Sep 27, 2024  
2015-2016 Course Catalog 
2015-2016 Course Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

The following are standard, approved subjects. Availability of any subject depends on the scheduling, program and student needs at the time. The receiving college or university determines the transferability of courses.

Course Types

Adjunct Adjunct courses may be temporary or experimental and may be used to fulfill elective credit in programs that lead to a degree or diploma. Adjunct courses may not be used to fulfill or substitute for required or option courses in any degree or program.

General Noncore courses identified as freshman-sophomore courses.

Open Occupationally specific courses corresponding to courses in certain professional programs at four-year institutions.

Voc/Tech Occupationally specific courses. Transferability is generally limited. Only 16 credits can apply to the AA/AS degree.

Core Traditional liberal arts courses in the first two years of a baccalaureate degree.

College preparatory (Coll Prep) College preparatory and skill building courses. College Preparatory courses cannot be used to fulfill degree requirements.

P/F Indicates courses taken pass/fail.

Prerequisites Successful completion of a course or other criterion necessary for a student to succeed in a higher level course.

Corequisites A course that must be taken concurrently or prior to the course.

*An instructor may deny enrollment in or drop a student from a specific course if a course
Prerequisite has not been met.


Dental Hygiene

  • DHY 302 - Clinical Dental Hygiene IV

    Credits: 5
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 15
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    See DHY 301 .
    Prerequisite: DHY 292 , DHY 291 .
    Corequisite: DHY 301 

Drama-Film and Theatre

  • DRA 101 - Introduction to Theatre

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Core
    A survey of the elements and techniques of theatre with emphasis on acting, directing and playwriting. Attendance at dramatic production encouraged.
  • DRA 130 - Acting I

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: General
    Training of the body, voice and mind as acting instruments. Course includes acting exercises, scene analysis and performance.
  • DRA 147 - Creative Drama School/Rec

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: General
    Elements of improvisational acting. Students will learn approaches for participating in and leading creative drama activities.
  • DRA 945 - Practicum I

    Credits: 2
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 4
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: General
    Practical experience in acting, directing and stage design. Students will be involved in all stages of production from auditions to final performance. May be repeated for up to eight semester hours of credit.
  • DRA 946 - Practicum II

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 6
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: General
    See DRA 945 .
  • DRA 948 - Practicum III

    Credits: 4
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 8
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: General
    See DRA 945 .


  • DSL 145 - Basic Electricity

    Credits: 5
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 8
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    An introduction to the basic electricity and electronic principles that apply to diesel-powered equipment. Systems and components covered include starting, charging, lighting and accessories.
  • DSL 155 - Advanced Electricity

    Credits: 4
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 6
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    The electrical circuitry on diesel-powered equipment is covered. Included are troubleshooting, diagnosing and repair procedures. Experienced individuals may contact the instructor to gain admittance to this course.
    Prerequisite: DSL 145 
  • DSL 330 - Diesel Engine Tune-Up

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 4
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Information on preventive measures to eliminate failures and diagnose engine problems. Instruction related to tune-up procedures.
  • DSL 356 - Diesel Engines I

    Credits: 6
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 10
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Instruction provided in the technical and nontechnical aspects of diesel engines. This information will give students the basic understanding needed to continue in the Diesel Mechanic program.
  • DSL 366 - Diesel Engines II

    Credits: 6
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 10
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Instruction in diagnosing problems and the nature of repairs needed. Information on preventive measures to eliminate failures.
    Prerequisite OR Corequisite: DSL 356  
  • DSL 409 - Diesel Electronics

    Credits: 5
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 6
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    A study of electronic fundamentals, lab work with electronic components and testing equipment. Computer-controlled diesel engines are used in lab to demonstrate applications of electronics on diesel power that will meet the demands of the future. Experienced individuals may contact the instructor to gain admittance to this course.
    Prerequisite: DSL 145 
  • DSL 438 - Diesel Fuel Systems

