Feb 10, 2025  
2020-2021 Course Catalog 
2020-2021 Course Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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ARC 170 - Materials & Assemblies II

Credits: 2
Lecture Hours: 2
Lab Hours: 0
Practicum Hours: 0
Work Experience: 0
Course Type: General
A deeper investigation into building materials and assemblies through the Construction Specification Institute’s MasterFormat accounting and management system.
Prerequisite OR Corequisite:    with a C or better or Instructor Approval.
  1. Explain building related aspects of Soil and Excavation
    1. Identify the Classification of Soils
    2. Define the aspects of Soil Sampling and Soil Testing
    3. Enumerate on the Bearing Capacity of Soil
    4. Describe Earthwork as it relates to Excavation and Grading
    5. List Open Excavation Support systems
    6. Recall the importance of keeping Excavations dry
  2. Relate elements of Foundations Systems and Basements
    1. Summarize Shallow Foundation
    2. Summarize Deep Foundations
    3. Discuss Piles, Piers, and Caissons as Deep Foundations
    4. Explain the importance of Foundation Drainage
    5. Illustrate Frost-Protected Shallow Foundations
    6. Describe Basement Construction and Waterproofing
  3. Assess the various types of lumber and applicable characteristics in Wood Construction
    1. Review Growth Rings and Wood’s Microstructure
    2. Cite various Softwoods and Hardwoods
    3. Paraphrase the process wood goes through from Logs to Finished Lumber
    4. Describe the Drying process of Lumber
    5. Explain Lumber Surfacing
    6. Enumerate Nominal vs Actual Dimensions of Lumber
    7. Cite how to measure Board Feet
    8. Explain rating Lumber Strength and Appearance
    9. Interpret Fungal Decay
    10. Discuss Termite Control
    11. Paraphrase Preservative-Treated Wood
  4. Classify Engineered Wood Products, Fasteners, and Connectors
    1. Define Glulam
    2. Define Structural Composite Lumber (LVL & PSL)
    3. Enumerate on Wood I-Joists
    4. Enumerate on Wood Panels
    5. Summarize Oriented Strand Board (OSB)
    6. Describe the specifying of Wood Panels and Panel Ratings
    7. Review the various fasteners for Wood Members
    8. Make sense of Sheet Metal Connectors

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