Feb 18, 2025  
2013-2014 Course Catalog 
2013-2014 Course Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Services

Academic Achievement Centers

The Academic Achievement Centers located on each campus are available to all full-time and part-time students in the following categories:

  1. Students seeking homework help, especially in the areas of math, science, English, reading and study skills.
  2. Adults working toward high school completion (GED or adult high school diploma) or completing a program of basic literacy skills (ABE).
  3. Students pursuing noncredit studies for academic upgrading, prerequisites or enrichment.

Computer-assisted instruction is also available in many academic areas. Contact the Academic Achievement Center at each campus for additional information.

Alumni Association

Des Moines Area Community College has an active Alumni Association. Headed by a volunteer Board of Directors, the Association strives to maintain contact with and provide services and benefits to alumni and friends. Through annual fundraising activities, the Association provides scholarships to deserving DMACC students. For more information or to get involved, contact the Alumni Association office at 515-965-7331, via email at alumni@dmacc.edu or online www.dmacc.edu/alumni.

Academic Advising

Academic advisors are available to assist students in planning their educational programs, meeting graduation requirements, further developing their academic skills and using resources of the College to meet their educational needs. Assistance is given in selecting a transfer institution and the transferring of credits.

Assessment Testing

The COMPASS assessment is available for current and prospective students at each of the following DMACC Testing Centers.

Ankeny Campus 515-964-6595
Boone Campus 515-433-5096
Carroll Campus 712-792-1755
Hunziker Center 515-663-6700
Newton Campus 641-791-3622
Perry VanKirk Academy 515-428-8100
Success Center 515-287-8700
Urban Campus 515-248-7218
West Campus 515-633-2408

DMACC offers English as a Second Language (ESL) COMPASS tests for students whose first language is not English. All full-time and part-time students whose first language is not English are required to take and pass the ESL COMPASS test as a requirement for admission. Placement in ESL courses, college preparatory courses or college-level courses is based on minimum scores. Please contact the DMACC Testing Centers at the campus nearest you for more information concerning other tests for program entry requirements, or check the website at www.dmacc.edu/testingcenter/.

Campus Recreation Programs

Fitness and intramural sports opportunities are available for students at Des Moines Area Community College. Facilities are located in Building 5 on the Ankeny Campus and on the Boone Campus. A schedule of intramural events and rules for participation are available online and in the Campus Recreation Center on the Ankeny Campus. Free fitness classes and discounted personal training services are also available to currently enrolled DMACC students on the Ankeny Campus. All currently enrolled DMACC students are eligible to utilize the Campus Recreation Center, as are paid Alumni Association members (with a valid membership card). Basketball, volleyball and other court sports as well as fitness classes take place on the gym floor. A walking/running track is also available in the gym. The fitness center houses a variety of cardiovascular and strength training equipment. Locker rooms and shower facilities are also available. Locker rentals and towel services are available for a nominal fee per semester. The gym is also available for rentals. See staff for details.

The facility hours are posted online at www.dmacc.edu/campusrecreation and are subject to change. Guests are welcome for a $2.00 fee. Family members and other guests are welcome as long as they are accompanied by a valid DMACC student or eligible Alumni Association member. No children under 12 years of age are allowed in the fitness center. Patrons must follow all posted facility rules. For more information and current hours of operation, contact 515-964-6333.

Campus Security

Law enforcement and security are provided to help ensure the safety and security of our campuses. DMACC provides 24-hour/7-day security officer patrol of the Ankeny Campus. At the Urban Campus, security officer patrol is 7 a.m. to 10:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday; 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Friday; and 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Saturday. Security measures may include uniformed security guards, closed-circuit television, building security systems, exterior lighting, courtesy phones and attention to landscape materials. In addition, the Ankeny, Des Moines, Boone, Carroll, Newton and West Des Moines Police Departments patrol and assist the College in their respective jurisdictions. DMACC Security personnel administer traffic and parking regulations, ensure safety and security, and provide assistance to the College community.

Career Center

The Career Center provides comprehensive services and resources to help students with all aspects of their career exploration and job search processes. Advisors and counselors provide career and major exploration services, like the free career assessment, Choices, and career counseling, to help students learn more about potential career paths. The Career Center also provides individual assistance with resume and cover letter writing, interview preparation, and job-seeking skills, and assists students seeking employment through the College Work-Study Program.

Individual assistance with resume writing, application letters, interviewing and job-seeking skills is readily available.

The Career Center coordinates on-campus recruiting events with employers and oversees a free website which advertises current full-time, part-time, and internship opportunities located off-campus (CollegeCentral.com/DMACC). The Career Center also provides a variety of career-related print and web reference materials.

