Feb 16, 2025
BIO 732 - Health Science Microbiology Credits: 4 Lecture Hours: 3 Lab Hours: 2 Practicum Hours: 0 Work Experience: 0 Course Type: Open Basic concepts and applications of medical microbiology. Topics include morphology and physiology of microorganisms, pathology, epidemiology and immunology. Designed for the health science major. It is recommended that high school Chemistry be taken prior to this course. Prerequisite: H.S. Biology or equivalent Competencies
- Comply with safety and health rules
- Explain appropriate safety procedures for the microbiology laboratory.
- Demonstrate appropriate safety procedures for the microbiology laboratory.
- Identify the locations of safety equipment in the laboratory room.
- Use laboratory microscopes
- Identify major parts of the microscope.
- Demonstrate proper technique in the use of a microscope.
- Demonstrate proper care of the microscope
- Relate microbial morphology to function.
- Classify disease-causing microorganisms.
- Differentiate between Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria.
- Identify structures and functions of endospores and plasmids.
- Characterize microbial metabolism and growth.
- Summarize basic concepts of life chemistry.
- Relate cellular functions.
- Discuss cellular respiration
- Differentiate between the metabolic reactions of different bacteria.
- Identify nutrient needs of disease-causing bacteria.
- Relate microbial characteristics to their disease-causing capabilities.
- Relate Koch’s postulates to modern concepts of disease.
- Describe the normal flora of the human body
- Discuss infection
- Explain terminology describing disease processes.
- Examine epidemiology
- Differentiate between selected disease-causing pathogens.
- Identify methods of sterilization and disinfection.
- Identify anti-pathogenic chemotherapeutic agents.
- Explain the concept of host defense mechanisms.
- Identify the factors that are important in disease resistance.
- Differentiate between cell types involved in immunity.
- Recognize characteristics of antibodies.
- Differentiate between active and passive immunity.
- Use aseptic techniques
- Demonstrate microbiology laboratory techniques.
- Demonstrate proper gram staining technique.
- Culture bacteria.
- Master proper hand washing techniques.
- Evaluate lab results
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