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2020-2021 Course Catalog 
2020-2021 Course Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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MOR 340 - Embalming II

Credits: 3
Lecture Hours: 3
Lab Hours: 0
Practicum Hours: 0
Work Experience: 0
Course Type: Voc/Tech

The student will study: concepts of cavity treatments and embalming; post-injection embalming treatments; effects of age of embalming analysis; autopsied and tissue donation cases; considerations of delayed embalming; various post-mortem conditions (e.g. discolorations, vascular and moisture considerations, etc.) and respective treatments; the effects of drugs on the embalming process; and a variety of other selected conditions that impact the embalming procedure.
Prerequisite: MOR 335 , MOR 336  and either BIO 733  or BIO 164 .
Corequisite: MOR 341  

  1. Identify commonly-used procedures of arterial injection and drainage.
    1. Define one-point injection.
    2. Define split injection.
    3. Define multi-point injection.
    4. Define restricted cervical injection.
    5. Define sectional embalming.
    6. Define six-point injection.
    7. Identify commonly-used drainage techniques and concepts.
  2. Examine various movements of arterial solution throughout the body.
    1. Define delivery.
    2. Define distribution.
    3. Differentiate between arterial distribution and diffusion.
    4. Identify common sources of intravascular resistance.
    5. Identify common sources of extravascular resistance.
    6. Recall the need for resistance during embalming process.
    7. Identify concepts of rate of flow and pressure relative to embalming.
    8. Identify concepts of ideal pressure and ideal rate of flow.
    9. Recall center of distribution in human body.
    10. Identify signs of arterial solution distribution and diffusion.
    11. Compare concepts of osmosis and dialysis relative to embalming process.
  3. Examine the various aspects of aspiration and cavity treatment/embalming.
    1. Recall the purpose of cavity treatment.
    2. Identify the two common theories of cavity treatment.
    3. Recall the abdominal regions and their contents by the two systems of nomenclature.
    4. Recall the common trocar guides.
    5. Identify equipment use for aspiration.
    6. Identify aspiration methods for the cranial, abdominal, thoracic, and pelvic cavities.
    7. Define purge and identify the characteristics of the various types.
  4. Identify treatments commonly employed after arterial injection.
    1. Identify the two types of supplemental embalming.
    2. Recall the different techniques for surface embalming.
    3. Recall the different techniques for hypodermic embalming.
    4. Identify common methods and directions of incision closure.
    5. Recall techniques for the removal of various invasive devices.
    6. Identify the post-embalming treatments for distension.
    7. Identify the various techniques for re-setting features when necessary.
  5. Identify the various embalming issues predicated on the age of the deceased.
    1. Recall the embalming considerations for infants and children.
    2. List the embalming considerations for the 4-12 year old decedent.
    3. Recall the embalming considerations for the adolescent and adult.
    4. Recall the process of a pre-injection.
    5. Identify the embalming considerations for the elderly.
  6. Distinguish the embalming implications of an autopsied case.
    1. Compare the two types of autopsies.
    2. Recall the purpose of each type of autopsy.
    3. List the general considerations of autopsy treatment.
    4. Identify autopsy embalming considerations. 
    5. Differentiate between a partial and complete autopsy.
    6. Identify specific treatments involved in embalming the autopsied body.
    7. Identify the various types of partial autopsies.
  7. Examine the embalming implications of an organ/tissue donor case.
    1. Identify tissue and organs being recovered for transplantation.
    2. Recall the two common embalming options for an organ donor.
    3. Identify common embalming treatments for an eye donor.
    4. Identify the three methods of embalming the legs of a long bone donor.
    5. Identify major embalming concerns associated with skin donors.
  8. Identify common problems associated with delayed embalming.
    1. Recall common injection techniques used with delayed embalming.
    2. Recall the embalming considerations and treatments for rigor mortis.
    3. Recall the embalming considerations and treatments for refrigerated bodies.
    4. Recall the embalming considerations and treatments for bodies with decomposition.
  9. Identify discolorations and the embalming considerations and general treatments.
    1. Identify ante-mortem blood discolorations.
    2. Identify post-mortem blood discolorations.
    3. Identify intravascular blood discolorations.
    4. Identify extravascular blood discolorations.
    5. Recall embalming considerations for carbon monoxide poisoning.
    6. Identify the concept and process of instant tissue fixation.
  10. Identify moisture considerations relating to the body during the embalming process.
    1. Define edema.
    2. Identify types of edema by location.
    3. Identify effects of edema on the embalming process.
    4. Recall various embalming techniques to treat edema.
    5. Identify various chemical solutions used to treat edema.
  11. Analyze vascular considerations in the embalming process.
    1. Define arteriosclerosis.
    2. Identify the different types of gangrene.
    3. Define atheroma.
    4. Identify the embalming concerns and treatments of selected intravascular conditions.
    5. Differentiate between intravascular and extravascular resistance.

Competencies Revised Date: 2020

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