Sep 27, 2024  
2013-2014 Course Catalog 
2013-2014 Course Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

The following are standard, approved subjects. Availability of any subject depends on the scheduling, program and student needs at the time. The receiving college or university determines the transferability of courses.

Course Types

Adjunct Adjunct courses may be temporary or experimental and may be used to fulfill elective credit in programs that lead to a degree or diploma. Adjunct courses may not be used to fulfill or substitute for required or option courses in any degree or program.

General Noncore courses identified as freshman-sophomore courses. open Occupationally specific courses corresponding to courses in certain professional programs at four-year institutions.

Voc/Tech Occupationally specific courses. Transferability is generally limited. Only 16 credits can apply to the AA/AS degree.

Core Traditional liberal arts courses in the first two years of a baccalaureate degree.

College preparatory (Coll Prep) College preparatory and skill building courses. College Preparatory courses cannot be used to fulfill degree requirements.

P/F Indicates courses taken pass/fail.

Prerequisites Successful completion of a course or other criterion necessary for a student to succeed in a higher level course.

Corequisites A course that must be taken concurrently or prior to the course.

*An instructor may deny enrollment in or drop a student from a specific course if a course
Prerequisite has not been met.


Criminal Justice

  • CRJ 302 - Transportation & Border Sec

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    This course is an examination of the field of transportation and border security. The course will examine the role of both government and private enterprise in securing one of the most vulnerable and important industries worldwide. The course will discuss the threats to this industry with a view toward passenger, cargo and infrastructure protection. Strategies and policies to improve and protect the system will be discussed.
    Prerequisite: CRJ 301 
  • CRJ 303 - Intel Analysis & Sec Mgmt

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    This course is an examination of the field of intelligence analysis and its role in the security of the United States and its citizens. The course examines current trends in the intelligence world. Additionally, the course explores the role of operations, operators, source development and the ever-changing world of spy versus spy.
    Prerequisite: CRJ 301 
  • CRJ 330 - Forensic Photography I

    Credits: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    First in a series of forensic photography courses, this specific course emphasizes photography fundamentals and practical techniques critical for authoritative crime scene and evidence documentation.
  • CRJ 331 - Forensic Photography II

    Credits: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    This second course in forensic photography concentrates on technical aspects specific to creating images for investigative purposes. Topics include alternate light sources and photogrammetry, as well as an exploration of special considerations for documenting specific scenes, surveillance and evidence.
    Prerequisite: CRJ 330 
  • CRJ 332 - Forensic Photography III

    Credits: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    This course explores the role of digital imaging technologies and processing as they relate to evidentiary photography. Discussion about legal issues and admissibility of photographs is also included.
    Prerequisite: CRJ 331 
  • CRJ 932 - Internship

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 12
    Course Type: Open
    Involves 150 hours of active internship for students in an agency other than the one in which they may be employed. Synthesis paper required.
    (This course is Pass/Fail).
    Prerequisite: Criminal History Background Check to determine eligibility

Collision Repair/Refinishing

  • CRR 101 - Sheet Metal Welding

    Credits: 2
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 4
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Basic skills will be developed in oxygen-acetylene fusion welding and flame cutting. Gas metal arc (MIG) welding equipment and basic understanding of procedures related to auto collision area. Safety is emphasized.
  • CRR 150 - Basic Shop Safety

    Credits: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    A course designed to acquaint the student with the hazards in an auto collision facility. Emphasis on EPA regulations, OSHA guidelines, and personal health and safety in the shop area.
  • CRR 202 - Plastic Repair

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 2
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    The wide variety of solid plastics, flexible panels, plastic compounds and reinforced plastic panels now used in automobile manufacturing require separate repair procedures. Repair, replacement and refinishing of the substrates will be studied in classroom and the lab.
    Prerequisite: CRR 841 
  • CRR 325 - Sheet Metal Fundamentals

    Credits: 5
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 6
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Automobile design, the materials used in construction, collision, corrective forces, procedures for repair and services are analyzed through class and lab study.
    Prerequisite: CRR 101  must be taken concurrently or prior to this course
  • CRR 502 - Frame Damage Analysis