    Credits: 5
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 8
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    The student will be introduced to basic fuel system principles, operational theory and fundamentals of electronic systems of commonly used fuel systems, as well as general repair and diagnostic procedures with exposure to several electronically controlled engines and their diagnostic tools.
    Prerequisite: DSL 366 
  • DSL 546 - Power Trains I

    Credits: 6
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 8
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Class and lab activities in the design and operation of drivetrain components including clutches, manual transmissions, drive lines, rear axles and wheel bearings.
  • DSL 555 - Power Trains II

    Credits: 5
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 8
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Instruction will include the basics of automatic transmissions, power shift transmissions, final drives and hydrostat drives.
    Prerequisite: DSL 546 , DSL 606 
  • DSL 606 - Hydraulics and Brakes

    Credits: 6
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 10
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    The study of basic mobile hydraulics and vehicle brake systems. Introduces principles, components, fluid systems and circuits of hydraulic systems. Vehicle braking studies hydraulic and air brake systems.
  • DSL 733 - Air Conditioning

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 4
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    A course on basic air conditioning theory and design. Emphasis will be placed on various system controls and service operations.
  • DSL 830 - Operation & Maintenance

    Credits: 5
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 8
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Instruction in the proper methods of maintaining all equipment. Safety will be emphasized.
  • DSL 845 - Heavy Equipment Repair

    Credits: 5
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 8
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Instruction in the repair and service of equipment relating to the heavy equipment industry. This includes all phases normally done in a general repair shop. Instruction is given under structured lab and field conditions. Experienced individuals may contact the instructor to gain admittance to this course.
    Prerequisite: DSL 366 , DSL 546 , DSL 606 , DSL 145 
  • DSL 855 - Truck Repair

    Credits: 5
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 8
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Instruction in the repair and service of equipment relating to the trucking industry. This includes all phases normally done in a general repair shop. Instruction is given under structured lab, classroom and field conditions. Experienced individuals may contact the instructor to gain admittance to this course.
    Prerequisite: DSL 366 , DSL 546 , DSL 606 , DSL 145 

Dietary Management

  • DTM 350 - Health Field

    Credits: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Roles of dietary personnel in health facilities and state and federal guidelines. Explore managerial aspects within facilities.
  • DTM 351 - Food Preparation

    Credits: 1
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 2
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Basic principles and development of techniques as they apply to the preparation of each food group and the criterion for evaluating product quality. Laboratory experience.
  • DTM 352 - Sanitation/Meal Service

    Credits: 2
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Methods of efficiently serving safe, pleasing food. An awareness of sanitation will be created for all areas of food service.
  • DTM 353 - Nutrition Life Cycle

    Credits: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    An in-depth study (social, physiological and psychological need) of residents from infancy to geriatric. Explore the therapeutic role of food.
  • DTM 354 - Modified Diets

    Credits: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    An assessment of special diets, using the approved diet manual, a review of food guidelines and hints for making modified diets more appetizing.
  • DTM 355 - Food Production Management

    Credits: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Total production needs, equipment layout, work methods, food storage, food preparation, service, sanitation and use of computers in food service.
  • DTM 356 - Food Service Management

    Credits: 2
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    The management functions required to organize and maintain an efficient, quality, dietary department are developed.
  • DTM 361 - Food Prep Field Experience

    Credits: 1
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 4
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Application and evaluation of food preparation in a healthcare facility. Practical experience in a selected healthcare facility supervised by a registered dietitian.
    (This course is Pass/Fail).
  • DTM 362 - Sanitation/Meal Srvc Field Exp

    Credits: 1
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 4
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Application and evaluation of sanitation and meal service in healthcare facilities. Practical experience in a selected healthcare facility supervised by a registered dietitian.
    (This course is Pass/Fail).
  • DTM 363 - Nutrition Life Cycle Field Exp

    Credits: 1
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 4
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Application and evaluation of nutritional aspects in healthcare facilities. Practical experience in a selected healthcare facility supervised by a registered dietitian.
    (This course is Pass/Fail).
  • DTM 364 - Modified Diet/Field Experience