Also available is a free online employment service to help students find careers that match their degrees: www.collegecentral.com/DMACC. For additional information, visit www.dmacc.edu/careercenter.

For further information, contact the Ankeny Career Center (515-964-6463), or the Student Services Offices on the Boone, Carroll, Newton, Urban and West campuses.

Child Care

The DMACC Child Development Center on the Ankeny Campus provides child care for the children of students, staff and faculty. Children ages 2-5 are eligible for child care during normal College business hours. Children must attend on a full- or part-time, regularly scheduled basis. The child care center is open year-round on student contact days only.

There is generally a waiting list. To request an application or for more information, call 515-964-6588.

Children should not be brought to class or left unattended at any time in a classroom, at clinical sites or on College property.

College Bookstores

The College bookstores are located at all DMACC campuses to serve students, faculty and staff.

In addition to course requirements, the bookstores stock supplemental study aids, paper products, office supplies, calculators, computers and computer supplies, imprinted gift items and up-to-date college fashions.

Hours of operation vary at each campus. Check with each bookstore for more information.

During the first week of each semester, hours will be extended to accommodate evening and weekend students. During student breaks, all bookstores will close early and hours will be posted.

A receipt is required for a full refund or exchange of any textbook. Textbooks may be returned within seven days from the beginning of each semester, as long as the textbook is in the same condition as when purchased. Check with the bookstore for further details of the Bookstore Return Policy. Materials purchased with a check require seven days before a refund will be processed.

Students whose books do not qualify for a refund are encouraged to use our everyday buyback. Check with the bookstore for further details regarding the Buyback Policy.

Textbook purchases should be made at the campus location of your class. Online orders can be picked up at any DMACC Bookstore location. Please allow two extra business days for the transfer. Online class book purchases may be made through the DMACC website: www.dmacc.edu/student_services/bookstore. Online class books are available ONLY at the Ankeny Campus bookstore. MasterCard, VISA, American Express and Discover charge cards are accepted. A picture ID is required when writing a check in the bookstore. Students with prewritten checks from parents must also present a picture ID. Checks must be written for the amount of purchase only and payable to DMACC Bookstore.

Picture IDs are required for all Financial Aid, third-party agency, voucher purchases and buyback transactions.

College Preparatory Education

College Preparatory Education offers a variety of courses to help students succeed in reaching their educational and career goals. The preparatory reading, writing and math courses are particularly designed for students who need to strengthen their academic skills before enrolling in college-level courses. Although credits from the preparatory reading, writing and math courses do not count toward a degree or diploma, they do count toward semester load and are figured into the GPA.

Other preparatory courses, such as SDV 108, The College Experience; SDV 115, Study Strategies; and SDV 130, Career Exploration, do count toward a degree or diploma as elective credits, and are transferable.

Preadmission chemistry and preadmission biology are also offered as self-paced, noncredit courses for students who did not complete these courses in high school or who need to strengthen their skills before enrolling in a college-level biology or chemistry course. Enrollment in these courses is through the Academic Achievement Centers.

Counseling Services

The College provides professional counselors to assist students in career and educational planning and in solving problems of a personal nature. Counselors help students make decisions and plan for a successful future. Counselors are available to help students choose an educational program or career direction, recommend and interpret career tests and inventories, examine mid-career options, discuss anticipated academic difficulties and develop an appropriate course of study.

Students who experience difficulty or dissatisfaction with their curriculum are encouraged to make use of the counseling services to explore options or an alternative course of action. Counselors can also provide assistance with study skills, developing satisfying personal and social relationships, solving financial problems and getting through a crisis.

Counseling services are available to assist all students, including those in evening classes and at off-campus sites. Contact the most convenient campus for further information.

Food Services

Vending machines are available at each campus. The Ankeny, Boone, Urban/Des Moines and West campuses have food services where food is prepared on-site. For formal dining, the Culinary Arts students on the Ankeny Campus operate the Bistro, located in Building 7.

Intramural Recreation

Intramural sports are available for students, faculty and staff on the Ankeny and Boone campuses. Opportunities exist year-round for both individual and team recreational sports and activities. Applications for participation are available online at www.dmacc.edu/campusrecreation and in the Campus Recreation Center in Building 5 on the Ankeny Campus.

Information Center

The main DMACC Information Center is located in Building 1 on the Ankeny campus. The Center is designed to help students, prospective students and visitors to the College. Material is available on all college programs, current course listings and general DMACC information. Information can also be obtained at the Student Life or Student Development/Counseling & Advising offices of the Boone, Carroll, Newton, Urban and West Campuses. Contact 515-964-6200 or 800-362-2127.