    Credits: 2
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 2
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Unibody design and construction has created a need for methods of damage analysis, gauging, measuring and sequencing total collision repair. This course emphasizes new technologies.
  • CRR 655 - Advanced Collision Repair

    Credits: 5
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 8
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    This course builds upon the knowledge and skill in previous auto collision courses to prepare the student to diagnose and repair conventional frame and unibody structural components. The theory and operating principles of unibody structural components will be emphasized. Lab instruction on late model vehicles will be included.
    Prerequisite: CRR 502 , CRR 101 
  • CRR 742 - Estimating Theory

    Credits: 2
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 2
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Vehicle damage estimating skills are needed to provide a written report. This report can then be used as a repair guide, a legal document, an analysis report and for business evaluation. Ability to use estimating guides and write estimates accurately will be emphasized.
  • CRR 760 - Advanced Estimating

    Credits: 2
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Estimating, customer relations and service selling are all important skills of ownership and managership. Hand and computer estimates will be written. Labor, parts and material costs and profits will be studied. Customer and employee relations will be studied.
    Prerequisite: CRR 742 
  • CRR 841 - Principles of Refinishing

    Credits: 5
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 4
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    This course will give the student an overall understanding of the complexities of today’s auto refinishing. Developing industry standard preparation habits and spray painting skills with various chemicals will be studied.
  • CRR 876 - Refinishing Production

    Credits: 6
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 6
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Industry application of colors and clear coats requires the latest information on repair and refinishing of today’s vehicles. This course covers the latest manufacturers’ preferred methods for repair using current colors and chemicals. Color matching will be emphasized.
    Prerequisite: CRR 877 , CRR 202 
  • CRR 877 - Refinishing Applications

    Credits: 7
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 8
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    This course covers the application techniques and equipment used in auto collision repair shops for refinishing, and will deal with potential problems with chemicals. Sheet metal and plastic parts repair and replacement in preparation for painting will also be studied in the lab. Shop and personal safety will be emphasized.
    Prerequisite: CRR 841 

Computer Science

  • CSC 105 - Computer Essentials

    Credits: 1
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 2
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: General
    The basics of the Windows operating system, electronic communications and internet research will be covered. Students will use basic features of word processing and presentation software. This course is intended for students with limited or no computer skills.
  • CSC 110 - Intro to Computers

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 2
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    Presents the basic concepts of computers and the effect that computers are having and will continue to have in the future. Incorporates theory as well as hands-on practice. Includes an introduction to Windows, Word, Excel, Access and the internet.

Dental Assistant

  • DEA 253 - Dental Science I

    Credits: 4
    Lecture Hours: 4
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Introduction to the various sciences necessary for the dental assistant. Microbiology and oral pathology are covered.
    Prerequisite: DEA 256  must be taken concurrently or prior to this course
  • DEA 256 - Dental Anatomy

    Credits: 2
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    The study of head, neck and dental anatomy is combined to give the student background information for application in dental assisting courses.
  • DEA 263 - Dental Science II

    Credits: 2
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    A continuation of Dental Science I. Emphasis on effects of drugs and emergency procedures.
    Prerequisite: CPR certification, DEA 253 , DEA 256 
  • DEA 297 - Ethics/Jurisprudence Seminar

    Credits: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Continuation of DEA 591 . Also includes the study of the ethics and legal responsibilities of the dental profession, as well as the functions and jurisprudence of the auxiliary personnel.
    Prerequisite: Second semester standing in Dental Assisting program
  • DEA 321 - Dental Radiography II

    Credits: 2
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 2
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    A continuation of Dental Radiography I. Weekly seminars for basic interpretation of radiographics and laboratory experience to develop student competence in making oral radiographic surveys.
    Prerequisite: DEA 253 , DEA 256 , DEA 507 , DHY 161 
  • DEA 424 - Dental Materials Lab

    Credits: 1
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 2
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Through laboratory experience, the student learns techniques in preparation and utilization of dental materials.
    Prerequisite: DEA 256 
  • DEA 507 - Principals of Dental Assisting

    Credits: 6
    Lecture Hours: 4
    Lab Hours: 4
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Basic concepts of chairside assisting are covered with emphasis on the role of the team in delivery systems. Terminology, instruments, equipment and basic procedures are covered.
    Prerequisite: DEA 253 , DEA 256 , DEA 424 ; DHY 221  must be taken concurrently or prior to this course
  • DEA 576 - Dental Assisting Clinic I