    Credits: 1
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 4
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Application and evaluation of modified diets in healthcare facilities. Practical experience in a selected healthcare facility supervised by a registered dietitian.
    (This course is Pass/Fail).
  • DTM 365 - Food Production Field Exp

    Credits: 1
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 4
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Application and evaluation of food production in healthcare facilities. Practical experience in a selected healthcare facility supervised by a registered dietitian.
    (This course is Pass/Fail).
  • DTM 366 - Food Service Mgmt Field Exp

    Credits: 1
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 4
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Application and evaluation of food service management in healthcare facilities. Practical experience in a selected healthcare facility supervised by a registered dietitian.
    (This course is Pass/Fail).

Early Childhood Education

  • ECE 103 - Intro to Early Childhood Ed

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    Gives students a historical and philosophical foundation of the field of early childhood education. Includes an overview of assessment and evidence-based practices. Addresses the influences of family-centered practice, inclusion, culture and language in the field. Explores early childhood careers.
  • ECE 106 - Child Dev. Associate Standards

    Credits: 1
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 4
    Course Type: Open
    Develop and prepare for the Child Development Associate (CDA) National Credentialing Program for individuals seeking a Center-Based Infant/ Toddler, Center-Based Preschool or Family Child Care CDA Credential. Develop a professional portfolio including the collection of resources, writing of reflective statements of competence and professional philosophy statement as outlined by the CDA application requirements. Prepare for the CDA verification visit.
    (This course is Pass/Fail.)
    Prerequisite: ECE 103  ECE 133  ECE 243  ECE 343  and ECE 158  or ECE 221  or instructor permission
  • ECE 130 - Emergency Care

    Credits: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation and First Aid according to Iowa DHS requirements for child care providers. Identify health and safety practices for early childhood settings. CPR/First Aid and Universal Precautions certification awarded upon satisfactory completion of assignments. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 3 credits.
  • ECE 133 - Child Health, Safety & Nutrition

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    Focuses on evidence-based concepts in the fields of health, safety and nutrition and their relationship to the growth and development of the young child ages birth to eight. Blends current theory with problem-solving, practical applications and assessments. Includes collaboration with families and assesses the role of culture, language and ability on health, safety and nutrition decisions in early childhood settings.
  • ECE 158 - Early Childhood Curriculum I

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    Focuses on the development, implementation and assessment of appropriate environments and curricula for young children ages three through eight. Students prepare to utilize evidence-based, developmentally appropriate practices in a context of children’s family, culture, language and abilities. Emphasis is on understanding children’s developmental stages and developing appropriate learning opportunities, interactions and environments to support each child in the following areas: dramatic play, art, music and fine and gross motor play.
  • ECE 159 - Early Childhood Curriculum II

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    Focuses on the development, implementation and assessment of appropriate environments and curricula for young children ages three through eight.Student’s prepare to utilize developmentally appropriate evidence-based  practices in a context of children’s family, culture, language and abilities. Emphasis is on understanding children’s developmental stages and developing appropriate learning opportunities, interactions and environments to support each child  in the following areas: emergent literacy, math, science, technology and social studies.
    Prerequisite: ECE 158  with a C or better, or Instructor Approval
    Corequisite: ECE 359  or Instructor Approval
  • ECE 170 - Child Growth & Development

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    Reviews typical and atypical development of children from conception to adolescence in all developmental domains. Examines interactions between child, family and society within a variety of community and cultural contexts. Examines theories and evidence-based practices associated with understanding and supporting young children.
  • ECE 215 - Home, School & Comm Relations

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    Focuses on current understanding of supporting children and families in relation to home, school and community contexts. Emphasis is on building respectful, culturally sensitive relationships with families, utilizing community resources and working with culturally, linguistically and ability diverse families.
  • ECE 221 - Infant/Toddler Care and Educ.

