Mar 11, 2025
ELT 623 - Microcontrollers Lab Credits: 1 Lecture Hours: 0 Lab Hours: 2 Practicum Hours: 0 Work Experience: 0 Course Type: Voc/Tech Includes experiments that exercise microcontroller instruction sets and microcomputer central processing units,memory and I/O devices. Routines and subroutines are written in assembly language, assembled, downloaded and tested. Corequisite: ELT 622 Competencies
- Summarize Assembly Language Programming
- Describe a digital computer’s basic hardware organization using an Overall Fundamental Block Diagram
- Define a computer program
- Explain the purpose of a computer’s operating system program
- Explain the fundamentals of low-level/assembly language and high-level language programming
- Compose software routines containing loops, jumps, labels and the decision making process
- Illustrate looping activity using the unconditional jump
- Explain how labels are used to identify relative jump addresses as opposed to absolute jump address
- List the two steps the uP must perform in the decision making process
- Write a routine to illustrate the decision making process
- Write a routine to illustrate looping using the conditional jump instruction
- Compose software routines containing constants and variables in assembly language programming
- Explain the difference between constants and variables in assembly language programming
- Illustrate constants and variables in assembly language routines
- Demonstrate how to establish and use a RAM buffer
- Write routines which can transfer blocks of data from one area of computer memory to another
- Generate Software Time Delays in Computer Programs
- Draw flow charts showing how to generate single delay-loops using an 8 bit counter and a 16 bit counter
- Calculate the precise amount of delay for single delay-loops using either an 8 bit counter or a 16 bit counter
- Draw a flow chart showing how to generate a nested time delay loop
- Calculate the precise amount of delay for nested delay-loops
- Relate Calls, Returns, Subroutines, and the Stack
- Compose Binary Integer Addition and Subtraction routines
- Compose Binary Integer Multiplication and Division routines
- Service Peripheral Devices via Computer Polling
- Define EXTERNAL FLAGS and POLLING and describe how they are used with computer I/O structures
- Identify real world examples where POLLING could be used
- Name the two generic types of POLLING structures and give a short definition of each
- Draw flow charts which illustrate the programming tasks and overall structure for the two generic POLLING structures
- List the characteristics, advantages and disadvantages for each of the two generic POLLING structures
- Describe two methods that may be used to cause an escape/exit out of a POLLING loop
- Program service execution via Internal and External Interrupts
- Debounce mechanical switches
- Explain the importance of debouncing mechanical switches
- Show how an RS flip-flop and mono-stable multivibrator (one shot) can be used to hardware debounce a mechanical switch
- Illustrate how to software debounce a mechanical switch when connected to a computer input port
- Implement serial communication via a micro controller
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