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 12
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Application of knowledge and skills as students rotate through dental offices, clinics and hospital clinics. General and specialty practices are included in rotations.
    Prerequisite: Current CPR Certification, DEA 253 , DEA 256 , DEA 507 , DEA 424 , DHY 221 , DHY 161 
    Corequisite: DEA 591 
  • DEA 577 - Dental Assisting Clinic II

    Credits: 4
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 16
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Continuation of DEA 576 .
    Corequisite: DEA 297 
  • DEA 591 - Dental Assisting Seminar

    Credits: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Discussion and problem-solving from clinical practice. Provides an awareness of types of office situations and discussion of clinical aspects of dental assisting and dentistry. Oral reports and weekly evaluations are required.
    Prerequisite: DEA 253 , DEA 256 , DEA 507 , DEA 424 , DHY 221 , DHY 161 .
    Corequisite: DEA 576 
  • DEA 615 - Clinical Dental Assisting

    Credits: 5
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 4
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    A continuation of Principals of Dental Assisting (DEA 507 ) with emphasis on operative dentistry, dental specialties and advanced functions. The laboratory phase develops students’ competencies in clinical assisting.
    Prerequisite: DEA 253 , DEA 256 , DEA 507 , DEA 424 , DHY 221 , DHY 161 
  • DEA 702 - Dental Office Procedures

    Credits: 2
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Covers the business aspects of the dental office: patient relations, appointment book management, financial records, telephone communications, credits and collections, dental insurance, tax records, supply and inventory systems.
    Prerequisite: 35 WPM keyboard skills and computer literacy

Dental Hygiene

  • DHY 114 - Dent Hyg Anatomical Science

    Credits: 4
    Lecture Hours: 4
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    Programmed dental anatomy supplemented by lectures, quizzes and discussions on the development, morphology and functions of the teeth, as well as principles of dental charting. Anatomy and physiology of the head and neck including mastication.
    Prerequisite: BIO 164 
  • DHY 121 - Oral Histology & Embryology

    Credits: 2
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    General and oral histology beginning with a consideration of cytology and followed by a study of the fundamentals of oral embryology and the normal microscopic anatomy of oral tissues.
    Prerequisite: BIO 164 
  • DHY 133 - Pharmacology

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    The study of drugs and their action on living tissue including their use as an aid in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease or to control or improve any physiological or pathological condition.
    Prerequisite: CHM 132 , DHY 114 , DHY 181 , DHY 182 
  • DHY 141 - General & Oral Pathology

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    Basic concepts of disease process and the oral manifestations of inflammation, degenerative changes, neoplasms and developmental anomalies of the oral cavity.
    Prerequisite: BIO 164 , DHY 121 , DHY 114 
  • DHY 161 - Oral Radiology

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 2
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    Lecture includes radiation physics; biological effects; radiation safety and protection; properties of x-ray film and digital receptors; techniques of exposing, processing, mounting and evaluating images; asepsis and legal and ethical responsibilities involved in performing radiographic procedures on dental patients of all ages and physical characteristics. Laboratory experiences are structured to enhance didactic competencies and to develop skills in exposing, processing, mounting, evaluating and interpreting radiographic images, as well as promoting clinical competence and professional demeanor.
    Corequisite: DEA 256  and DEA 507  or DHY 114 
  • DHY 170 - Principles of Dental Hygiene

    Credits: 2
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    Basic principles of clinical dental hygiene are introduced. In the practicum portion, we will look at the etiology of deposits and their effect on oral tissue, along with the theory and instrumentation techniques in deposit removal.
    Prerequisite: BIO 154, CHM 122 .
    Corequisite: DHY 171 
  • DHY 171 - Principles of Dental Hyg Pract

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 6
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    See DHY 170 .
    Prerequisite: BIO 164 , CHM 122 .
    Corequisite: DHY 170 
  • DHY 181 - Dental Hygiene I

    Credits: 2
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    A continuation of instrumentation techniques. Emphasis is placed on patient assessment and principles of patient education in chairside instruction. Topics include polishing techniques, topical application of fluoride and supplementary procedure.
    Prerequisite: DHY 170 , DHY 171 .
    Corequisite: DHY 182 
  • DHY 182 - Clinical Dental Hygiene I