Online Library services are available to all DMACC campuses and centers. Full library collections and services are available at the Ankeny, Boone, Carroll, Newton, Urban and West campuses. The DMACC Libraries’ website provides access to information from any computer on the College network at www.dmacc.edu/library. Off-campus access to our online resources is available to currently-enrolled students.

The DMACC Libraries are full members of the Online Computer Library Center, Inc. (OCLC), an internationally recognized bibliographic utility that provides important products and services to libraries and their users. DMACC is a member of the Polk County Biomedical Consortium, a group of health science libraries affiliated with the National Library of Medicine. DMACC also participates in the Iowa Library Services’ Open Access program, which allows our cardholders to borrow materials from other participating libraries. Materials not owned by the Library can be obtained through InterLibrary Loan (ILL) services at no charge to the user.

Ankeny Campus

The Ankeny Campus Library has 40,000 volumes in the book collection, 200 periodical subscriptions and 3,000 videos and other audiovisual materials. The collections emphasize subjects related to the College curriculum, including the humanities, social sciences, natural and health sciences, business and technology. Interlibrary loan service is available at no charge to DMACC students and staff for books and articles not owned by our libraries. Other services include reference assistance, coin-operated photocopiers, group study rooms, video viewing area and library orientation sessions. In addition, at least one section of Library Instruction (SDV 171) is offered on campus each semester.

Boone Campus

The Boone Campus Library has a collection of approximately 19,000 circulating and reference books, 175 periodical subscriptions, compact discs, audio books and a large collection of videos. Material not owned by the Library can be obtained through Interlibrary loan at no charge. It also participates in the Open Access program through the State Library. The Library also provides access to the 40-station student computer lab at the Boone Campus. In addition, a Library Instruction class (SDV 171) is offered by the staff each semester.

Carroll Campus

The Carroll Campus Library has a collection of approximately 4,000 circulating and reference books, more than 100 periodical subscriptions and a variety of audiovisual materials, including DVDs, videotapes, compact disks and audio books. In addition, DMACC Libraries Online provides access to all the DMACC campuses’ library catalogs, research databases containing full-text reference sources for academic and popular periodical articles and other online information resources, electronic books and audio books. Beyond the DMACC libraries, we provide access to Interlibrary Loan (ILL) to obtain materials not owned by the College. There is a special collection of curriculum materials, especially for use by the 2 + 2 Elementary Education program. Additionally, the library provides access to a student computer lab where students can work on assignments using Microsoft Office 2007, search the web, or research using library resources.

Newton Campus

The Library at the Newton Campus houses a growing collection of academic, research and leisure reading books, as well as a number of periodical, newspaper and audiovisual titles. Students may conduct online research via the DMACC Library website www.dmacc.edu/library at the computer stations located in the Library, or from their home computers. The Library also houses instructor reserve materials and is the designated location for students to take makeup exams and quizzes. Students may borrow materials housed at any of the other DMACC libraries by processing an Interlibrary Loan request at the Library.

Urban Campus

The Urban/Des Moines Campus Library is a full-service academic library. The print collection supports courses, research and activities at the Urban/Des Moines Campus. Areas of particular strength in our collection include African-American history, multicultural topics, environmental science, surgical technology and paralegal education. In addition to our print periodical collection, patrons with a valid library card have online access to thousands of journals and articles. Items not owned by the Urban/Des Moines Campus Library can usually be obtained through Interlibrary Loan. This service is provided without charge to DMACC students, faculty and staff. Professional librarians are available to provide reference services. Upon instructor request, the librarians are available to provide library orientations or other research-related instruction. A one-credit library instruction course (SDV 171) is offered each semester by the Urban/Des Moines librarians. The library has a self-service photocopier and viewing stations for watching a/v items. In addition to these services, the Urban/Des Moines Campus Library contains a Library Research Lab. When not in use for library instruction, the 25 computers in this room are available for student use.

West Campus

The Academic Resource Center (ARC) at West Campus will assist students in accessing the resources available through the Ankeny Campus and other participating libraries.

Career Center

Services include lists of job openings (full-time and part-time) available in the area, assistance to students wanting to obtain work in the College Work-Study Program, referrals for internship and summer employment, on-campus recruitment and interviews by employers, labor market information, resource videos, and books, and a list of helpful websites for research from home.

Individual assistance with resume writing, application letters, interviewing and job-seeking skills is readily available.

