Sep 23, 2024  
2017-2018 Course Catalog 
2017-2018 Course Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

The following are standard, approved subjects. Availability of any subject depends on the scheduling, program and student needs at the time. The receiving college or university determines the transferability of courses.

Course Types

Adjunct Adjunct courses may be temporary or experimental and may be used to fulfill elective credit in programs that lead to a degree or diploma. Adjunct courses may not be used to fulfill or substitute for required or option courses in any degree or program.

General Noncore courses identified as freshman-sophomore courses.

Open Occupationally specific courses corresponding to courses in certain professional programs at four-year institutions.

Voc/Tech Occupationally specific courses. Transferability is generally limited. Only 16 credits can apply to the AA/AS degree.

Core Traditional liberal arts courses in the first two years of a baccalaureate degree.

College preparatory (Coll Prep) College preparatory and skill building courses. College Preparatory courses cannot be used to fulfill degree requirements.

P/F Indicates courses taken pass/fail.

Prerequisites Successful completion of a course or other criterion necessary for a student to succeed in a higher level course.

Corequisites A course that must be taken concurrently or prior to the course.

*An instructor may deny enrollment in or drop a student from a specific course if a course
Prerequisite has not been met.


Heating and Air Conditioning

  • HCR 803 - Environmental Controls

    Credits: 5
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 6
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    This course offers a basic understanding of building environmental and energy management systems, along with computerized (DDC), pneumatic and electro-mechanical controls.
    Prerequisite: HCR 307 , HCR 440 , HCR 506 .
    Corequisite: HCR 290  
  • HCR 840 - Computer Load Calculations

    Credits: 2
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 2
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Course is designed to deliver instruction in the area of heating/cooling load calculations, air flow and air supply/return layout. Extensive use of computers and CAD systems will be incorporated to enhance student productivity.
    Prerequisite: HCR 506  
  • HCR 932 - Internship

    Credits: 4
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 16
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    On-the-job training for Heating, Air Conditioning, Refrigeration program students.
    Prerequisite: HCR 253 , HCR 440  and HCR 515 . Students must have a 2.0 grade point average or better in the HACR Technology program and a valid driver’s license.


  • HIS 112 - West Civ: Ancient to Early Mod

    Credits: 4
    Lecture Hours: 4
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Core
    The student surveys the great civilizations from Greece and Rome, through the rise of Christianity, to Europe in the Middle Ages, the Renaissance and Reformation, the modern state, the new science and the secular outlook, parliamentary government in England and political absolutism in France and Eastern Europe.
  • HIS 113 - West Civ: Early Modern to Pres

    Credits: 4
    Lecture Hours: 4
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Core
    Survey of political, economic, social and intellectual developments from the 18th century to the present. Enlightenment, revolutions and reactions, national unifications, national rivalries, world wars and postwar developments.
  • HIS 150 - U.S. History to 1877

    Credits: 4
    Lecture Hours: 4
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Core
    A survey of main themes of American history from 1492 to 1877 with emphasis on the political, social, economic, religious and intellectual aspects of the presettlement, Colonial, Revolutionary, Antebellum Civil War and Reconstruction eras.
  • HIS 153 - U.S. History since 1877

    Credits: 4
    Lecture Hours: 4
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Core
    A survey of main themes of American history from 1877 to the present with emphasis on political, social, economic, religious and intellectual aspects of the Gilded Age, the Progressive Era, WWI, the Roaring Twenties, the Great Depression, WWII and post-WWII Era.
  • HIS 201 - Iowa History

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: General
    A broad survey of Iowa history from Indian cultures and pioneer farming through modern agriculture, gradual social changes and long-term political trends.
  • HIS 211 - Modern Asian History

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: General
    This introductory course on modern Asian history explores the history of East and Southeast Asia from 1700 to the present. Students will cover a broad overview of history including geography, culture, economics, politics, modernization, Western intervention and social and political transformation. This will demonstrate East and Southeast Asia’s modern transformations and importance today.
  • HIS 216 - History of Modern Russia

    Credits: 4
    Lecture Hours: 4
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: General
    Students survey the history of Russia from the reign of Nicholas (II) Romanov through the presidency of Dmitry Medvedev. Students will study political change from absolutist to parliamentary, the rise of the Communist Party, the struggle for control of the Communist Party, the harsh rule of Stalin, the impact of WWII, post-WWII international influence of the Soviet Union, Soviet Union’s involvement with Iowa, downfall of the Soviet Union and the rise of post- Communist Party Russia.
  • HIS 249 - Study Abroad: Brit Life & Culture