    Credits: 4
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 8
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    See DHY 181 .
    Prerequisite: DHY 170 , DHY 171 .
    Corequisite: DHY 181 , 164
  • DHY 211 - Periodontology

    Credits: 2
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    The clinical characteristics, histopathology, etiology and treatment of periodontal diseases are presented. Special emphasis is placed on the role of the dental hygienist in the prevention and management of periodontal diseases.
    Prerequisite: DHY 121 , DHY 181 , DHY 182 .
    Corequisite: DHY 282 
  • DHY 221 - Dental Materials

    Credits: 2
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    A study of materials utilized in the practice of dentistry. Properties of dental materials and ADA requirements are presented.
    Corequisite: DEA 256  and DEA 424  or DHY 114  and DHY 223  must be taken concurrently or prior to this course
  • DHY 223 - Dental Materials Lab

    Credits: 1
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 2
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    Through laboratory experience, the student learns techniques in the preparation and utilization of dental materials.
    Corequisite: DHY 221 
  • DHY 230 - Oral Health Nutrition

    Credits: 2
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    This course relates nutrients and their effect on oral health throughout the life cycle. Course includes an introduction to the principles of dietary counseling for optimal oral health.
    Prerequisite: BIO 164 , CHM 132 
  • DHY 251 - Community Oral Health

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 2
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    The course relates the concepts of dental public health and preventive dentistry, including principles of biostatistics, epidemiology, dental manpower and delivery systems. Students plan, implement and evaluate a community dental health project.
    Prerequisite: DHY 261 
  • DHY 261 - Dental Health Education

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 2
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    An introduction to the principles of instruction in health care. The course will include developing, presenting and evaluating dental health education programs for public schools and community groups.
    Prerequisite: DHY 170 , DHY 171 
  • DHY 281 - Dental Hygiene II

    Credits: 2
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    A continuation of clinical practices. Further instruction and application in techniques for a complete oral prophylaxis and Phase 1 therapy. Topics include smoking cessation, intraoral photography, sonic scaling and air polishing.
    Prerequisite: DHY 181 , DHY 182 .
    Corequisite: DHY 282 
  • DHY 282 - Clinical Dental Hygiene II

    Credits: 2
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 6
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    See DHY 281 .
    Prerequisite: DHY 181 , DHY 182 .
    Corequisite: DHY 281 
  • DHY 291 - Dental Hygiene III

    Credits: 2
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    A continuation of clinical practices. Topics include dental hygiene care for individuals with special needs, care planning, third-party payment applications, substance abuse and dependent adult abuse.
    Prerequisite: DHY 281 , DHY 282 .
    Corequisite: DHY 292 
  • DHY 292 - Clinical Dental Hygiene III

    Credits: 5
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 15
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    See DHY 291 .
    Prerequisite: DHY 281 , DHY 282 .
    Corequisite: DHY 291 
  • DHY 301 - Dental Hygiene IV

    Credits: 2
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    A continuation of clinical practices. Legal, ethical and management aspects of the dental care system are considered. Career alternatives and job-seeking skills are demonstrated.
    Prerequisite: DHY 292 , DHY 291 .
    Corequisite: DHY 302 
  • DHY 302 - Clinical Dental Hygiene IV

    Credits: 5
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 15
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    See DHY 301 .
    Prerequisite: DHY 292 , DHY 291 .
    Corequisite: DHY 301 

Drama-Film and Theatre

  • DRA 101 - Introduction to Theatre

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Core
    A survey of the elements and techniques of theatre with emphasis on acting, directing and playwriting. Attendance at dramatic production encouraged.
  • DRA 130 - Acting I

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: General
    Training of the body, voice and mind as acting instruments. Course includes acting exercises, scene analysis and performance.
  • DRA 147 - Creative Drama School/Rec

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: General
    Elements of improvisational acting. Students will learn approaches for participating in and leading creative drama activities.
  • DRA 945 - Practicum I

    Credits: 2
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 4
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: General
    Practical experience in acting, directing and stage design. Students will be involved in all stages of production from auditions to final performance. May be repeated for up to eight semester hours of credit.
  • DRA 946 - Practicum II

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 6
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: General
    See DRA 945 .
  • DRA 948 - Practicum III

    Credits: 4
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 8
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: General
    See DRA 945 .