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    Focuses on care, education and assessment of children from birth to 36 months. Prepares students to utilize developmentally appropriate evidence-based practices, including responsive caregiving, routines as curriculum, collaborative relationships with culturally, linguistically and ability diverse children and families, and a focus on the whole child in inclusive settings.
  • ECE 243 - Early Childhood Guidance

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    Focuses on developmentally appropriate, evidence-based approaches and positive guidance strategies for supporting the development of each child. Emphasizes supportive interactions and developmentally appropriate environments. Uses assessment to analyze and guide behaviors. Studies impact of family, each child’s culture, language and ability on child guidance.
    Corequisite: ECE 343  or instructor permission
  • ECE 262 - Early Childhood Field Exper

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 9
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    Supervised practicum experience in selected early childhood settings serving children birth through eight. Includes integration of theory and developmentally appropriate evidence-based practice. Provides an understanding of working with culturally, linguistically and ability diverse young children and families. Emphasizes professional relationships and behavior, appropriate adult/child interactions, basic curriculum planning and program routines.
    Prerequisite: ECE 103 , ECE 133 ECE 170 ; a grade of C or better in ECE 158 , ECE 159 , ECE 243 , ECE 343  and ECE 359 ; 2.0 program GPA; or instructor permission. Current CPR/First Aid, Universal Precautions and Mandatory Reporter Certification.
    Prerequisite OR Corequisite: ECE 221  
    Corequisite: ECE 944  or Instructor Approval
  • ECE 281 - Practicum

    Credits: 2
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 8
    Course Type: Open
    Placement in a program for young children and/ or families. Emphasis is on the development of competencies necessary for employment in a similar setting.
    Prerequisite: Accepted into ECE program, 10 ECE credits, 2.0 GPA or instructor approval. Current CPR/First Aid, Universal Precautions, Mandatory Child Abuse Reporter Certification
  • ECE 290 - Early Childhood Program Admin

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    This course addresses the basic principles common to administering quality early childhood programs. Emphasis is on director’s roles and responsibilities, state and federal regulations, business procedures, staff development and hiring, policy development, fiscal and facility management, marketing, program evaluation, child care advocacy, family and community involvement. Designed for second-year students and persons interested in becoming a program administrator.
    Prerequisite: Accepted into the Early Childhood Education program and a minimum of 12 credits in ECE or instructor permission
  • ECE 343 - Early Childhood Guidance Lab

    Credits: 1
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 2
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    Focuses on effective approaches and positive guidance strategies for supporting the development of all children. Students observe for and utilize strategies taught in ECE 243 . Includes 30-hour lab.  Criminal background check is required.
    Corequisite: ECE 243  or Instructor Approval
  • ECE 359 - ECE Curriculum II Lab

    Credits: 1
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 2
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    Students practice the selection and use of assessment techniques, plan and set up age, individually and culturally appropriate learning centers, activities and group experiences for young children. Emphasis is on understanding children’s developmental stages, identifying and participating in appropriate learning opportunities, interactions and environments in the following areas: emergent literacy, math, science, technology, social studies, creative art, music and movement, dramatic play, fine and gross motor play and outdoor experiences. Includes 30-hour lab. Criminal background check is required.
    Prerequisite: ECE 158  with a C or better.
    Corequisite: ECE 159  or Instructor Approval.
  • ECE 930 - Administrative Practicum

    Credits: 1
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 1
    Course Type: Open
    Experience in a community-based setting designed to further competencies in early childhood program administration, management and leadership.
    Prerequisite: 12 credits in ECE or Current Child Development Associate (CDA) credential; or must be
    admitted to the ECE program. or Instructor Approval
  • ECE 932 - Early Childhood Internship

    Credits: 2
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 10
    Course Type: Open
    Students apply skills and knowledge related to children, families and the profession in a self-selected community-based setting. Students are encouraged to identify a placement that reflects their individual interests in the field. Emphasis on professional expectations and behavior, appropriate interactions, planning, implementation and assessment and exploring multiple facets of overall program operations. Includes 150-hour work experience.  Criminal background check is required.
    Prerequisite: ECE 103 , ECE 133 , ECE 170 , ECE 243   with a C or better; ECE 343  with a C or better;ECE 159  with a C or better; ECE 359  with a C or better; 2.5 program GPA; or instructor permission. Current CPR/First Aid, Universal Precautions and Mandatory Child Abuse Reporter Certification. Internship application is required the semester prior to enrollment in the course.
    Prerequisite OR Corequisite: ECE 215 , ECE 221  or Instructor Approval.
  • ECE 944 - ECE Field Experience Seminar

