Feb 14, 2025
AGV 166 - Veterinary Nursing Care Credits: 3 Lecture Hours: 1 Lab Hours: 4 Practicum Hours: 0 Work Experience: 0 Course Type: Voc/Tech Introduces the fundamentals of animal nursing, including common procedures, restraint, venipuncture techniques, medication or fluid administration. Emphasis will be placed on nursing care for the hospitalized patient. Prerequisite: AGV 120 , AGV 128 , AGV 129 and AGV 133 Competencies
- Perform common diagnostic procedures.
- Demonstrate a manual blood pressure
- Demonstrate a pulse oximetry reading
- Demonstrate vision tests
- Administer medications.
- Administer IV, SQ, PO, IM and topical medications
- Administer oxygen therapy
- Outline handling of wounds.
- Describe development of a wound
- Prepare proper medicants and dressings for bandaging and splints
- Discuss with owners proper aftercare for wounds and bandages
- Outline proper handling of recumbent patients.
- Discuss prevention and treatment of decubitus ulcers
- Develop aftercare procedures for owner’s home-care
- Evaluate fluid dynamics of the animal.
- Determine levels of hydration
- Perform a cephalic and saphenous IV catheter
- Administer fluids and blood products
- Assess treatment responses
- Perform routine venipuncture techniques.
- Prepare a sample using a syringe or vacutainer for sample collection
- Understand how to find and palpate the jugular, cephalic and saphenous vein for sample collection
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