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 2
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: General
    This course is a survey of British Life and Culture, limited to students in the London Study Abroad program. Taught by various professional guest lecturers, this course examines various historical, geographic, political, economic and social contexts. Students will compare and contrast conditions and lifestyles of different time periods while undertaking related visits in London and throughout Britain. Course assignments, determined by the DMACC faculty member, will focus on major historical themes and ideas as expressed in the history and culture of Great Britain. Students may not receive credit for both HIS 249 and HUM 249 .
  • HIS 257 - African-American History

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Core
    A survey of the history of the African-American community with emphasis on the role of individuals, institutions and ideas in the development of the community from its origins in West Africa to the present.
  • HIS 266 - The Civil War

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: General
    The Civil War was a formative event in American’s history. This course examines the central causes that led to secession and a detailed examination of the conflict and the immediate aftermath of the war from a social, military, political, and economic perspective.
  • HIS 280 - Family History Research

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: General
    The student will learn to use various resources and methods in researching, specifically, family history and genealogy. These would include, but not be limited to, census records, various legal documents, obituaries, cemetery lists, family Bibles, diaries, city directories, local histories, immigration records, military records, photographs, etc.

Health Information Technology

  • HIT 120 - Pharmacology for HIT

    Credits: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    This course provides an introduction to common medication, medication therapies and drug effects relevant to the subject of health information technology. Students will learn the basics of electronic prescribing (e-prescribing), the role of health information technology in drug safety and the current pharmacology environment in the U.S.
  • HIT 125 - Essentials of Health Records

    Credits: 2
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 2
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    This course familiarizes students with the origin, uses, content and format of health records, including both paper and electronic health records. It covers required standards for health records, organization of records and analysis of health record data. The fundamental components, terminology and functions associated with electronic health record (EHR) systems in the health care provider practice. This course also familiarizes students with technologies used in the field of medical transcription.
  • HIT 162 - Data Security for Health IT

    Credits: 2
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    This course provides knowledge of current data security issues in the healthcare environment. A high-level emphasis is placed on identifying vulnerabilities and protection schemes. Additionally, the confidentiality, integrity and availability of protected health information will be discussed.
    Prerequisite: HIT 360  or Instructor Approval
  • HIT 290 - Reimbursement Methods

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 2
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    This introduction to health insurance and reimbursement studies payment systems for all types of healthcare systems and managed care. Changing trends in the reimbursement of healthcare services are reviewed. Topics include prospective payment systems, charge master maintenance, DRGs, APCs, ASC Groups, RBRVs, third-party payers, EOB, Quality Improvement Organizations, managed care/capitation and compliance. Students practice completing claim forms for a variety of medical scenarios and learn the importance of accurate coding and medical necessity to ensure proper reimbursement.
  • HIT 315 - Electronic App for Health Data

    Credits: 2
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    This course provides an overview of health informatics and explores the impact of information technology on the healthcare industry. Students will use electronic spreadsheet and database applications to analyze and format data for presentations and decision-making. A variety of electronic applications are reviewed in a computer lab and/or field trip setting.
    Prerequisite: HIT 520  or instructor approval
  • HIT 339 - Quality Management

    Credits: 2
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    This course provides a basic understanding of the principles of clinical quality measurement, TQM/CQI, effective management practices and evidence-based medicine. It covers the tools of healthcare quality management and the organizational context in which management practices are applied. Students will learn how systems can be used to improve organizational performance.
    Prerequisite: Completion of all first year HIT courses (HIT 125 , HIT 450 , HIT 162 , HIT 120 , HIT 360  and HIT 520 ) or instructor approval
  • HIT 360 - Introduction to HIT

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    This course covers the basics of health information technology (HIT) and electronic health information exchange (HIE). Current and emerging e-health applications will be discussed, including electronic health records (EHRs), registries, clinical decision tools, etc. Other topics include current federal and state e-health initiatives, the clinic value of health IT and the potential impact on the health care system.
  • HIT 390 - Intro HIT Project Management

    Credits: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    This course will provide an overview of project management in the health information technology field. Students will gain an understanding of tools and techniques that result in the ability to create and follow a project management plan.
  • HIT 420 - Legal Aspects of Health Info