Also available is a free online employment service to help students find careers that match their degrees: www.collegecentral.com/DMACC. For additional information, visit www.dmacc.edu/careercenter.

For further information, contact the Ankeny Career Center (515-964-6463), or the Student Services Offices on the Boone, Carroll, Newton, Urban and West campuses.

Services for Students With Disabilities

DMACC is committed to providing an accessible environment that helps students with disabilities reach their full potential. Support services are available for all students with disabilities to ensure equal access to educational opportunities.

DMACC employs a Disability Services Coordinator to work with students to develop and coordinate services based on individual student need.

If you are a student with a disability who requires reasonable accommodation to participate fully at DMACC, follow the steps listed below.

  1. Contact the Disability Services Coordinator at 515-964-6850 or e-mail at hlcoon@dmacc.edu or contact the counseling and advising office on any of the six campuses for an Application for Accommodation.
  2. Submit the completed application and supporting documentation to:
    Des Moines Area Community College
    Attention: Disability Services Coordinator
    2006 South Ankeny Blvd., Bldg. 6-10b
    Ankeny, Iowa 50023-3993
  3. Schedule a time to meet with the Disability Services Coordinator, counselor or advisor to discuss coordination of these services.
  4. Contact the Disability Services Coordinator with any questions during this process.

Student Handbook

For more information about services, procedures and policies at Des Moines Area Community College, pick up a copy of the Student Handbook at any Student Services office. The handbook includes information on student rights and responsibilities, student conduct and discipline policies, parking policies, academic appeals, policies regarding tobacco, alcohol and weapons on campus and more.

Student Health

Student Health Services is located on the Ankeny Campus in Building 24, Room 103, with some services extending to other campus locations.

Student Health Services offers students limited medical care, immunizations, emergency treatment and referrals. The Student Health Specialist is available M-F, 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m., during student contact days. A Nurse Practitioner is available two days a week for four hours during the Fall and Spring semesters. Information regarding Student Health Insurance is available along with health education and support materials. Contact 515-964-6352 for more information.

Student Housing

For housing options and area apartment information, please refer to www.dmacc.edu/housing.

For more information about student housing at the Boone Campus, contact the housing liaison, B.J. McGinn, at 515-433-5046.

For information about the independently owned and operated housing at the Ankeny Campus, please refer to www.dmacc.edu/housing.

The Information Center in Building 1 of the Ankeny Campus also provides information about housing options near the Ankeny and Urban campuses.

Information about student housing options for the Carroll, Newton and West campuses is available from the Student Services Offices at the respective campuses or at www.dmacc.edu/housing.

Testing Centers

The Testing Center provides a site for makeup testing when students have missed class on a test day. The center also serves as a site for administering correspondence tests for courses taken at other institutions and challenge tests for DMACC courses.

Students must arrange with their instructors to have tests sent to a Testing Center. When students arrive to take their exams, they must present a picture identification, such as a driver’s license, and know the instructor’s last name. For Testing Center information, visit our website at www.dmacc.edu/testingcenter.

Tobacco-Free DMACC

Des Moines Area Community College has been a tobacco-free campus since July 2008. For the purpose of promoting a healthy environment and in accordance with Iowa law, the use of tobacco products is prohibited on the grounds of the College, including all outdoor areas, inside any vehicle located on school grounds and including a perimeter area of ten feet beyond the grounds of the College. Violators may be charged penalties in accordance with Iowa statute.


The Tutoring Office provides peer tutors to assist students who have difficulty with a particular course or courses. Knowledgeable tutors can assist students by reviewing the course material, answering questions and reviewing for exams. Students may be scheduled individually or with a group. For more information, contact the Tutoring Office on the Ankeny Campus at 515-965-7004 or stop by Building 6, Room 20. Students interested in tutoring on the Boone, Carroll, Newton, Urban and West campuses should contact the Academic Achievement Center at the campus attended. The College cannot guarantee the availability of tutors.

Employment Opportunities

The tutoring offices hire students as peer tutors. Tutors work in a fun, flexible environment and earn extra money while on campus. Contact the Tutoring Office on the Ankeny Campus at 515-965-7004 or the Academic Achievement Center on the Boone, Carroll, Newton, Urban or West campuses.

Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling

Through an agreement with Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services, a vocational rehabilitation counselor is assigned to the College to provide rehabilitation services to eligible students with disabilities. Individualized services to help the student achieve his or her vocational goals are identified in a jointly developed written rehabilitation plan. Vocational rehabilitation counseling is provided to eligible students by a professional counselor who has expertise in disability and vocational areas.