Feb 16, 2025  
2022-2023 Course Catalog 
2022-2023 Course Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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ENG 061 - College Preparatory Writing II

Credits: 3
Lecture Hours: 3
Lab Hours: 0
Practicum Hours: 0
Work Experience: 0
Course Type: Coll Prep
The purpose of this course is to increase students’ confidence in their writing abilities by practicing writing as a process requiring multiple drafts while learning to develop, organize, support, and revise drafts. Students will write a variety of typed assignments while practicing correct grammar, punctuation, analysis, drafting and presentation. Throughout the semester, students will produce 12-16 typed pages (4-6 essays) Academic integrity is expected in all work.
  1. Construct essays with well-developed paragraphs
    1. Assess ideas to establish a clear focus, thesis and/or topic sentence
    2. Use a variety of organizational patterns
    3. Develop main ideas with relevant details, support or evidence contributing to unity of ideas
    4. Show connections between ideas by using sentence variety for sentence level and essay fluency
    5. Relate material to a specific audience and purpose
    6. Select appropriate language for subject and audience
    7. Produce well-reasoned inferences and logical conclusions
    8. Demonstrate Standard English grammar appropriate to assigned content
  2. Apply critical reading strategies
    1. Select ideas from reading or discussion to suit the guidelines of an assignment
    2. Develop well-reasoned inferences and logical conclusions based on the information in a selection
    3. Classify main ideas and supporting facts and ideas in a selection
    4. Discuss the function of paragraphs, topic sentences and analysis in effective reading
    5. Assess a selection for content, organization, and style
    6. Demonstrate paraphrasing, summary and annotating
    7. Identify examples of denotative and connotative writing
  3. Organize information effectively in keeping with the purpose of the writing
    1. Use prewriting to explore topics and ideas for an essay
    2. Select a topic to suit the guidelines of the assignment
    3. Produce adequate supporting details and examples to develop the topic
    4. Construct supporting details logically
    5. Use transitional devices to build coherence
  4. Evaluate essay drafts based on assigned criteria
    1. Apply editing techniques in workshops, peer groups and individually
    2. Assess peer review feedback to address specific areas of focus, content, and organization
    3. Demonstrate proofreading for sentence and word choice revisions using Standard English grammar
  5. Show basic understanding of the process of writing a research paper
    1. Demonstrate research skills including locating credible sources
    2. Show a basic understanding of MLA or APA format
    3. Demonstrate a basic understanding of in-text citations and the use of a works cited/reference page
    4. Discuss the definition and ramifications of plagiarism

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