    Credits: 2
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    This course focuses on the legal aspects of health information and health records, including access and use of both paper and electronic information. Topics covered include confidentiality, release of health information, liability issues, patient rights, fraud and abuse and ethics. Students will study federal and Iowa-specific laws and regulations related to protected health information.
    Prerequisite: Completion of all first-year HIT courses (HIT 120 , HIT 125 , HIT 162 , HIT 360 , HIT 450  and HIT 520 ) or instructor’s approval
  • HIT 430 - Quality Improvement

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 2
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    This course covers outcomes-based quality improvement methodologies for healthcare organizations. Students learn how to measure customer satisfaction, implement quality management programs, and apply best practices and standards. It also covers patient safety and how to create a culture of safety in the organization.
    Prerequisite: HIT 125  and HIT 360 ; or Instructor Approval
  • HIT 450 - Health Statistics

    Credits: 2
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    This course covers the collection, analysis, verification and display of health statistics. Students will learn uses for health statistics, basic statistical principles, commonly computed rates, vital health statistics, uniform reporting requirements, effective data display and background on data analytic concepts.
  • HIT 520 - Internship I

    Credits: 2
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 8
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    This course is a supervised 120-hour professional practice experience that introduces the student to basic functions in a health information technology setting. The student will observe daily operations and apply knowledge and skills learned in the classroom as applicable. Students will be required to meet objectives, submit a written report of the experience and undergo a job performance evaluation. Site to be arranged by the instructor.
    Prerequisite: HIT 120 , HIT 125 , HSC 121 , HIT 360 , HIT 390  and HIT 450  with a GPA of 2.0 in all program courses and a 2.0 in all HIT courses or instructor approval
  • HIT 521 - Internship II

    Credits: 4
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 16
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    This course is a supervised 240-hour professional practice experience designed to further develop and build upon the experiences of Internship I, at the same or a different organization. The student will observe daily operations and apply knowledge and skills learned in the classroom as applicable. Students will be required to meet objectives, submit a written report of the experience and undergo a job performance evaluation. Site to be arranged by the instructor
    Prerequisite: Completion of the first four semesters of HIT courses with a GPA of 2.0 and a 2.0 in all HIT courses, or instructor approval


  • HON 100 - Introduction to Honors

    Credits: 2
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: General
    This seminar provides an introduction into the DMACC Honors Program, including an introduction to personal leadership and to the electronic portfolio that students will maintain while in the program. Students will write a proposal for an Honors project in a discipline course, update their long-range plans, and complete a group experiential-learning project.
    Prerequisite: Acceptance into DMACC Honors Program.
  • HON 200 - Honors Capstone

    Credits: 2
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: General
    This seminar provides an opportunity for students to complete a leadership project and reflect on their experiences, as well as showcase their work while at DMACC. Students will complete the required criteria for the Honors Program electronic portfolio.
    Prerequisite: HON 100  

Health Science

  • HSC 102 - Emergency Care

    Credits: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Learn to perform care for medical emergencies: fractures, burns, resuscitation, basic CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation, American Heart Level II Standards) Certification.
  • HSC 105 - Survey of Health Careers

    Credits: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    This course introduces both the variety and requirements for healthcare careers. Basic core knowledge and professional expectations common to all health careers are explored. Workplace safety and an overview of the health system and current trends are also covered.
  • HSC 109 - Intro to Health Careers

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Students will discover the many options available, including roles and responsibilities in health career options. This course is designed to provide the student with the information necessary to make their health career choice.
  • HSC 120 - Medical Terminology I

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Builds a medical vocabulary through an understanding of anatomic roots for words denoting body structure, prefixes, suffixes and body functions.
  • HSC 121 - Medical Terminology II

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Continues to build a medical language vocabulary by studying the musculoskeletal, endocrine, nervous and integumentary systems.
    Prerequisite: HSC 120  with a grade of C or better
  • HSC 159 - ESL Prep for Healthcare Educ.

