Feb 09, 2025
HIS 111 - Western Civilization: Early.. Credits: 3 Lecture Hours: 3 Lab Hours: 0 Practicum Hours: 0 Work Experience: 0 Course Type: Core This course is a survey of the evolution of Western Civilization from the rise of the nation-state to the present. Major topics include the French Revolution and the Age of Napoleon; 19th century developments such as liberalism, the Industrial Revolution, socialism, nationalism, and imperialism; and the great wars and upheavals of the 20th and 21st centuries. Competencies
- Critique the effects of the Enlightenment upon European society
- Identify key figures in the Enlightenment
- Evaluate the intellectual impact of the Enlightenment upon Europe
- Outline the effect of the Enlightenment outside of Europe
- Analyze the impact of Enlightened monarchs on Europe
- Appraise the importance of the French Revolution and future revolutions it inspired
- Discuss the transformation of French society
- Summarize the wars that spread across Europe and Latin America in the wake of the French Revolution
- Identify the rise of Napoleon and his impact on society, law, and the military
- Contrast the revolutions of 1848
- Evaluate the concepts of modernity and modern society
- Discuss the process of technological and cultural modernization
- Examine the rise and varieties of economic transformations
- Review the agricultural revolution
- Interpret the changes brought on by the industrial revolution
- Evaluate the origins and varieties of ideologies that developed during the 18th and 19th centuries
- Examine the interactions among ideologies such as conservatism, liberalism, religious fundamentalism, and nationalism
- Chart the emergence of socialism, communism, modern capitalism, and fascism
- Identify the impact that these ideologies had on women, people of color, and other historically marginalized groups within Europe
- Evaluate the impact that the political, economic, and social actions of Europe during the late 18th and early 19th centuries had within Europe
- Describe the development of societal reforms throughout European states, including feminism, labor movements, prison and justice reform, and changes in approach to mental health and disability
- Contrast the wars of unification in both Italy and Germany
- Evaluate the impact that the political, economic, and social actions of Europe during the late 18th and early 19th centuries had throughout global society
- Critique the ideas underlying imperialism and colonialism, including ideologies of racial hierarchy and cultural superiority
- Distinguish between the different European attempts at global imperialism
- Identify the major impacts that imperialism had on a variety of cultures in Africa and Asia
- Characterize the origins of the First World War
- Identify the tensions in Europe and its imperial holdings that led to the First World War
- Outline the different fronts of the First World War
- Record the aftermath of the First World War’s effects on Europe and the rest of the world
- Evaluate the turmoil of the inter-war period
- Assess the Russian Revolution and development of communism in Europe
- Discuss the geographical reorganization of Europe after the First World War
- Describe the impact on colonies around the globe
- Critique the rise of extremist ideologies (dictatorships, fascism, Nazism)
- Appraise the effects of the Great Depression
- Analyze the Second World War
- Discuss the origins of the Second World War
- Highlight key fronts and battles of the Second World War
- Contrast the end of the Second World War to the First World War
- Critique the worldwide confrontation of the Cold War
- Discuss the origins of the Cold War
- Interpret the many impacts of the Cold War, including those that impacted historically marginalized groups
- Describe the factors that contributed to the demise of the Cold War
- Illustrate the issues facing Europe after the Second World War
- Articulate the impact of decolonization on both colonizer and colonized
- Describe the origins of the European Union
- Discuss Europe’s relationship with the non-western world and the impacts of globalization
- Demonstrate effective communication and critical thinking skills through writing.
- Define and interpret primary and secondary sources
- Create formal historical writing that presents a coherent argument
Competencies Revised Date: AY2022
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