  • DSL 145 - Basic Electricity

    Credits: 5
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 8
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    An introduction to the basic electricity and electronic principles that apply to diesel-powered equipment. Systems and components covered include starting, charging, lighting and accessories.
  • DSL 155 - Advanced Electricity

    Credits: 4
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 6
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    The electrical circuitry on diesel-powered equipment is covered. Included are troubleshooting, diagnosing and repair procedures. Experienced individuals may contact the instructor to gain admittance to this course.
    Prerequisite: DSL 145 
  • DSL 330 - Diesel Engine Tune-Up

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 4
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Information on preventive measures to eliminate failures and diagnose engine problems. Instruction related to tune-up procedures.
  • DSL 356 - Diesel Engines I

    Credits: 6
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 10
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Instruction provided in the technical and nontechnical aspects of diesel engines. This information will give students the basic understanding needed to continue in the Diesel Mechanic program.
  • DSL 366 - Diesel Engines II

    Credits: 6
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 10
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Instruction in diagnosing problems and the nature of repairs needed. Information on preventive measures to eliminate failures.
    Prerequisite: DSL 356 
  • DSL 409 - Diesel Electronics

    Credits: 5
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 6
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    A study of electronic fundamentals, lab work with electronic components and testing equipment. Computer-controlled diesel engines are used in lab to demonstrate applications of electronics on diesel power that will meet the demands of the future. Experienced individuals may contact the instructor to gain admittance to this course.
    Prerequisite: DSL 145 
  • DSL 438 - Diesel Fuel Systems

    Credits: 5
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 8
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    The student will be introduced to basic fuel system principles, operational theory and fundamentals of electronic systems of commonly used fuel systems, as well as general repair and diagnostic procedures with exposure to several electronically controlled engines and their diagnostic tools.
    Prerequisite: DSL 366 
  • DSL 546 - Power Trains I

    Credits: 6
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 8
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Class and lab activities in the design and operation of drivetrain components including clutches, manual transmissions, drive lines, rear axles and wheel bearings.
  • DSL 555 - Power Trains II

    Credits: 5
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 8
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Instruction will include the basics of automatic transmissions, power shift transmissions, final drives and hydrostat drives.
    Prerequisite: DSL 546 , DSL 606 
  • DSL 606 - Hydraulics and Brakes

    Credits: 6
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 10
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    The study of basic mobile hydraulics and vehicle brake systems. Introduces principles, components, fluid systems and circuits of hydraulic systems. Vehicle braking studies hydraulic and air brake systems.
  • DSL 733 - Air Conditioning

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 4
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    A course on basic air conditioning theory and design. Emphasis will be placed on various system controls and service operations.
  • DSL 830 - Operation & Maintenance

    Credits: 5
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 8
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Instruction in the proper methods of maintaining all equipment. Safety will be emphasized.
  • DSL 845 - Heavy Equipment Repair

    Credits: 5
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 8
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Instruction in the repair and service of equipment relating to the heavy equipment industry. This includes all phases normally done in a general repair shop. Instruction is given under structured lab and field conditions. Experienced individuals may contact the instructor to gain admittance to this course.
    Prerequisite: DSL 366 , DSL 546 , DSL 606 , DSL 145 
  • DSL 855 - Truck Repair

    Credits: 5
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 8
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Instruction in the repair and service of equipment relating to the trucking industry. This includes all phases normally done in a general repair shop. Instruction is given under structured lab, classroom and field conditions. Experienced individuals may contact the instructor to gain admittance to this course.
    Prerequisite: DSL 366 , DSL 546 , DSL 606 , DSL 145 

Dietary Management

  • DTM 350 - Health Field

    Credits: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Roles of dietary personnel in health facilities and state and federal guidelines. Explore managerial aspects within facilities.
  • DTM 351 - Food Preparation

    Credits: 1
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 2
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Basic principles and development of techniques as they apply to the preparation of each food group and the criterion for evaluating product quality. Laboratory experience.
  • DTM 352 - Sanitation/Meal Service

