Feb 15, 2025  
2020-2021 Course Catalog 
2020-2021 Course Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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ECE 221 - Infant/Toddler Care and Educ.

Credits: 3
Lecture Hours: 3
Lab Hours: 0
Practicum Hours: 0
Work Experience: 0
Course Type: Open
Focuses on care, education and assessment of children from birth to 36 months. Prepares students to utilize developmentally appropriate evidence-based practices, including responsive caregiving, routines as curriculum, collaborative relationships with culturally, linguistically and ability diverse children and families, and a focus on the whole child in inclusive settings.
(This course is Pass/Fail.)
  1. Describe the development of infants and toddlers with emphasis on the whole child, and understanding of individual needs based on culture, language and ability
    1. Identify the typical developmental progression of children from birth to three.
    2. Explain how development and learning varies according to the unique traits of each child.
    3. Review current research regarding infant brain development and how to support it.
    4. Acknowledge the importance of cultural sensitivity to foster relationships with children and families.
  2. Describe the role of adults in creating respectful, responsive, and collaborative partnerships with each child, family and other staff
    1. Define primary care and continuity of care.
    2. Explain how primary and care and continuity of care support infant attachment and foster relationships with families.
    3. Explain how to establish a goodness of fit between child and caregiver by responding to individual temperament types.
    4. Explain the social/emotional milestones of infancy and caregiver strategies that support infants at each stage of infancy.
    5. Describe how to utilize a responsive process to create nurturing relationships with children and families.
    6. Define the term protective urge and explain how to support the protective urges of families and educators.
  3. Plan appropriate environments including room arrangement, equipment, materials and adaptations for each child
    1. Identify the key considerations for creating appropriate environments for infants and toddlers.
    2. List the recommended ratios for infant and toddler environments according to Iowa licensing, NAEYC and PITC.
    3. Explain the benefits of small group sizes for infants and toddlers.
    4. Create a plan for an infant or toddler environment including appropriate furniture and materials to support development.
    5. Identify strategies for creating an environment respectful of culture, language, and ability levels for each infant and toddler.
  4. Identify guidance strategies which nurture self-regulation and a positive sense of self
    1. Identify appropriate socialization and guidance strategies for infants and toddlers.
    2. Determine which guidance strategies are appropriate for a child based on their stage of infancy while including consideration of culture, language and ability diversity.
    3. Recognize sources of different infant and toddler behaviors and describe strategies for reducing challenging behaviors and teaching appropriate behaviors.
  5. Explain strategies that support emerging communication skills, curiosity and creativity for each child
    1. Describe the importance of routines as a core component of the curriculum in an infant/toddler environment.
    2. Explain how to implement infant/toddler routines using best practice.
    3. Identify strategies to support learning through discovery.
    4. Describe verbal and non-verbal strategies that support infant’s emergent language skills.
    5. Plan and demonstrate learning opportunities that support each child’s development.
  6. Use informal and formal assessments as the basis for guided learning experiences
    1. Use assessment to plan individualized learning opportunities for infants and toddlers.
    2. Align child learning objectives with current standards in the field.
    3. Describe indicators that development may be delayed and communicate with families regarding concerns and resources available.
    4. Discuss serving infants with special needs through teaming, adaptations and accommodations, and the IFSP process.
  7. Use self-reflection as a tool to improve teaching and interactions
    1. Compare and contrast personal beliefs with evidence-based practices regarding infant/toddler care.
    2. Analyze how beliefs impact individual philosophy of infant/toddler care.
  8. Explain health and safety measures and legal requirements
    1. List the indicators of a safe and healthy environment for infants and toddlers.
    2. Utilize state regulations and other professional standards to make appropriate decisions regarding the health and safety of infants and toddlers.

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