    Credits: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    Emphasis on professionalism, self-reflection and preparation for professional employment. Includes completion of all professional portfolio components.
    Corequisite: ECE 262  or Instructor Approval


  • ECN 120 - Principles of Macroeconomics

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Core
    This course is an introduction to basic macroeconomic concepts and principles. It deals with problems of resource allocation, supply and demand, national income, employment, price levels, fiscal and monetary policy, money and banking systems and elements of global finance. ECN 120 is not a prerequisite for ECN 130 .
  • ECN 130 - Principles of Microeconomics

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Core
    Course covers survey of demand and supply conditions, cost structure, market structure and how these elements affect individual household, business firms, government and global trade. ECN 120  is not a prerequisite for ECN 130.


  • EDU 213 - Intro to Education

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    Presents a broad overview of the field of education, including foundations of American education, roles of teachers and students, history and philosophy and curriculum. Students will complete a 40-hour practicum at the elementary, middle or high school level. Recommended for students who plan to major in education.
  • EDU 218 - Initial Field Experience

    Credits: 2
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 4
    Course Type: Open
    Course will provide opportunities to enhance understanding of the teaching profession and assist with decisions to pursue a career in education. Time spent observing, assisting and teaching in a classroom with a licensed educator. Various opportunities for interacting with students, learning instructional strategies and collaborating with teachers. Students will gain a greater understanding of the daily expectations of a teacher.
    Prerequisite: EDU 213 
  • EDU 245 - Exceptional Learner

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    A survey of exceptional learners in the classroom. History, philosophy, current issues, trends and mainstreaming will be discussed.


  • EGR 100 - Engineering Orientation

    Credits: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    Introduction to the engineering disciplines and the engineering profession. Considerations in choosing an engineering curriculum. Information concerning college policies, procedures and resources. Opportunities to interact with engineering departments at a four-year institution.
  • EGR 150 - Engineering FORTRAN

    Credits: 2
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    The FORTRAN language in batch and interactive modes with an emphasis on solutions to engineering problems.
    Prerequisite: MAT 130  must be taken concurrently with or prior to this course
  • EGR 151 - Engineering Visual BASIC

    Credits: 2
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: General
    This course provides students with a solid foundation in structured programming skills for the solution of engineering problems. Students will analyze problems, design solution algorithms, translate the algorithm to Visual BASIC computer code and present the solutions to the problems.
    Prerequisite: MAT 130 
  • EGR 152 - Engineering MATLAB

    Credits: 2
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 2
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    This course provides students with a solid foundation in structured programming skills for the solution of engineering problems. Students will analyze problems, design solution algorithms, translate the algorithm to MATLAB and Simulink computer code and present the solutions of the problems.
  • EGR 155 - Engineering C/C++

    Credits: 2
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    Learn to solve engineering problems by computer using the C/C++ language. Emphasis is placed on program logic, organization and numerical methods.
    Prerequisite: MAT 130  must be taken concurrently with or prior to this course.
  • EGR 161 - Engineering Computations

    Credits: 2
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    This course includes the organization, solution and presentation of engineering problems. Topics include S.I. units and selected engineering topics.
    Prerequisite: MAT 130  must be taken concurrently or prior to this course
  • EGR 166 - Engr Graphics/Concptl Design

    Credits: 4
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 4
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    An integration of conceptual design, engineering graphics and computer-aided design. This course includes orthographic projection applied to three-dimensional geometry and engineering drawing, as well as instrument and free-hand application to an open-ended project that includes a formal engineering report.
    Prerequisite: MAT 130  must be taken concurrently with or prior to this course
  • EGR 180 - Statics

