Mar 06, 2025
EMS 105 - IA Law Enforcement Emerg Care Credits: 1 Lecture Hours: 0 Lab Hours: 2 Practicum Hours: 0 Work Experience: 0 Course Type: Voc/Tech Designed to help Iowa Law Enforcement personnel gain the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to be a competent, productive and valuable member of the Emergency Medical Services team. Competencies
- Describe the responsibilities of a ILEECP
- Define Emergency Care/Fist Aid/OSHA Standards
- Identify the need for knowledge and skills required for administration of emergency care
- Determine emergency situations one can manage
- Decide when an emergency requires a more advanced trained responder and the need to activate the EMS System (911).
- Express knowledge of protection given a rescuer by the Good Samaritans Law
- Define actual and implied consent and know how consent applies in helping an adult in an emergency
- Define rumored consent and know how consent applies in helping a child in an emergency
- Evaluate an injured victim by use of a primary and secondary survey
- Use BCLS shells to correct airway, breathing and circulation problems discovered in the primary survey
- Assess when not to move a victim with serious injuries discovered in the secondary survey
- Identify signs and symptoms of respiratory emergencies
- Demonstrate the correct procedures for rescue breathing for an adult, child and infant
- Demonstrate the correct procedures for relieving FBOA for the conscious, becomes unconscious, and found unconscious adult, child and infant
- Perform one rescuer CPR for the adult, child and infant
- Identify common childhood/adult illnesses and injuries
- Express a minimal knowledge of the circulatory, respiratory, and skeletal systems
- State and demonstrate correct methods for controlling bleeding, including direct pressure, elevation, and pressure point
- Define shock and identify injuries which are most likely to cause shocks
- Recognize the signs of symptoms of shocks and demonstrate appropriate treatment
- State the principals of care for open and closed soft tissue injuries
- Know the difference between a bandage and dressing
- Demonstrate the proper procedure for management of a soft tissue injury
- Identify signs and symptoms of fractures
- Know when not to move a patient with a fracture
- Identify situations in which the necks or backs might be fractured and know not to move the patient
- Identify and manage common medical emergencies including seizures, asthma, abdominal distress, diabetic coma and insulin shock
- Identify four ways children/adults are poisoned
- Contact poison control center
- Demonstrate first aid for a poison emergency
- Identify heat and cold emergencies
- Be able to identify partial and full thickness burns and know first aid for burns
- Know first aid for heat exhaustion and heat stroke
- Know first aid for frostbite
- Identify the symptoms of a patient under the influence of alcohol or drugs
- Know emergency care for a drug overdose
- Evaluate the pregnant woman and provide assistance for emergency birth
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