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    This course is designed for the nonnative-English-speaking student who plans to enter a healthcare-focused educational program. Students will learn career-specific professional and colloquial English to improve the receiving and sending of messages in healthcare courses, the educational practicum setting, and in the professional clinical setting. Speaking, writing and reading skills will be integrated. The course content is designed to help the student better understand cultural implications when learning about and providing health care in the United States to a diverse population.
    Prerequisite: A minimum score of 94 in all areas of the ESL COMPASS Test; BIO 733  or instructor permission
  • HSC 172 - Nurse Aide

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 4
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Entry-level skills to seek employment in Iowa skilled facilities. Meets OBRA87 standards.
    Prerequisite: Criminal/Abuse background check; Immunization form as required by clinical site; Flu vaccine-October through April. See the DMACC website for more information
  • HSC 182 - Advanced Nurse Aide

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 3
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    A continuation of the Nurse Aide course, providing additional skills and clinical to work in hospital.
    Prerequisite: HSC 172  or a State-approved 75-hour nurse aide class; Criminal/Abuse background check; Physical and Immunization form as required by clinical site; Flu vaccine-October through April; CPR certification. See the DMACC website for more information
  • HSC 183 - CCDI-Dementia Illness Training

    Credits: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    This 15-hour course has been developed to meet the training requirements for Intermediate Care Facilities by providing basic knowledge about Alzheimer’s disease and other chronic dementia illnesses. Emphasis is on the physical and psychological changes that take place in the Alzheimer’s patient and the importance of appropriate communication. Explanation of the stages of Alzheimer’s disease and appropriate interventions will be introduced.
  • HSC 231 - Medical Science Observation I

    Credits: 2
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 4
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Supervised experience in a medical healthcare agency. Enables students to learn about medical health, accumulate site hours for admission into graduate programs, and apply their skills and knowledge by working directly in the professional field.
  • HSC 232 - Medical Science Observation II

    Credits: 2
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 4
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Extended supervised experience in a medical science area. Enables students to learn about the field of their interest in medical science, accumulate site hours for admission into graduate programs, and apply their skills and knowledge by working directly in the professional field.
    Prerequisite: HSC 231  
  • HSC 240 - Human Nutrition

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Understanding and implementing present-day knowledge of nutrition, along with the use of food for health and satisfaction of the individual and family.
  • HSC 281 - Limited Radiology

    Credits: 5
    Lecture Hours: 4
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 3
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    IBN#22 State-required course for people employed in a clinic to take chest and extremities, sinus or spinal x-rays.

Human Services

  • HSV 109 - Intro to Human Services

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: General
    History and introduction to the social welfare institution. Theoretical perspectives, concepts, values and intervention strategies are examined. Systems theory is used to explore legislation and services designed to meet client needs.
  • HSV 130 - Interviewing/Interper Relation

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    Study of interviewing theories including roles and relationships between the interviewer and the interviewee. Methodology of developing questions, conducting interviews, recording data and analyzing it, and writing assessments and histories are emphasized.
  • HSV 133 - Conflict Resolution

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    This course is designed to study the history, components and process of conflict resolution and to examine the implications for the use of conflict resolution within the human services, psychology and social work fields. This course will provide students with the opportunity to develop conflict resolution skills, as well as to examine their own comfort with conflict and how conflict is presented in the media. The course will also focus on the application of mediation in terms of social justice issues, in particular on child welfare, juvenile problems and restorative justice.
  • HSV 135 - Women’s Issues

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    This course explores selected concerns that women are likely to bring into a counseling situation. Topics include sex roles, gender and socialization, and their impact on women’s lives.
  • HSV 185 - Discrimination and Diversity

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    This course will address theoretical and historical perspectives on racism, sexism and other forms of discrimination; applications to social work, culturally competent practice, change strategies, and intercultural communication strategies. Students will explore and process their own personal prejudices and biases in class. Students will learn skills to increase cultural competency and work effectively with persons from diverse backgrounds.
  • HSV 220 - Intro to Counseling Theories

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    Introduction to major counseling theories including psychoanalysis, gestalt, existential, family systems, reality therapy, behavioral therapy, and person-centered therapy. Applications in mental health and social services settings are considered.
  • HSV 228 - Group Counseling Techniques

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    A study of group processes, functions and leadership and how this affects the work of the human services professional. This course focuses on developing knowledge and skills related to types of groups, stages of group development, facilitation appropriate to each type of group and stage, as well as knowledge and skills related to potential problem areas within groups that may face a human services professional.
  • HSV 230 - Community Organization

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    A study of various theories, methods and techniques to bring about needed and desirable changes in political, economic, social and bureaucratic structures and processes. Emphasis is placed upon application of learned skills.
    Prerequisite: 6 hours of Social Sciences
  • HSV 255 - Addictive Disease Concepts

