aquaculture industries
- Analyze feeding techniques
- Discuss components of proper nutrition
- Explore herbivore, carnivore, and omnivore feeding behaviors and requirements
- Demonstrate broadcast, target, and enrichment feedings
- Outline feeding frequency and durations
- Explain proper food handling techniques
- Critique the components of proper husbandry in the maintenance of broodstock and newly produced offspring
- Demonstrate proper cleaning techniques for glass aquariums
- Discuss the necessity of observational skills and the importance of maintaining clean aquariums for the identification of problems at the initial stages of development
- Evaluate cross contamination and its catastrophic effects
- Analyze the importance and differences of equipment disinfection and sterilization
- Outline management benefits associated with re-circulating systems
- Explain necessity of water changes
- Demonstrate siphoning and substrate vacuuming techniques
- Cite reasons for the importance of data collection
- Describe the importance of species selection
- Explain the importance of quarantine
- List the importance of minimizing stress
- Appraise how environmental mimicry can be a conditioning tool for spawning
- Explain aquarium STRESS and its negative effects on livestock
- Demonstrate creative aquascaping to relieve stress and lessen aggression
- Compare the effects of natural light cycles and consistent artificial lighting
- Defend the need for light
- Discuss photosynthesis in regards to heterotrophic versus autotrophic corals
- Examination photoperiod as a spawning and egg-hatching trigger
- Analyze various types of lighting systems and their individual advantages
- Compare and contrast the design of open versus closed aquaculture systems
- Identify various materials used in the manufacture of marine aquaculture systems including the advantages of using glass, acrylic, fiberglass, concrete, and plywood in broodstock holding systems
- Analyze the advantages of using Schedule 40 vs. Schedule 80 PVC plumbing
- Point out various common plumbing fittings and their proper application
- Demonstrate basic plumbing techniques essential for system design
- Assess evaporation in marine systems and the establishment of Maximum Fill Lines
- Calculate volume and weight of marine water
- Characterize taxonomical identification of on-site species
- Identify taxonomical names for fresh water species
- Identify taxonomical names for fresh salt water species
- Interpret the nitrogen cycle and its effect on marine aquaculture
- Establish protocols for testing for nitrogen levels for production tanks
- Identify the dissolved oxygen levels on production systems
- Differentiate between the essential components and pollutants of saltwater
- Demonstrate reverse osmosis water purification
- Manufacture synthetic saltwater
- Appraise water quality analysis
- Demonstrate proper water sampling and analysis techniques
- Measure and adjust salinity and temperature
- Solve for dissolved oxygen issues
- Analyze ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate concentrations
- Adjust pH and alkalinity
- Solve for phosphates excursions
- Adjust calcium and magnesium concentrations
- Compare and contrast biological, mechanical, and chemical filtration
- Assess various filters
- Utilize protein skimmers
- Outline the benefits of UV sterilization
- Categorize common marine diseases and treatment protocols
- Explain the impact of marine diseases on production levels.
- Prepare appropriate control treatments for each disease
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