Mar 06, 2025
ELT 307 - Digital Circuits Credits: 2 Lecture Hours: 2 Lab Hours: 0 Practicum Hours: 0 Work Experience: 0 Course Type: Voc/Tech An analysis of those circuits that form basic building blocks for a digital system, including logical gates such as OR, NOR, AND and NAND, storage registers and counters. Corequisite: ELT 308 Competencies
- Perform conversions between digital number systems
- Convert numbers from a binary to decimal system
- Perform decimal to binary conversions
- Transform octal numbers to binary ones
- Change binary numbers to octal ones
- Perform Hexadecimal to binary conversions
- Execute conversion of decimal numbers to hexadecimal numbers
- Convert hexadecimal numbers to octal numbers
- Perform octal to hexadecimal conversions
- Interpret BCD codes
- Perform binary to BCD code conversions
- Draw timing diagrams
- Read timing diagrams
- Evaluate timing diagrams
- Explain timing diagrams
- Analyze timing diagrams
- Explain the operation of basic login gates
- Describe logic circuits algebraically
- Identify gates by their symbols
- Evaluate logic circuit outputs
- Draw truth tables
- Read truth tables
- Describe combinations of gates with Boolean algebra
- Simplify logic circuits using Boolean algebra and Karnaugh mapping
- Apply Boolean’s and DeMorgan’s Theorems
- Convert gates with all NAND and all NOR gates
- Perform arithmetic operations with digital IC’s
- Perform binary arithmetic
- Perform hexadecimal arithmetic
- Perform BCD arthimetic
- Apply counter and register theory to circuit applications
- Evaluate asynchronous counters
- Evaluate synchronous counters
- Evaluate shift registers
- Design circuits with counters and registers
- Identify the characteristics of various digital circuit families
- Investigate TTL series characteristics
- Investigate MOS series characteristics
- Apply MSI logic circuit theory to circuit applications
- Evaluate decoders, encoders, and display drivers
- Design with encoders, decoders, and display drivers
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