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    A historical and theoretical background to current concepts of addiction. A variety of addictive behaviors are examined with special focus on psychoactive drug dependency.
  • HSV 286 - Intervention Theories/Prac I

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    Study of several management and planning theories and practices used to assess client needs, establish goals, identify resources and make appropriate referrals. Community resources are explored. Only offered Fall and Spring semesters.
    Prerequisite: HSV 109 , HSV 130 
  • HSV 288 - Intervention Theories/Prac II

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    Theories and values of the social sciences, including human services, are used to interpret and respond to client behaviors. Written analysis is emphasized. Evaluation theory and its applications are also stressed. Only offered Spring and Summer semesters.
    Prerequisite: HSV 130 , HSV 286  (with minimum grade of C).
    Corequisite: HSV 802 
  • HSV 802 - Internship

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 12
    Course Type: Open
    Supervised experience in a human services agency enables students to apply their skills and knowledge by working directly with clients.
    Prerequisite: HSV 130 , HSV 286 .
    Corequisite: HSV 288  
  • HSV 811 - Pract: Chem Depend Counsel I

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 12
    Course Type: Open
    Supervised experience in three of these treatment programs for chemically dependent people: inpatient, outpatient, follow-up care, halfway house and family therapy.
    Prerequisite: Acceptance at an approved practicum site
  • HSV 812 - Pract: Chem Depend Counsel II

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 12
    Course Type: Open
    Supervised experience in one of these treatment programs for chemically dependent people: inpatient, outpatient, residential, adolescent dual diagnosis or family services.
    Prerequisite: Acceptance at an approved practicum site


  • HUM 116 - Encounters in Humanities

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Core
    An interdisciplinary course exploring the human condition through literature, painting, sculpture, architecture, music and dance. The course examines the cultural context of individual works and movements, the thematic relationships between the arts and the relevance of the arts in our lives today.
  • HUM 120 - Introduction to Film

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 2
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Core
    An introduction to the conventions, scope, purposes and techniques of films. Includes viewing and writing about a variety of films.
  • HUM 121 - America in the Movies

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 2
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Core
    An interdisciplinary course that combines the insights of history and literature by examining popular American movies. The course explores the social, cultural and ethical questions raised in such films.
  • HUM 249 - Study Abroad: BritLife & Culture

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 2
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: General
    This course is a survey of British life and culture, limited to students in the London Study Abroad Program. Taught by various professional guest lecturers, this course examines various aspects of the social fabric, including some of the main institutions, the geographic and political context, and the arts. Students will compare and contrast conditions and lifestyles of different time periods while undertaking related visits in London and throughout Britain. Course assignments, determined by the DMACC faculty member, will focus on major humanities themes and ideas as expressed in art and culture. Students may not receive credit for both HUM 249 and HIS 249 .

Industrial Technology

  • IND 124 - Control Systems Overview

    Credits: 2
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    An overview of control systems in an industrial environment, including hydraulic, pneumatic and electrical/electronic systems. Topics include valves, actuators, motor starters, relays, timers and programmable controllers.
  • IND 144 - Pump Overhaul and Repair

    Credits: 4
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 2
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Overview of internal parts, principles of operation and maintenance of positive displacement and centrifugal pumps.
  • IND 146 - Mech Power Transmission I

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 2
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    A course in fundamental mechanical power transmission used in manufacturing. Topics covered include the inspection, maintenance and repair of chain- and belt-driven equipment. This will include the sizing of belts and pulleys, determining speed ratios and the importance of proper sizing for process control.
  • IND 147 - Mechanical Power Trans II

    Credits: 4
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 2
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    A fundamental course in the principles of mechanical power transmission. Topics include the use of gears to effect speed changes, the identification and use of bearings, clutches, couplings and brakes.


  • INF 110 - Fundamental Informatics

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Students explore the core principles of informatics and will gain a strong understanding of the changing role of today’s informatics professional through current examples and informatics references. No matter what their major, students can use the principles learned in this course to function more effectively as workers, managers, decision-makers and organizational leaders applying today’s technology.
  • INF 130 - Social Informatics

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Introduction to key social research perspectives and literatures on the use of information and communication technologies. Topics include information ethics, relevant legal frameworks and popular and controversial uses of technology. Outlines research methodologies for social informatics.
  • INF 220 - Human-Computer Interaction

