Mar 02, 2025  
2020-2021 Course Catalog 
2020-2021 Course Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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PHY 160 - General Physics I

Credits: 5
Lecture Hours: 4
Lab Hours: 2
Practicum Hours: 0
Work Experience: 0
Course Type: Core
This course is the first semester of a two-semester sequence in non-calculus physics. Topics include forces, linear and rotational motion, energy, momentum, fluids, gases and heat.
Prerequisite: MAT 130  or H.S. equivalent
  1. Investigate the fundamental structure of a physical science
    1. Examine the scientific method
    2. Practice the theory of measurement and error.
    3. Distinguish between units and dimensions
    4. Examine currently used unit systems
    5. Distinguish between scalar and vector quantities
    6. Perform operations in vector addition and subtraction
    7. Resolve vectors into cartesian coordinates
    8. Solve vector problems using a graphical method
    9. Translate cartesian vector components into polar form
    10. Find the magnitude and direction of vectors given in component form
  2. Develop the first and second condition for equilibrium
    1. Solve problems requiring the first condition of equilibrium
    2. Define the physical quantity of torque
    3. Solve problems requiring the first and second condition of equilibrium
    4. Define the center of gravity
    5. Apply the center of gravity concept to equilibrium problems
  3. Develop the principles of particle kinematics
    1. Define speed and velocity
    2. Use the concept of relative velocity
    3. Define acceleration
    4. Solve problems in uniformly accelerated rectilinear motion
    5. Solve problems in projectile motion
    6. Perform exercises in dimensional analysis
  4. Develop the principles of particle dynamics
    1. Investigate Newton’s three Laws of Motion
    2. Distinguish between mass and weight
    3. Analyze frictional forces
    4. Solve problems involving F = ma
    5. Analyze motion on an incline
    6. Analyze motion of several connected bodies
  5. Examine the principles of work, energy and power
    1. Define the physical meaning of work
    2. Calculate the work done by constant and variable force in different types of force systems
    3. Define the physical meaning of power
    4. Solve problems involving power concepts
    5. Define kinetic and potential energy
    6. Develop the Work-Energy Theorem
    7. Incorporate spring potential energy into the Work-Energy Theorem
    8. Incorporate gravitational potential energy into the Work-Energy Theorem.
    9. Calculate the work due to friction
    10. Develop the Law of Conservation of Energy
    11. Apply the Law of Conservation of Energy to Physical problems
  6. Investigate the concept of linear momentum
    1. Define linear momentum
    2. Develop the principle of impulse-momentum
    3. Solve problems involving impulse-momentum
    4. Develop the Law of Conservation of Momentum
    5. Apply conservation of momentum to elastic and inelastic collisions in one and two dimensions
    6. Analyze rocket propulsion form the perspective momentum conservation
    7. Examine center of mass motion
  7. Develop the principle of rotational and orbital motion
    1. Define angular measures as vectors
    2. Define angular speed and velocity
    3. Define angular acceleration
    4. Analyze tangential quantities
    5. Investigate the concept of radial acceleration
    6. Solve problems involving angular kinematics.
    7. Investigate the concept of centripetal force
    8. Solve centripetal force problems.
    9. Generalize rotational concepts to the Universal law of Gravitation
    10. Solve problems using the Universal Law of Gravitation
  8. Develop the principles of rotational dynamics
    1. Define the moment of inertia of a rigid body
    2. Examine rigid body rotation
    3. Establish analogies with linear motion
    4. Calculate the moment of inertia of various objects
    5. Calculate problems using the Parallel Axis Theorem.
  9. Develop the principles of rotational momentum and energy
    1. Analyze the kinetic energy of a body in pure rotation.
    2. Define angular work and power in terms of torque
    3. State rotational analogs to linear motion.
    4. Solve problems involving rotational energy and power
    5. Define angular momentum
    6. Establish the Law of Conservation of Angular Momentum
    7. Solve problems involving angular momentum
  10. Develop the principles of oscillatory motion
    1. Define the terminology of oscillatory motion
    2. Analyze the characteristics of simple harmonic motion
    3. Determine the equation of motion for SHM.
    4. Calculate the energy of a body executing SHM
    5. Solve problems involving SHM
    6. Investigate damped and driven harmonic oscillators
    7. Define resonance and resonant frequency
  11. Develop the principles of wave motion
    1. Define the terminology of wave motion
    2. Analyze the characteristics of wave motion
    3. Examine the equation of a traveling wave
    4. Examine the properties of waves
    5. Calculate the speed of a harmonic wave.
    6. Determine the different types of waves
    7. Analyze the characteristics of sound waves.
    8. Calculate the speed of sound
    9. Distinguish between sound loudness and intensity
    10. Define the Doppler Effect
    11. Calculate problems involving the Doppler Effect
    12. Develop the principles of standing waves
    13. Define the terminology of standing waves
    14. Calculate the harmonics of a standing wave.
  12. Relate the basic principles of physics to continuum mechanics
    1. Generalize Hooke’s Law to any elastic medium
    2. Generalize the concept of friction to viscosity in a liquid
    3. Define the pressure in a liquid
    4. State Archimedes’ Principle
    5. Solve problems using Archimedes’ Principle
    6. State Bernoulli’s Equation
    7. Solve problems using Bernoulli’s Equation
    8. State Pascal’s Principle.
    9. Solve problems using Pascal’s Principle
  13. Relate the basic principle of physics to the behavior of gases
    1. Define the terminology of gases
    2. Determine equivalent temperatures in various temperature scales
    3. State the Ideal Gas Law.
    4. Solve problems involving the Ideal Gas Law
  14. Investigate the thermal properties of matter.
    1. Examine the concept of heat and thermal energy
    2. Define the terminology of thermal physics
    3. Calculate the specific heat of an ideal gas
    4. Calculate the work done during expansion
    5. Solve thermal expansion problems
    6. Discuss heat transfer
    7. Define thermal conductivity
    8. Solve heat transfer problems
  15. Develop the concepts of thermodynamics
    1. State the Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics
    2. State the First Law of Thermodynamics.
    3. State the Second Law of Thermodynamics
    4. Investigate the processes involved in thermodynamics
    5. Analyze the Carnot Cycle
    6. Define entropy
    7. Discuss entropy changes in an irreversibly process

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