Dec 21, 2024  
2020-2021 Course Catalog 
2020-2021 Course Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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ART 226 - Alternative Photo Processes

Credits: 3
Lecture Hours: 2
Lab Hours: 2
Practicum Hours: 0
Work Experience: 0
Course Type: Open
For students who have mastered basic photographic principles and process. This class will be a guide that demonstrates a variety of alternative processes, encompassing both traditional and nontraditional techniques. Topics include Litho Printing, EIR Film, HIE Film, Spray Developing, Fotodye, Tone Zone, Sunprinting and Photograms.
Prerequisite: ART 184 , ART 186  
  1. Create photographs by tuning their visual communication senses
    1. Describe some of the differences between the photographic image and visual perception
    2. Define “pre-visualization”.
    3. Demonstrate an understanding of the informational and psychological impact of the photographic medium on the viewer
    4. Explain the terms “composition and visual selection.”
    5. Define the meaning of the terms relating to composition and visual selection
    6. Describe “subject emphasis.”
    7. Define the nature of “figure-ground relationship” and “negative space”.
    8. Describe what is meant by “clarity, simplicity, complexity, balance symmetry and asymmetrical balance.”
    9. Discuss “style” as it relates to photos
    10. Explain the balance between “concept and craft.”
    11. Be able to explain and put into practice the items under “controlled photography.”
    12. Demonstrate in their pictures that they are practicing “photographic seeing.”
    13. Explain what is meant by “learning by example.”
    14. Present his/her work for critique and evaluate criticism
  2. Control tonal values by careful metering and development practices
    1. Demonstrate how to measure luminance with a reflected light meter
    2. Demonstrate how to achieve the correct Exposure Index
    3. Explain how to “calibrate” your system
    4. Tell what “field testing” is
    5. Describe how tone control can be applied to negative color films
    6. Describe how tone control can be applied to positive color films
    7. Demonstrate how to plot your own characteristic curves
    8. Define dark and light tones
    9. Explain normal contrast 
  3. Experiment with special photographic techniques
    1. Use a Skylight or UV filter to protect the lens
    2. Describe how to use infared color film
    3. Describe how to use black and white infared film
    4. Discuss the uses of ultra high-speed films and their applications
    5. Describe how to make multiple exposures on a frame of film
    6. Demonstrate the technique of vignetting
    7. Describe the techniques used in hand-coloring a black and white print
    8. Demonstrate exposure corrections to be made with certain filters, metering through a filter, how to put filter factors into use, and how to choose color contrast filters
    9. Demonstrate the use of a polarizing filter
    10. Demonstrate how to make a negative sandwich
    11. Make prints showing each of the following techniques: A black border mask, a white boarder mask, and a two enlarger mask
    12. Produce a roll of negative film using the coralizing technique
  4. Prepare a photograph for presentation
    1. Understand health warnings when using toners and tone prints properly
    2. Demonstrate proficiency in correct print mounting techniques, acccording to specifications of the instructor, including various methods available to the student
    3. Arrange a display of prints, paying attention to selection, arrangement and lighting
    4. Demonstrate how to properly build a portfolio, paying attention to selection, variety and continuity
  5. Produce a Lithograph Print
    1. Define the definition of a Lith Print
    2. Describe what a lith print consists of
    3. List what is involved in producing a lith print
    4. Explain how to compose a lith print 
  6. Produce an infrared EIR color print
    1. Define EIR
    2. Demonstrate how to expose EIR film
    3. List what is involved in producing and EIR print
    4. Explain how to compose an EIR print
  7. Produce an high-speed infrared black and white print
    1. Define HIE
    2. Demonstrate how to expose HIE film
    3. List what is involved in producing an HIE print
    4. Explain how to compose an HIE print
  8. Demonstrate spray developing
    1. Define spray developing
    2. Demonstrate how to produce a print using the spray developing technique
    3. Explain how to compose a print using the spray developing technique
  9. Produce a Fotodye print on any photographic emulsion
    1. Understand the definition of Fotodye
    2. Describe the qualities of a Fotodye print
    3. List what is involved in producing a Fotodye print
  10. Prepare a tone zone photograph for presentation
    1. Describe the qualities of a tone zone photograph
    2. Define tone zone
    3. List what is involved in producing a tone zone photograph for presentation
  11. Create a Sunprint on cyanotype paper
    1. Define sunprint
    2. Describe the qualities of a Sunprint
    3. List what is involved in producing a Sunprint
    4. Produce a Sunprint using the sun and tap water
  12. Create a Photogram on traditional photographic paper
    1. Define Photogram
    2. Explain what the qualities of a Photogram
    3. Produce a Photogram using non-photographic articles

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