Mar 02, 2025
ADN 821 - Nursing Seminar Credits: 3 Lecture Hours: 1 Lab Hours: 0 Practicum Hours: 6 Work Experience: 0 Course Type: Open Emphasizes the transition from nursing student to entry-level professional nurse. Clinical preceptorship occurs in a variety of healthcare settings. Prerequisite: ADN 551 Competencies
- Participate in clinical preceptorship to assist in transition from nursing student to entry level nurse
- Define clinical preceptorship
- Discuss the roles of the student, preceptor, and faculty liaison in preceptorship and community-based experience
- Develop personal/professional learning objectives for the preceptor experience
- Develop plan of action to achieve learning objectives
- Communicate effectively with clients, preceptor, faculty liaison, and other members of the health team
- Collaborate with the interdisciplinary team to coordinate client teaching and discharge planning
- Evaluate progress toward meeting personal learning objectives and practicum objectives
- Document perceptions (journaling) as an on-going process and analyze responses to experiences encountered during the preceptor and community-based experience
- Communicate effectively with clients, preceptor/mentor, and other members of the health care team
- Manage client care assignments effectively
- Participate in a comprehensive plan of care
- Administer medications with sound judgment
- Perform skills efficiently
- Provide competent care
- Evaluate client’s response to nursing care and revise as necessary
- Actively seek out learning experiences
- Meet all personal learning objectives
- Explore the individual nurse’s role in supporting nursing as a profession
- Examine participation in nursing organizations as a professional responsibility
- Compare and contrast the nursing organizations that the professional nurse may join
- Identify the roles that nursing organizations have in professional practice
- Examine current issues affecting nursing practice
- Identify the steps in the research process
- Compare differences between conducting research and research utilization
- Explore the utilization of nursing research to guide nursing practice
- Describe the components of a nursing research article
- Discuss the steps involved in performing a critique of a nursing research article
- Discuss the function of the National Institute of Nursing Research
- Demonstrate self assessment as a basis for continued educational or professional development
- Analyze the four domain concepts of a nursing philosophy
- Value the development of a personal philosophy of nursing
- Develop a personal philosophy of nursing incorporating the four domain concepts
- Describe issues related to the professionalization of nursing
- Explore mechanisms/systems that establish standards for nursing practice
- Discuss legal responsibilities of professional practice
- Discuss methods of preparation to ensure success on the NCLEX-RN
- Examine HESI results as a mechanism to improve success on the NCLEX-RN
- Discuss the continuing education requirement in nursing practice
- Identify educational preparation for advanced practice nursing
- Explore the issues of entry into practice and differentiated practice
- Analyze the concepts of Career Ladder and Clinical Ladder as a mechanism for professional development
- Apply the nursing process to the care of clients in acute care and community-based settings
- Utilize the nursing process when managing small groups of clients, reflecting theory, competent clinical skills, and standards of practice
- Determine actual and potential risks and implement measures to ensure client safety
- Discuss principles of community-based nursing
- Analyze advantages and disadvantages of community-based nursing
- Compare and contrast the roles of the nurse in community-based and acute care settings
- Discuss the image of the professional nurse in the community-based setting
- Discuss career opportunities for the ADN in the community-based setting
- Discuss planning and implementation of community-based nursing experience
- Evaluate nursing experience in the community-based setting
- Assess the client/family in the acute care and community-based settings
- Participate in a comprehensive plan of care
- Implement nursing interventions
- Evaluate client’s response to nursing care
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