Jan 15, 2025  
2020-2021 Course Catalog 
2020-2021 Course Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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CRC 100 - Machine Shorthand Theory I

Credits: 6
Lecture Hours: 3
Lab Hours: 6
Practicum Hours: 0
Work Experience: 0
Course Type: Voc/Tech
Machine Shorthand Theory I: Students study the fundamentals of real-time writing including steno machine setup, keyboard configuration, and beginning machine shorthand steno theory. Instruction includes emphasis on the importance of developing automatic response (writing fluency), a key component of successful speed development. Students read back from steno notes daily, and weekly testing from unfamiliar material is done at increasing speeds ranging from 30 to 80 words per minute. Concurrent enrollment in CRC102, Machine Shorthand Skills and Techniques I, is required.
Corequisite: CRC 102  
  1. Set up a realtime steno machine.
    1. Identify steno machine parts.
    2. Assemble steno machine.
    3. Connect realtime cables.
  2. Maintain the realtime steno writer.
    1. Understand basic machine care/maintenance.
    2. Review available care/maintenance resources.
    3. Demonstrate basic machine care/maintenance skills.
  3. Demonstrate basic steno keyboard mastery.
    1. Identify single-key letters and their sounds.
    2. Identify combination-key letters and their sounds.
    3. Produce correct strokes given single-key sounds and combination-key sounds.
  4. Write beginning realtime shorthand principles.
    1. Attend to the speaker.
    2. Distinguish among sounds heard.
    3. Understand theory principles.
    4. Practice each principle until automatic.
  5. Evaluate steno notes.
    1. Locate requested portion of notes.
    2. Recognize correct theory strokes.
    3. Recite correctly stroked theory.
    4. Identify incorrect steno strokes.
    5. Predict intended strokes.
  6. Write 2.5 minutes of unfamiliar material dictated at 60 words per minute.
    1. Maintain focused attention.
    2. Reproduce in steno the sounds heard.
    3. Use fluid stroking.
    4. Include realtime punctuation strokes.
  7. Transcribe beginning realtime shorthand principles.
    1. Locate requested portion of shorthand notes.
    2. Recall theory patterns.
    3. Identify misstrokes.
    4. Demonstrate acccuracy in transcribing beginning theory principles.
  8. Transcribe 2.5 minutes of unfamiliar material dictated at 60 words per minute.
    1. Print realtime steno notes.
    2. Recall theory patterns.
    3. Use reference materials for spelling and punctuation.
    4. Demonstrate 95% accuracy in transcription.
  9. Comprehend the role of the realtime stenographic reporter.
    1. Discuss the official or freelance reporter’s role as guardian of the record.
    2. Discuss the importance of realtime captioning and CART.
    3. Identify additional career opportunities for realtime reporters.
  10. Write required one-stroke high-frequency words and phrases.
    1. Attend to the speaker.
    2. Recognize high-frequency words and phrases when heard.
    3. Recall correct strokes.
    4. Demonstrate accurate fingering.
  11. Delete testing files from the writer and computer.
    1. Locate testing files on the steno writer.
    2. Delete files from the steno writer.
    3. Locate transcription files.
    4. Delete transcription files.
    5. Empty recycle bin.
  12. Connect for realtime lab practice.
    1. Read prompts to connect realtime cables.
    2. Open realtime software.
    3. Name a file.
    4. Write a recorded practice to test connection.

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