Dec 22, 2024
MOR 365 - Survey of Infectious Diseases Credits: 2 Lecture Hours: 2 Lab Hours: 0 Practicum Hours: 0 Work Experience: 0 Course Type: Voc/Tech This course provides a survey of infectious disease processes, nonspecific and specific defense mechanisms, and principles of infection control and epidemiology. Safe handling of infectious materials and personal protective equipment are emphasized. Prerequisite OR Corequisite: MOR 301 Competencies
- Acquire knowledge of disease agents for infectious diseases.
- Discussing types of microorganisms: bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites.
- Describing how microorganisms are named and classified
- Discussing how major groups of microorganisms can be separated from one another
- Discussing normal flora.
- Defining and discussing pathogens and opportunistic organisms.
- Explaining virulence
- Explaining how microorganisms are grown and identified in the laboratory.
- Acquire understanding of the body’s defenses to infectious diseases.
- Discussing normal how resistance to infectious diseases.
- Discuss host factors that decrease resistance
- Discuss immunocomprosied hosts
- Discuss the processes that occur in acute and chronic infection and identify manifestations of infectious diseases
- Discussing vaccines and measures to prevent infectious diseases.
- Identify antimicrobial agents
- Explaining the terms ‘hypersensitivity’ and ‘autoimmunity’.
- Acquire knowledge of the epidemiological aspects of infection control.
- Defining morbidity and mortality
- Defining prevalence and incidence
- Discussing portals of entry and exit
- Describing modes of transmission
- Explaining the chain of infection
- Explaining nosocomial infections.
- Discussing surveillance of emerging ‘new’ and drug resistant pathogens.
- Acquire understanding of infection control procedures and safe handling of infectious materials
- Comparing and contrasting sterilization, disinfection, pasteurization, bactericide, germicide, sporicide, and antiseptic
- Stating specifications for aseptic techniques and steam, dry heat, ethylene oxide, cold chemical, boiling, filtration, and radiation methods of sterilization and disinfection.
- Discussing methods of sterilization and disinfection used for hospital/surgical/funeral equipment
- Discussing handling and disposal of biological hazards.
- Discussing OSHA’s occupational exposure to blood borne pathogens rules.
- Explaining Universal precautions
- Describing principles of disease prevention and handling.
- Demonstrate and understanding of the embalming implications of various diseases.
- Determing the infection that may be present in the dead human body.
- Describing the risk embalmers encounter with each of those diseases.
- Describing transportation techniques needed to control the infection.
- Discussing an appropriate embalming treatment for that disease.
- Describing any special treatments needed to protect the general public following the embalming of a human body with that particular disease.
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