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    The analysis of human factors and the design of computer application interfaces. A survey of current Human Computer Interaction designs with an eye toward what future technologies will allow. The course will emphasize learning HCI based on understanding implementation and testing of interfaces.
    Corequisite: INF 110  
  • INF 230 - Organization Informatics

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Examines the various needs, uses and consequences of information in organizational contexts. Topics include organizational types and characteristics, functional areas and business processes, information-based products and services, the use of and redefining the role of information technology, the changing character of work life and organizational practices, sociotechnical structures, and the rise and transformation of global information-based industries.
    Prerequisite: INF 110 , INF 130 
  • INF 310 - Informatics Security

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    This course will enable students to evaluate and conceptualize an area of specialization to consider the topics from their perspective of security. Vulnerabilities that combine standard hardware and software configurations will be examined because they illuminate both security and computer networks. Operating systems and file systems are examined from the perspective of access control, permissions and availability of system services.
    Prerequisite: INF 110 
  • INF 320 - Legal Informatics Issues

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    This course examines that set of ethical and legal problems most tightly bound to the issues of information control. The interaction and technology changes, but the core issues have remained: privacy, intellectual property, Internet law, concepts of jurisdiction, speech anonymity versus accountability and ethical decision-making in the network environment.
    Prerequisite: INF 110 , INF 130 

Interior Design

  • INT 124 - Interior Design Analysis

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Emphasizes the acquisition of knowledge and experience needed to create pleasing and effective interior design. Focus will be on space planning, furniture styles, color schemes, wall coverings, and floor and window treatments. Also includes exploration of the interior design profession and related career areas.
  • INT 125 - Interior Design Planning

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Focuses on the development of interior design plans and the execution of these plans. Builds upon knowledge acquired in Interior Design Analysis through analyzing client needs and creating design boards and presentations to meet those needs.
    Prerequisite OR Corequisite: INT 124  

Interpretation and Translation

  • ITR 101 - Intro Interpret & Translation

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    A general introduction to the field of oral language interpreting and translation (I/T), including linguistic theory of communication, translation approaches, problems and processes, cultural competency and ethics, the role of the interpreter, modes of interpretation and interpreter errors. Taught in English; students need not be bilingual in other languages to take this introductory course.
  • ITR 102 - Tools Interpret & Translate

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    In-depth training in the research and technological tools that interpreters and translators use in their field. Extensive use of monolingual and bilingual dictionaries and thesauri. Features of Microsoft Word and Excel for language work and glossary development. Internet tools for vocabulary research and enrichment. Interpretation equipment. Digital recorders for modified consecutive interpretation. Introduction to TRADOS translation memory program.
    Corequisite: ITR 101  or permission of instructor
  • ITR 103 - Fundamentals of Interpretation

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    Study and practice of the basic theory and techniques of language interpretation, applied to general topics of current events. The modes of interpretation: sight translation, consecutive interpretation, simultaneous. Introduction to lexicography and vocabulary development.
    Prerequisite: ITR 101 , ITR 102  or instructor permission
  • ITR 104 - Fundamentals of Translation

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    Study and practice of the basic theory and techniques of language translation applied to general topics of current events. Translation as product, translation as process, cultural problems in translation, denotative vs. connotative meanings, formal properties of texts, language variety and glossary development.
    Prerequisite: ITR 101  and a functional proficiency in English and a second language or instructor permission
  • ITR 109 - Interp/Trans Ethics I

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    Introduction to basic professional ethics as applied to interpretation and translation, including exploration of prior attitudes, frameworks for intellectual and ethical maturity, conflict resolution, core values, ethical decision-making and business practices. Case studies are used to develop a sense of professional ethics.
    Prerequisite: Complete three required ITR courses with a minimum grade of “C”
  • ITR 209 - Interp/Trans Ethics II

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    In-depth analysis and application of interpreter and translator codes of ethics including accuracy, representation of qualifications, avoidance of conflicts of interest, professional demeanor, confidentiality, maintaining a proper role, competency, reporting ethical violations, professional development, disciplinary procedures and cultural advocacy. Model scenarios are used for developing and applying ethical judgments.
    Prerequisite: Complete a minimum of three 200-level ITR courses
  • ITR 211 - Business Term & Sight Trans

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    Identification of the origins of business terminology. Advanced sight translation training focusing on business documents. Lexicographical training in locating, understanding and using common terminology in business contexts. Intensive practice in sight translating selected business documents: applications, business correspondence, resumes and contracts.
    Prerequisite: ITR 910  or admission to the Interpretation and Translation-Business program
  • ITR 213 - Business Interpretation I