    Credits: 2
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Methods of efficiently serving safe, pleasing food. An awareness of sanitation will be created for all areas of food service.
  • DTM 353 - Nutrition Life Cycle

    Credits: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    An in-depth study (social, physiological and psychological need) of residents from infancy to geriatric. Explore the therapeutic role of food.
  • DTM 354 - Modified Diets

    Credits: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    An assessment of special diets, using the approved diet manual, a review of food guidelines and hints for making modified diets more appetizing.
  • DTM 355 - Food Production Management

    Credits: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Total production needs, equipment layout, work methods, food storage, food preparation, service, sanitation and use of computers in food service.
  • DTM 356 - Food Service Management

    Credits: 2
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    The management functions required to organize and maintain an efficient, quality, dietary department are developed.
  • DTM 361 - Food Prep Field Experience

    Credits: 1
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 4
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Application and evaluation of food preparation in a healthcare facility. Practical experience in a selected healthcare facility supervised by a registered dietitian.
    (This course is Pass/Fail).
  • DTM 362 - Sanitation/Meal Srvc Field Exp

    Credits: 1
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 4
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Application and evaluation of sanitation and meal service in healthcare facilities. Practical experience in a selected healthcare facility supervised by a registered dietitian.
    (This course is Pass/Fail).
  • DTM 363 - Nutrition Life Cycle Field Exp

    Credits: 1
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 4
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Application and evaluation of nutritional aspects in healthcare facilities. Practical experience in a selected healthcare facility supervised by a registered dietitian.
    (This course is Pass/Fail).
  • DTM 364 - Modified Diet/Field Experience

    Credits: 1
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 4
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Application and evaluation of modified diets in healthcare facilities. Practical experience in a selected healthcare facility supervised by a registered dietitian.
    (This course is Pass/Fail).
  • DTM 365 - Food Production Field Exp

    Credits: 1
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 4
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Application and evaluation of food production in healthcare facilities. Practical experience in a selected healthcare facility supervised by a registered dietitian.
    (This course is Pass/Fail).
  • DTM 366 - Food Service Mgmt Field Exp

    Credits: 1
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 4
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Application and evaluation of food service management in healthcare facilities. Practical experience in a selected healthcare facility supervised by a registered dietitian.
    (This course is Pass/Fail).

Early Childhood Education

  • ECE 103 - Intro to Early Childhood Ed

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    Gives students a historical and philosophical foundation of the field of early childhood education. Includes an overview of assessment and evidence-based practices. Addresses the influences of family-centered practice, inclusion, culture and language in the field. Explores early childhood careers.
  • ECE 106 - Child Dev. Associate Standards

    Credits: 1
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 4
    Course Type: Open
    Develop and prepare for the Child Development Associate (CDA) National Credentialing Program for individuals seeking a Center-Based Infant/ Toddler, Center-Based Preschool or Family Child Care CDA Credential. Develop a professional portfolio including the collection of resources, writing of reflective statements of competence and professional philosophy statement as outlined by the CDA application requirements. Prepare for the CDA verification visit.
    (This course is Pass/Fail.)
    Prerequisite: ECE 103  ECE 133  ECE 243  ECE 343  and ECE 158  or ECE 221  or instructor permission
  • ECE 130 - Emergency Care

    Credits: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation and First Aid according to Iowa DHS requirements for child care providers. Identify health and safety practices for early childhood settings. CPR/First Aid and Universal Precautions certification awarded upon satisfactory completion of assignments. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 3 credits.
  • ECE 133 - Child Health, Safety & Nutrition

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    Focuses on evidence-based concepts in the fields of health, safety and nutrition and their relationship to the growth and development of the young child ages birth to eight. Blends current theory with problem-solving, practical applications and assessments. Includes collaboration with families and assesses the role of culture, language and ability on health, safety and nutrition decisions in early childhood settings.
  • ECE 158 - Early Childhood Curriculum I

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    Focuses on the development, implementation and assessment of appropriate environments and curricula for young children ages three through eight. Students prepare to utilize evidence-based, developmentally appropriate practices in a context of children’s family, culture, language and abilities. Emphasis is on understanding children’s developmental stages and developing appropriate learning opportunities, interactions and environments to support each child in the following areas: dramatic play, art, music and fine and gross motor play.
  • ECE 159 - Early Childhood Curriculum II

