Dec 04, 2024
AGH 111 - Intro to Turfgrass Management Credits: 2 Lecture Hours: 2 Lab Hours: 0 Practicum Hours: 0 Work Experience: 0 Course Type: Voc/Tech The study of soil and turf relationships to planning, seed bed preparation, seed selection, fertilization, sowing and establishing of turf and lawn. The student receives practical experience in starting and maintaining new lawn areas. Prerequisite: AGH 146 or AGA 154 , AGH 147 and AGH 221 Competencies
- Describe the history of turf grass usage
- List the type of turf occupations/divisions among industry/related associations.
- Summarize the qualities of the various turf grass species used by the turf managers/growers
- Make a summary of turf grass species by morphological features
- Sum up climactic adaptations of cool and warm season turf grass
- Restate briefly the differences between turf type and bench type turf grasses
- Explain the role of turf grass relationships to soils
- Identify the physical properties of soils essential to turf grass growth
- Describe how the chemical property of soils affect turf grass growth
- Recall how the biological properties of soils impact turf grass growth
- Describe soil sampling and testing procedures
- List the major fertilizer elements and their functions
- Identify the primary elements essential to turf grass growth
- Name the secondary elements
- Recall the trace/micro elements
- Outline the steps in establishing lawns
- Compare seeding, sprigging, stolonizing
- Determine pure live seed percentages.
- Calculate seeding rates.
- Explain why correct mowing practices are important to the quality of the turf.
- Explain the effects of mowing on turf grass plants.
- List the current cutting height for turf grass species and cultivars.
- Identify the factors that influence the selection of the correct cutting height.
- Describe the factors that determine how often turf grass should be cut.
- Describe the advantages and disadvantages of different types of mowers.
- Compare the advantages and disadvantages of collecting grass clippings.
- Distinguish between sasfe and unsafe mowing practices.
- Discuss the use of plant growth regulators.
- State the management practices of turf grass as it applies to watering.
- Explain how water moves in the soil.
- Describe why not all soil water is available for plant use.
- Discuss irrigation needs based upon climate, season, and turf species or cultivar.
- List the signs that indicate when irrigation is needed.
- Explain how the amount of water to be applied is determined.
- Discuss the unfavorable growing conditions that occur in the shade.
- Explain why certain shade-tolerant species and cultivars are able to adapt to moderate or partical shade.
- List the maintenance practices that help turf grass plants survive on shaded sites.
- Discuss the causes of soil compaction.
- Describe the problems resulting from soil compaction.
- Cite the role of water in turf grass growth
- List the roles of nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium in turf grass growth
- Recall the 1/3 rule of mowing in turf grass maintenance
- Explain the role aeration plays in turf grass management
- List methods of preventing and alleviating compaction.
- Explain why a thick layer of thatch is undersirable.
- Describe the reasons for thatch buildup.
- Explain how thatch is reduced and controlled.
- Describe topdressing.
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