Dec 21, 2024  
2020-2021 Course Catalog 
2020-2021 Course Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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ADN 474 - Mental Health Nursing

Credits: 5
Lecture Hours: 3
Lab Hours: 0
Practicum Hours: 6
Work Experience: 0
Course Type: Open
Provides an in-depth study of mental health nursing, including mental health needs, mental illness and addictive disorders. Communication and principles of group process are emphasized.
Prerequisite: PNN 605 , PNN 606 , PNN 351 , ENG 105 , SPC 122 , BIO 732  or BIO 187.
Corequisite: ADN 611  
  1. Describe how changes in societal attitudes have affected the treatment of the mentally ill
    1. Discuss the important developments in the evolution of mental health care
    2. Describe current issues in mental health care (including funding and resources).
    3. Explore the roles and responsibilities of the nurse in psychiatric mental health nursing
    4. Apply ANA standards for mental health nursing to the practice setting
    5. Discuss available resources (settings, programs, services) designed to meet various needs of clients and family
    6. Analyze the therapeutic purpose of activities, outpatient services, sheltered services, and residential settings
    7. Explore myths and stigma related to mental illness
    8. Analyze the effect of stereotyping on clients, families, and the public
    9. Identify strategies for managing conflict
  2. Describe the legal and ethical responsibilities involved in providing mental health care
    1. Compare and contrast admission and discharge procedures
    2. Describe the concept of least restrictive environment
    3. Discuss client’s rights in the mental health setting
    4. Discuss standards, nursing care, and ethical issues related to the use of seclusion and restraint
  3. Apply the principles of group process
    1. Describe basic concepts of groups
    2. Describe group behaviors and roles
    3. Conduct health teaching with a client/family group
    4. Participates effectively as a group member
    5. Discuss the dynamics of the therapeutic milieu
  4. Apply the nursing process to care for clients with mental health needs, mental illness, or addictive disorders
    1. Apply the nursing process in the care of the mental health client
    2. Describe the components of psychosocial assessment
    3. Discuss strategies to facilitate psychosocial assessments
    4. Discuss the actions, side effects, therapeutic dosages, and nursing implications for antipsychotic, antidepressant, mood-stabilizing medications
    5. Discuss medications used to manage side effects of psychotropic medications
    6. Discuss nursing interventions for clients receiving ECT
    7. Identify characteristics of mood disorders
    8. Describe the theories of etiology for mood disorders
    9. Apply the nursing process to the care of clients with mood disorders
    10. Apply the nursing process to the care of suicidal clients
    11. Evaluate the effectiveness of treatment for mood disorders
    12. Identify characteristics and risk factors for thought disorders
    13. Describe the aspects of a functional assessment
    14. Describe the theories of etiology for thought disorders
    15. Apply the nursing process to the care of clients with thought disorders
    16. Evaluate the effectiveness of treatment for thought disorders
    17. Identify characteristics of substance abuse
    18. Discuss the physiologic effects of alcohol abuse and withdrawal
    19. Describe the theories of etiology for substance abuse
    20. Apply the nursing process to the care of clients with substance abuse
    21. Discuss the principles and concepts involved in substance abuse treatment
    22. Describe the concepts of codependency as it applies to family and friends
    23. Discuss potential warning signs of an impaired professional
    24. Discuss characteristics of violence and abuse
    25. Describe the theories of etiology for abuse and violence
    26. Explain procedures for examination, screening, and evidence collection
    27. Apply the nursing process to care of clients who have been abused or traumatized
    28. Discuss reactions that health care workers may experience when working with clients who have been abused
    29. Apply the crisis intervention framework to actual or hypothetical client situations
    30. Explore the relationships among stress, anxiety, and use of defense mechanisms
    31. Identify characteristics for each level of anxiety
    32. Describe the theories of etiology for anxiety, somatoform, and dissociative disorders
    33. Apply the nursing process to the care of clients with anxiety, somatoform, and dissaciative disorders
    34. Evaluate the effectiveness of treatment for anxiety, somatoform, and dissociative disorders
    35. Identify characteristics of each personality disorder
    36. Discuss theories of etiology for personality disorders
    37. Apply the nursing process to the care of clients with personality disorders
    38. Explore the reaction of family, friends, and others to clients with personality disorders
    39. Discuss the effectiveness of various treatment modalities
    40. Identify characteristics of psychophysiologic disorders
    41. Describe the theories of etiology for clients with eating disorders
    42. Discuss family dynamics of clients with eating disorders
    43. Apply the nursing process to the care of clients with eating disorders
    44. Evaluate the effectiveness of treatment for psychophysiologic disorders
    45. Discuss reactions of health care workers in response to clients with psycho-physiologic disorders
    46. Discuss mental health needs of children and adolescents
    47. Distinguish normal form pathologic behavior in children and adolescents
    48. Apply the nursing process to the care of children and adolescents with mental health needs
    49. Evaluate the effectiveness of treatment for children and adolescents
    50. Complete psychosocial assessment in the mental health setting
    51. Develop a plan of care in the mental health setting
    52. Implement a plan of care in the mental health setting
    53. Evaluate a plan of care in the mental health setting
    54. Establish and maintain a therapeutic relationship
  5. Implement effective written and verbal communications to facilitate effective care in the promotion of mental health
    1. Differentiate between a social, intimate, and therapeutic relationship in the mental health setting
    2. Discuss therapeutic use of self in the phases of the nurse-client relationship
    3. Select advanced communication techniques which meet the needs of the client.
    4. Implement advanced therapeutic communication skills that meet the needs of the client/family
    5. Reports comprehensive client data according to established guidelines
    6. Establish collaborative relationships with members of the health care team
    7. Independently initiate an interaction with a client

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