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    en’s family, culture, language and abilities. Emphasis is on understanding children’s developmental stages and developing appropriate learning opportunities, interactions and environments to support each child in the following areas: emergent literacy, math, science, technology and social studies.
    Prerequisite: ECE 158  or instructor approval.
    Corequisite: ECE 359  or instructor approval
  • ECE 170 - Child Growth & Development

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    Reviews typical and atypical development of children from conception to adolescence in all developmental domains. Examines interactions between child, family and society within a variety of community and cultural contexts. Examines theories and evidence-based practices associated with understanding and supporting young children.
  • ECE 215 - Home, School & Comm Relations

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    Focuses on current understanding of supporting children and families in relation to home, school and community contexts. Emphasis is on building respectful, culturally sensitive relationships with families, utilizing community resources and working with culturally, linguistically and ability diverse families.
  • ECE 221 - Infant/Toddler Care and Educ.

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    Focuses on care, education and assessment of children from birth to 36 months. Prepares students to utilize developmentally appropriate evidence-based practices, including responsive caregiving, routines as curriculum, collaborative relationships with culturally, linguistically and ability-diverse children and families, and a focus on the whole child in inclusive settings.
  • ECE 243 - Early Childhood Guidance

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    Focuses on developmentally appropriate, evidence-based approaches and positive guidance strategies for supporting the development of each child. Emphasizes supportive interactions and developmentally appropriate environments. Uses assessment to analyze and guide behaviors. Studies impact of family, each child’s culture, language and ability on child guidance.
    Corequisite: ECE 343  or instructor permission
  • ECE 262 - Early Childhood Field Exper

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 9
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    Supervised experience in selected early childhood settings serving children ages birth through eight. Includes integration of theory and developmentally appropriate, evidence-based practice. Provides an understanding of working with culturally, linguistically and ability-diverse young children and families. Emphasizes professional relationships and behavior, appropriate adult/child interactions, basic curriculum planning and program routines.
    Prerequisite: ECE 103 , ECE 133 , ECE 159 , ECE 170 , ECE 243 ; a grade of C or better in ECE 343  and ECE 359 ; 2.0 program GPA; or instructor permission. Current CPR/First Aid, Universal Precautions and Mandatory Reporter Certification.
    Prerequisite OR Corequisite: ECE 221 .
    Corequisite: ECE 944 
  • ECE 281 - Practicum

    Credits: 2
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 8
    Course Type: Open
    Placement in a program for young children and/ or families. Emphasis is on the development of competencies necessary for employment in a similar setting.
    Prerequisite: Accepted into ECE program, 10 ECE credits, 2.0 GPA or instructor approval. Current CPR/First Aid, Universal Precautions, Mandatory Child Abuse Reporter Certification
  • ECE 290 - Early Childhood Program Admin

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    This course addresses the basic principles common to administering quality early childhood programs. Emphasis is on director’s roles and responsibilities, state and federal regulations, business procedures, staff development and hiring, policy development, fiscal and facility management, marketing, program evaluation, child care advocacy, family and community involvement. Designed for second-year students and persons interested in becoming a program administrator.
    Prerequisite: Accepted into the Early Childhood Education program and a minimum of 12 credits in ECE or instructor permission
  • ECE 343 - Early Childhood Guidance Lab

    Credits: 1
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 2
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    Focuses on effective approaches and positive guidance strategies for supporting the development of all children. Students observe for and utilize strategies taught in ECE 243 .
    Corequisite: ECE 243  or instructor permission
  • ECE 359 - ECE Curriculum II Lab

    Credits: 1
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 2
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    Students practice the development, implementation and assessment of developmentally appropriate, evidence-based learning centers, activities and group experiences for young children ages three through eight in a context of children’s family, culture, language and abilities. Emphasis is on understanding children’s developmental stages, identifying and participating in appropriate learning opportunities, interactions and environments to support each child in the following areas: emergent literacy, math, science, technology, social studies, creative art, music and movement, dramatic play, fine and gross motor play and outdoor experiences.
    Prerequisite: ECE 158 .
    Corequisite: ECE 159 

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