Mar 14, 2025  
2020-2021 Course Catalog 
2020-2021 Course Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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SOC 200 - Minority Group Relations

Credits: 3
Lecture Hours: 3
Lab Hours: 0
Practicum Hours: 0
Work Experience: 0
Course Type: Core
This course is the study of the relations between racial, ethnic and gender categories. Focus on stereotypes, prejudices, discrimination and exploitation. Major emphasis on group relations in the United States. SOC 110  is recommended
  1. Explain what is meant by majority-minority relations
    1. Define the concepts of a majority and minority group
    2. Define the concept of racial categories
    3. Discuss the criteria for determining a minority group
  2. Explain patterns of majority-minority relationships
    1. Give an example of minority groups
    2. Give examples of the social and psychological consequences on subordinate group status
    3. Explain what is meant by assimilation, pluralism, integration, subordination, genocide, and miscegenation
  3. Analyze Prejudice
    1. Give an example of prejudice
    2. Give an example of discrimination
    3. Give an example of stereotypes
    4. Describe what is meant by “Black Self Hatred
    5. Give an example of exploitation theory of prejudice
    6. Give an example of scapegoating theory of prejudice
    7. Discuss Authoritarian Personality and give the characteristics associated with it
    8. Give an example of equal status contact theory of reducing prejudice
  4. Analyze Discrimination
    1. Give an example of institutional discrimination
    2. Discuss what is meant by Dual Labor market
    3. Give an example of Affirmative Action
    4. Describe what is meant by racial, ethnic or gender hiring quotas
    5. Analyze the Field Context Model of Discrimination
  5. Discuss Immigration and the United States
    1. Describe the sequence of immigration by the major ethnic groups to the United States
    2. Describe the sequence of immigration to Iowa by the major ethnic groups
    3. Describe the Anti Catholic crusade of the 19th century
    4. Describe the Anti Chinese movement of the 19th centu­ry
    5. Explain changes in U.S. legislation af­fecting immigra­tion into the U.S
  6. Analyze ethnicity and religion in American life
    1. List some of the major features of each of the six major world reli­gions
    2. Explain the history of separation of church and state in the United States
    3. Describe what is meant by” White Ethnics.
  7. Discuss factors affecting Native American’s relationships with other groups
    1. Trace the origins of Native Americans in the Americas
    2. Describe the history of the Mesquakie (Sauk and Fox) people
    3. Discuss the changes in U.S. policy regarding Native Americans
    4. Describe the condition of Native Americans in the U.S. today
  8. Analyze the making of black Americans in a white America
    1. List the dictates in the slave code
    2. Describe the migration patterns of American blacks after the civil war
    3. Describe the causes and consequences of the civil rights movement
    4. List the most prominent abolitionists and describe their activities
  9. Discuss black Americans today
    1. Describe the history and current status of black education
    2. Describe the conditions of black employment and income
    3. Describe and give the history of black family life
    4. Discuss the disproportionate representation of blacks in the Criminal Justice system
    5. Give a description of the experiences of blacks with the American politi­cal system
  10. Discuss Hispanic Americans
    1. Describe the major Hispanic groups including Chicanos
    2. Describe the barriers to Hispanic assimilation
    3. Explain how Chicanos first became Americans
    4. Describe the history of U.S. Chicanos
    5. Describe the current condition of Chicanos in the U.S
    6. Give a brief history of Puerto Rico and the U.S
    7. Describe the current condition of Puerto Ricans in the U.S
  11. Discuss Asian Americans
    1. Describe the following Asian Groups– Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, Filipinos, Indo­chinese, Vietnam­ese, Laotians, Cambodians
    2. Describe the history of Asians in Hawaii.
    3. Discuss the “Model Minority” image of Asians
    4. Describe the history of Chinese in the U.S.
    5. Describe the family life of “typical” Chinese
    6. Give a brief description of Japanese in the U.S
  12. Discuss Jewish Americans
    1. Give a brief outline of Jewish history
    2. Describe the conditions of Jewish Americans
    3. Explain what happened during the “Holocaust”.
    4. Describe Jewish traditional religious beliefs
  13. Discuss the Women’s movement in the U.S.
    1. Discuss women as a minority group
    2. Discuss gender roles
    3. Describe the history of feminism
    4. Describe the condition of women in the U.S
  14. Demonstrate knowledge of problems in racial and ethnic relations in other countries
  15. Demonstrate Basic Academic Skills
    1. Demonstrate college level reading ability in sociology
    2. Demonstrate ability to summarize and analyze assigned readings in the field, using the vocabulary and theory presented in the course
    3. Demonstrate ability to use concepts and theories presented in the course to answer essay question over the topics listed above
    4. Demonstrate honesty, academic integrity, self discipline and promptness in accomplishing all assignments
    5. Read all assigned readings
    6. Correctly answer 70% or more of test questions
    7. Demonstrate ability to write a research paper using original information and library research

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