Dec 11, 2024  
2019-2020 Course Catalog 
2019-2020 Course Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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AGA 154 - Fundamentals of Soil Science

Credits: 3
Lecture Hours: 2
Lab Hours: 2
Practicum Hours: 0
Work Experience: 0
Course Type: Open

An extended course in soils and fertilizers. A study of the physical, chemical and biological properties of soils. Also includes the study of fertilizers, their composition, manufacture and use.
1. Evaluate land use interpretation, soil mapping, the legal aspect of land management and careers

  1. Identify the legal implications of fences, surface water runoff, drainage and easements
  2. Identify a plot of land given a legal description
  3. Calculate land area, length, and percent slope
  4. Analyze a soil classification map
  5. Differentiate land capability classes with the aid of a soil survey.
  6. Compare soil limitations and potentials and develop a land management plan
  7. List career opportunities 

2. Critique the health of soil for use as a medium for plant growth

  1. Define soil
  2. Explain how the three phase soil system impacts plant growth
  3. Summarize how photosynthesis impacts the water and oxygen requirements for plants
  4. Perform a soil health evaluation 

3. Assess soil formation process, composition and classification

  1. Describe the composition of the earth’s crust and soil in terms of the eight most abundant chemical elements
  2. Describe the transformation process from mineral rock to soil
  3. List the types of surface deposits from which soil form
  4. Explain the process of weathering and formation of parent material
  5. Describe the five soil forming factors
  6. Explain the four soil formation processes
  7. Demonstrate a knowledge of the master soil horizons 
  8. Identify the 10 soil orders of the soil taxonomy
  9. Explain the significance of the soils orders in relationship to major food production areas of the world

4. Analyze soil physical properties

  1. Identify the differences between soil separates
  2. Demonstrate soil texture classification using the textural triangle, field method (ribbon test) or hydrometer method
  3. Identify structural classification of soil peds
  4. Determine soil color using Munsell Color Chart
  5. Define soil consistence
  6. Compare the relationship between particle, bulk density, and porosity
  7. Perform soil sampling techniques for particle/bulk density and porosity evaluation
  8. Calculate bulk density
  9. Calculate porosity
  10. Calculate furrow slice (AFS) to determine the quantity of constituent in a soil.
  11. Perform aggregate stability and slake test

5. Appraise the importance of soil biology and its impact on soil organic matter

  1. Identify the major types of macro-and microfauna and flora found in the soil
  2. Compare the relative quantity (biomass) of macro and micro groups
  3. Explain the role of identified macro and micro groups as it relates to soil conditions and their growth.
  4. Calculate the impact of plant residue on soil structure through humification.  Explain the N-cycle, including pathways for loss and gain
  5. Explain the impact of the Carbon/Nitrogen Ratio (C/N) on nitrogen depression.
  6. Explain how organic matter can affect anion retention
  7. Perform CO2 burst, soil respiration test
  8. Perform earthworm test

6. Assess the importance of chemistry in soil formation and management

  1. Identify the kinds of colloidal constituents contained in soil.
  2. Explain the difference between cations and anions in the soil
  3. Identify the six most commonly adsorbed cations
  4. Design and review the molecular structure for specific elements associated with soils and fertilizers
  5. Explain percent base saturation
  6. Calculate the percent base saturation for a specific cation
  7. List 3 examples of the influence of soil pH on crop adaptation that cover the pH range of 4 to 7
  8. Define buffering capacity and distinguish between total and water soluble acidity
  9. Identify two plants that require acid soils
  10. Identify three materials used to acidify soils
  11. Identify three materials used to correct low soil pH
  12. Calculate lime requirements using Effective Calcium Carbonate Equivalent (ECCE)

7. Interpret soil water conditions

  1. Define the water reference conditions used to assign numerical values to water potential energy
  2. Calculate and /or define, with respect to plant growth, the physical and biological categories which soil water may be classified
  3. Interpret a soil-moisture characteristic curve
  4. Perform a water permeability test

8. Interpret soil test and develop soil fertility plan

  1. Perform soil-sampling techniques (Grid, Soil Type, etc.)
  2. Perform soil testing analysis for N-P-K, pH and EC
  3. Interpret basic soil test for N-P-K, pH and EC
  4. Identify 17-18 macro and micro nutrients found within the soil
  5. Explain the role of primary and secondary nutrients in crop production
  6. Interpret fertilizer grades and ratios
  7. Compare fertilizer cost
  8. Calculate fertilizer cost based on nutrient recommendations
  9. Describe the benefits of animal waste as a source of soil nutrients.
  10. List the forms of organic and inorganic nitrogen and their relative value
  11. Identify the forms of phosphorus available in the soil
  12. Identify the forms of potassium available in the soil

9. Analyze soil management challenges 

  1. Explain the relationship between world population and the food supply
  2. Identify five inorganic elements that are potential soil pollutants
  3. Describe the possible reaction of pesticides in soil and their effect on soil organisms
  4. Identify different types of erosion associated with water and /or wind
  5. Explain the components of the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation
  6. Calculate soil loss using the Universal Soil Loss Equation
  7. Calculate the economic impact of soil erosion
  8. Explain soil and water conservation practices

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