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    Theory and practice of consecutive interpretation as applied to common business situations. Advanced consecutive interpretation skills building: listening/ prediction, analysis, note-taking, recall, positioning, situational control and interpreting. Intensive practice in consecutive interpretation in the following business situations: interviews, small group activities, lectures and negotiations.
    Corequisite: ITR 211 
  • ITR 214 - Business Interpretation II

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    Theory and practice of simultaneous interpretation as applied to business conference interpretation. Advanced simultaneous interpretation skills building: listening/prediction, shadowing and decalage, note-taking, positioning, situational control, equipment use and interpreting. Intensive practice in simultaneous conference interpretation in the following business areas: finance, agriculture, insurance and biotechnology.
    Prerequisite: ITR 213  or instructor permission
  • ITR 217 - Business Translation

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    Advanced written translation training focusing on business documents. Advanced lexicographical training in business terminology. Intensive practice in translating the following types of business documents: correspondence, financial statements, web pages and promotional materials.
    Prerequisite: ITR 211  or instructor permission
  • ITR 231 - Education Term & Sight Trans

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    Identification of the origins of education terminology. Advanced sight translation training focusing on education documents. Lexicographical training in locating, understanding and using common education terminology in K-12 school contexts. Intensive practice in sight translating selected education documents: enrollment intake forms, notes and letters between school personnel and parents, grade/conference reports and student transcripts and Individual Education Plans (IEPs).
    Prerequisite: ITR 910  or admission to the Interpretation & Translation-Education program
  • ITR 233 - Education Interpretation I

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    Theory and practice of consecutive interpretation as applied to common education situations. Advanced consecutive interpretation skills building: listening/ prediction, analysis, note-taking, recall, positioning, situational control and interpreting. Intensive practice in consecutive interpretation in the following education situations: parent-teacher conferences, informational sessions, IEP meetings and disciplinary interventions.
    Corequisite: ITR 231 
  • ITR 234 - Education Interpretation II

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    Theory and practice of simultaneous interpretation as applied to education interpretation. Advanced simultaneous interpretation skills building: listening/ prediction, shadowing and decalage, note-taking, positioning, situational control, equipment use and interpreting. Intensive practice in simultaneous conference interpretation in the following education areas: curriculum and instruction, educational leadership and counseling, educational psychology and special education.
    Prerequisite: ITR 233  or instructor permission
  • ITR 237 - Education Translation

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    Advanced written translation training focusing on education documents. Advanced lexicographical training in education terminology. Intensive practice in translating the following types of education documents: letters to parents, forms, school web pages and individual education plans (IEPs).
    Prerequisite: ITR 231  or instructor permission
  • ITR 251 - Hum Serv Term & Sight Trans

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    Identification of the origins of human services terminology. Advanced sight translation training focusing on human/social services documents. Lexicographical training in locating, understanding and using common human services terminology in social services contexts. Intensive practice in sight translating selected human services documents: applications/ financial affidavits, release of information forms, informational materials and notice of decision letters.
    Prerequisite: ITR 910  or admission to the Interpretation & Translation-Human Services program
  • ITR 253 - Hum Serv Interpretation I

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    Theory and practice of consecutive interpretation as applied to common human service situations. Advanced consecutive interpretation skills building: listening/prediction, analysis, note-taking, recall, positioning, situational control and interpreting. Intensive practice in consecutive interpretation in the following human services situations: intake interviews, informational sessions, therapy sessions and interventions.
    Corequisite: ITR 251 
  • ITR 254 - Hum Serv Interpretation II

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    Theory and practice of simultaneous interpretation as applied to human services interpreting. Advanced simultaneous interpretation skills building: listening/ prediction, shadowing and decalage, note-taking, positioning, situational control, equipment use and interpreting. Intensive practice in simultaneous interpretation situations (informational meetings, family team meetings, group therapy sessions and administrative hearings) in the following human services areas: Title XIX and related programs, child abuse interventions, substance abuse treatment and workforce development.
    Prerequisite: ITR 253  or instructor permission
  • ITR 257 - Hum Serv Translation

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    Advanced written translation training focusing on human services documents. Advanced lexicographical training in human services terminology. Intensive practice in translating the following types of human services documents: correspondence to clients, forms, agency web pages and family team plans.
    Prerequisite: ITR 251  or instructor permission
  • ITR 271 - Healthcare Term & Sight Trans

