Sep 18, 2024
OPT 123 - Ocular Anatomy and Physiology Credits: 2 Lecture Hours: 2 Lab Hours: 0 Practicum Hours: 0 Work Experience: 0 Course Type: Voc/Tech This course is intended to familiarize the technician with the form and function of the human eye. The foundation of the lecture material is the anatomy of the eye, but we will discuss the physiology and function of the eye as much as possible. We will also discuss the actions and uses of diagnostic pharmaceutical agents, as their function is based on interference with normal ocular physiology. This course also covers optometric terminology. Competencies
- Analyze basic ocular structures and functions
- Explain basic structures of the eye
- Explore primary functions of each structure
- Identify basic fundus landmarks
- Explore outer adnexa and lacrimal system
- Identify protective and orientation structures of outer adnexa
- Discuss functions of the external ocular structures.
- Examine the anatomy of the lacrimal apparatus
- Analyze composition and function of tear film
- Observe characteristics of conjunctiva
- Perform tear analysis
- Perform lid eversion
- Discuss conjunctivitis symptoms and causes
- Analyze outer tunic of the eye
- Distinguish the layers of the cornea
- Explain functions of the cornea
- Explore corneal physiology
- Compare and contrast characteristics of sclera compared to cornea
- Summarize organizational anatomy at posterior pole.
- Distinguish corneal pathologies
- Classify and instill ocular anesthetics
- Examine limbus and anterior angle and chamber
- Review limbal structures
- Analyze anterior chamber and aqueous fluid drainage system
- Conclude how aqueous fluid is involved with intraocular pressure
- Explain narrow angle glaucoma
- Explain open angle glaucoma
- Analyze iris component of uveal layer
- Identify iris muscles and innervations
- Assess iris functions
- Explain papillary reflexes of miosis and mydriasis
- Explain how iris pigment is involved with iris color
- Analyze ciliary body, lens and accommodation
- Examine structures and functions of the ciliary body
- Identify how lens is suspended from ciliary body
- Define aphakia, pseudophakia, cataract, presbyopia
- Explain the function of accommodation and structures affected during this process
- Describe the accommodative triad
- Identify structural characteristics of lens and how they relate to lens function
- Analyze age-related changes to these structures
- Explore common ocular drugs
- Identify diagnostic pharmaceutical agents and ocular structures affected by these agents
- Examine parasympathomimetic drugs
- Analyze parasypathlytic drugs
- Explain sympathomimetic drugs
- Verify written ocular drug prescriptions
- Practice protocol to use when calling a doctor’s prescription into a pharmacy
- Analyze choroid, vitreous and retina.
- Describe anatomical organization of the choroid and how it relates to function
- Identify location and composition of the vitreous
- Describe general organization of the retina
- Examine different neuron types of the retina
- Differentiate between locations of rod and cone photoreceptors
- Identify macula lutea, fovea centralis and optic disk/blind spot
- Examine retinal diseases
- Identify bones of the skull and orbit
- Describe the cranial and facial bones
- Label major orbital openings
- Describe major orbital landmarks
- Locate orbital sinuses
- Demonstrate color vision knowledge
- Identify the different cone pigments
- Perform color vision testing
- Describe color vision genetics
- Identify and analyze extraocular muscles and eye movements
- Identify the location, innervations and action of the six extraocular muscles
- Discuss saccades, smooth pursuit movements and reflex eye movements
- Examine disorders involving the extraocular muscles
- Analyze both monocular movements and binocular movements
- Analyze the visual pathway
- Outline the visual pathway from optic nerve to the visual cortex
- Describe the decussation of fibers in the optic chiasm
- Describe the projections found in the cerebrum.
- Investigate how the visual pathway arrangement relates to the visual field
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