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2020-2021 Course Catalog 
2020-2021 Course Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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HIS 113 - Western Civilization: Early..

Credits: 4
Lecture Hours: 4
Lab Hours: 0
Practicum Hours: 0
Work Experience: 0
Course Type: Core
Survey of political, economic, social and intellectual developments from the 18th century to the present. Enlightenment, revolutions and reactions, national unifications, national rivalries, world wars and postwar developments.
  1. Analyze the development of absolute monarchy and constitutional monarchy between 1500 and 1725
    1. Identify and evaluate these two types of government by examining France and England
    2. Discuss the efforts of the English people to resist absolutist monarchy
    3. Examine the rise of Peter the Great and the Westernization of Russia
    4. Examine the emergence of Brandenburg-Prussia as a European Power
  2. Evaluate the origins and varieties of ideologies
    1. Critique the struggle between conservatism, liberalism, religious fundamentalism, and nationalism
    2. Chart the emergence of socialism, communism, and fascism
  3. Evaluate the concept of a modern society
    1. Discuss the process of modernization
    2. Examine the rise and varieties of economic transformations
    3. Review the agricultural revolution
    4. Interpret the changes brought on by the industrial revolution
  4. Discuss the origins of modern science, the scientific view and its impact on European traditional ways of religion and life
    1. Explain what was the scientific revolution
    2. Examine the efforts to reconcile the new science and religion
    3. Analyze the impact of the new science on religion and philosophy
    4. Discuss the role of women in the scientific revolution
  5. Critique the effects of the Enlightenment upon European society
    1. Identify key figures in the Enlightenment
    2. Evaluate the intellectual impact of the Enlightenment upon Europe
    3. Outline the effect of the Enlightenment outside of Europe
  6. Appraise the importance of the French Revolution and future revolutions it inspired
    1. Discuss the transformation of French society
    2. Summarize the wars that spread across Europe in the wake of the French Revolution
    3. Identify the rise of Napoleon and his impact on society, law, and the military
    4. Contrast the revolutions of 1848
  7. Evaluate the actions of Europe during the “Belle Époque” within Europe and throughout the rest of the world
    1. Describe the development of societal reforms throughout European states
    2. Contrast the wars of unification in both Italy and Germany
    3. Explain imperialism and colonialism
    4. Distinguish between the different Europeans attempts at global imperialism
  8. Characterize the origins of the First World War
    1. Identify the tensions in Europe that led to the First World War
    2. Outline the different fronts of the First World War
    3. Record the aftermath of the First World War’s effects on Europe and the rest of the world
  9. Evaluate the turmoil of the inter-war period
    1. Critique the Russian Revolution and development of communism in Europe
    2. Discuss the geographical reorganization of Europe after the First World War
    3. Describe the impact on colonies around the globe
    4.  Assess the rise of extremist ideologies (dictatorships, fascism, Nazism)
    5. Appraise the effects of the Great Depression
  10. Analyze the Second World War
    1. Discuss the origins of the Second World War
    2. Highlight key fronts and battles of the Second World War
    3. Contrast the end of the Second World War to the First World War
  11. Critique the world wide confrontation of the Cold War
    1. Discuss the origins of the Cold War
    2. Interpret the many impacts of the Cold War
    3. Identify the demise of the Cold War
  12. Illustrate the issues facing Europe after the Second World War
    1. Articulate the impact of decolonization on both colonizer and colonized
    2. Describe the origins of the European Union
    3. Discuss Europe’s relationship with the non-western world
  13. Demonstrate effective communication and critical thinking skills through writing.
    1. Define and interpret primary sources
    2. Create a formal research paper with a coherent argument

Competencies Revised Date: 2020

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