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    Identification of the origins of healthcare terminology. Advanced sight translation training focusing on healthcare documents. Lexicographical training in locating, understanding and using frequently used legal terminology in healthcare environments. Intensive practice in sight translating the following types of healthcare documents: consents for treatment, advanced directives, beneficiary notifications and instructions for taking medication.
    Prerequisite: ITR 910  or admission to the Interpretation & Translation-Healthcare program
  • ITR 273 - Healthcare Interpretation I

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    Theory and practice of consecutive interpretation as applied to common healthcare situations. Advanced consecutive interpretation skills building: listening/ prediction, analysis, note-taking, recall, positioning, situational control and interpreting. Intensive practice in consecutive interpretation in the following healthcare situations: admitting interviews, well-baby visits, informational sessions and standard doctor visits.
    Corequisite: ITR 271 
  • ITR 274 - Healthcare Interpretation II

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    Theory and practice of simultaneous interpretation as applied to health care. Advanced simultaneous interpretation skills building: listening/prediction, shadowing and decalage, note-taking, positioning, situational control, equipment use and interpreting. Intensive practice in simultaneous interpretation situations (informational meetings, emergency room interventions, operating room procedures, mental health consultations/interventions) in the following healthcare areas: infectious disease prevention/ control, cardiovascular events, labor/childbirth and mental health.
    Prerequisite: ITR 273  or instructor permission
  • ITR 277 - Healthcare Translation

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    Advanced written translation training focusing on healthcare documents. Advanced lexicographical training in healthcare terminology. Intensive practice in translating the following types of healthcare documents: discharge information, degrees and diplomas, living wills and patient educational materials.
    Prerequisite: ITR 271  or instructor permission
  • ITR 291 - Judiciary Term & Sight Trans

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    Identification of the origins of judiciary terminology. Advanced sight translation training focusing on court/ law enforcement documents. Lexicographical training in locating, understanding and using frequently used legal terminology in judicial proceedings. Intensive practice in sight translating the following types of judicial documents: trial information and indictments, waivers of detention hearings, plea agreements and presentencing reports.
    Prerequisite: ITR 910  or admission to the Interpretation & Translation-Judiciary program
  • ITR 293 - Judiciary Interpretation I

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    Theory and practice of consecutive interpretation as applied to common judiciary situations. Advanced consecutive interpretation skills building: listening/ prediction, analysis, note-taking, recall, positioning, situational control and interpreting. Intensive practice in consecutive interpretation in the following judiciary situations: attorney-client interviews, proffer interviews, depositions and witness testimony.
    Corequisite: ITR 291 
  • ITR 294 - Judiciary Interpretation II

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    Theory and practice of simultaneous interpretation as applied to judiciary interpretation. Advanced simultaneous interpretation skills building: listening/ prediction, shadowing and decalage, note-taking, positioning, situational control, equipment use and interpreting. Intensive practice in simultaneous interpretation situations in the following judiciary areas: initial appearances, bail/detention hearings, change of plea hearings and sentencing hearings.
    Prerequisite: ITR 293  or instructor permission
  • ITR 297 - Judiciary Translation

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    Advanced written translation training focusing on judiciary documents. Advanced lexicographical training in judiciary terminology. Intensive practice in translating the following types of judiciary documents: birth certificates, degrees and diplomas, plea agreements and wills.
    Prerequisite OR Corequisite: ITR 291  or instructor permission
  • ITR 811 - Business I/T Internship

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 3
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    Application of the knowledge, skills and attitudes gained in the classroom by interning under qualified/ certified interpreters and translators in a variety of business environments. Interns develop professional resumes, cover letters and portfolios. After securing an internship position, interns will shadow their mentors and then move into actual translation/translation assignments in appropriate monitored situations.
    (This course is Pass/Fail).
    Prerequisite: Minimum of C in all ITR courses.
    Corequisite: ITR 209 
  • ITR 831 - Education I/T Internship

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 3
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    Application of the knowledge, skills and attitudes gained in the classroom by interning under qualified/ certified interpreters and translators in a variety of education environments. Interns develop professional resumes, cover letters and portfolios. After securing an internship position, interns will shadow their mentors and then move into actual translation/translation assignments in appropriate monitored situations.
    (This course is Pass/Fail).
    Prerequisite: Minimum of C in all ITR courses.
    Corequisite: ITR 209 

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