Jan 13, 2025
HSV 130 - Interviewing/Interper Relation Credits: 3 Lecture Hours: 3 Lab Hours: 0 Practicum Hours: 0 Work Experience: 0 Course Type: Open Study of interviewing theories including roles and relationships between the interviewer and the interviewee. Methodology of developing questions, conducting interviews, recording data and analyzing it, and writing assessments and histories are emphasized. Competencies
- Demonstrate knowledge of important concepts in interviewing
- Describe three communication models
- List the advantages and disadvantages of open questions
- List the advantages and disadvantages of closed questions
- List the advantages and disadvantages of directive interviews
- List the advantages and disadvantages of nondirective interviews
- List the advantages and disadvantages of scheduled interviews
- List the advantages and disadvantages of nonscheduled interviews
- Describe listening levels
- Establish interpersonal relationships with interviewees
- Talk with people comfortably
- Demonstrate open body language
- Describe open and closed body language observed in student interviews
- Sense impact of self on interviewee
- Interpret nonverbal behaviors, emotions, and physical characteristics which the student observes
- Respond appropriately to interviewee nonverbal communication
- Probe interviewee responses
- Reflect the feelings and content of interviewee responses
- Conduct ten survey interviews
- Choose interviewing strategies appropriate for a survey
- Write the interview schedule
- Pretest the interview schedule
- Interview ten people using the survey schedule and record their responses
- Tabulate the results of the survey
- Write a report of the survey results
- Conduct an assessment appraisal interview
- Choose interviewing strategies appropriate for an assessment interview
- Research the problem to be assessed to determine the criteria for an assessment
- List the criteria to be used for the assessment
- Write three or more open questions which can be used to gather information about each criterion in the assessment
- Write the assessment interview schedule
- Conduct an assessment interview using the schedule
- Record interviewee responses
- Record nonverbal behaviors and emotions which the student observed
- Organize interviewee verbal and nonverbal responses into an assessment
- Report the interview responses in a written human services assessment
- Conduct a complete history interview
- Choose interviewing strategies appropriate for a complete history interview
- Research the areas which will be included in the history to determine the criteria for assessment
- List the criteria to be used for the assessment in each area of the history
- Write three or more open questions which can be used to gather information about each criteria in each area of the history
- Write an interview schedule for a complete history
- Conduct a complete history interview using the schedule
- Record interviewee responses
- Record nonverbal behaviors and emotions which the student observed
- Organize interviewee verbal and nonverbal responses into a complete history
- Report interviewee responses in a written human services history
- Demonstrate human services self discipline
- Meet assigned deadlines
- Attend class regularly
- Participate in class activities and discussion in a meaningful way
- Give feedback to classmates to help them develop their interviewing skills
- Demonstrate logical and analytical thinking
- Write survey results, an assessment, and a history using correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling
- Write survey results, an assessment, and a history that report interview information in a clear and comprehensible manner, that are well-organized, and that distinguish between fact and opinion
- Write survey results, an assessment, and a history in which opinions are supported with facts from the interviews, evidence, and/or reason, and in which conclusions follow from the evidence presented
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