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Open
    This course includes the vector and scalar analysis of coplanar and non-coplanar force systems, equilibrium concepts, friction, centroids, moments and products of inertia. Mohr’s circle, radius of gyration, internal forces, shear and bending moment diagram.
    Prerequisite: PHY 213 .
    Corequisite: MAT 217  must be taken concurrently with or prior to this course

Engineering Technology

  • EGT 400 - PLTW Intro to Engr Design

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Adjunct
    This course uses a design development process while enriching technical and engineering problem-solving skills; students create and analyze models using specialized computer software (AutoCAD Inventor).
    Prerequisite OR Corequisite: One year of H.S. algebra
  • EGT 410 - PLTW Principles of Engineering

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Adjunct
    This course explores technology systems and manufacturing processes using the methodology of project-based engineering problem-solving. Learning activities explore a variety of engineering disciplines and address the social and political consequences of technological change.
    Prerequisite: 1 year of H.S. algebra or EGT 400 .
    Prerequisite OR Corequisite: H.S. algebra
  • EGT 420 - PLTW-Digital Electronics

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Adjunct
    This course teaches applied logic through work with electronic circuitry, which students also construct and test for functionality.
  • EGT 450 - PLTW-Computer Integrated Manuf

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 4
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    This course enhances computer modeling skills by applying principles of robotics and manufacturing automation to the creation of models of three-dimensional designs.
  • EGT 460 - PLTW-Civil Engr/Architecture

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 4
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Adjunct
    This course introduces students to the interdependent fields of Civil Engineering and Architecture and teaches project planning, site planning and building design, using specialized computer software.
    Prerequisite: EGT 400  is recommended but not required
  • EGT 900 - Field Studies in Architecture and Engineering

    Credits: 5
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 2
    Practicum Hours: 6
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    This course is designed to give the student an opportunity to experience the fields of architecture and engineering both inside and outside of a typical classroom setting. Students will explore the job responsibilities of architects and engineers. Students will investigate, develop, and demonstrate professional leadership strategies, the fundamentals of the design process, project scheduling, construction technologies, and technical aspects of the related industries in this professional setting.


  • ELT 093 - Concepts Electronics/Computers

    Credits: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Coll Prep
    This course is designed for students who need additional practice and technical skills to succeed in electronics and computer networking programs. Skills that will be developed include learning how to approach problems and manipulating formulas to solve problems. College preparatory courses cannot be used to fulfill degree requirements.
    Corequisite: ELT 108 
  • ELT 106 - Basic Math for Electronics

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Mathematics related to basic electronics. Course includes basic algebra, right triangle trigonometry, scientific notation, with applications to DC and AC circuitry.
  • ELT 108 - Math-Electronics & Computers

    Credits: 4
    Lecture Hours: 4
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Introduction to the mathematical skills needed by electronics/computer technicians.
  • ELT 123 - Programmable Controllers

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 2
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    This course covers PLC operation and programming techniques to include relay logic, timers, counters, sequencers, discrete I/O, analog I/O, networking, remote I/O, workstations, advanced programming techniques and interfacing with personal computers.
  • ELT 125 - Advanced PLC

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 2
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    This course is designed for the student who is already proficient with ladder logic and loading programs into PLCs. The course will introduce the student to both hardware and software operator control panels, analog sensor interfacing, analog programming and exchange of data over networks. A hands-on lab component will give the student the opportunity to install, program and troubleshoot networked PLC hardware.
  • ELT 126 - Industrial Electronics

    Credits: 2
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    The devices and circuits used in thyristor control of machines are presented. Course includes phase control of DC motors, triac control of AC motors and various speed control circuits.
    Prerequisite: ELT 131 
  • ELT 131 - Motor Controls

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 2
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    An introduction to industrial motor controls. During this course, students will use ladder diagrams and control devices to implement practical control systems.
  • ELT 143 - Mechanisms

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 2
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    This introductory course covers linear and angular displacement, velocities, and accelerations of linkages, gear trains, and belt and friction drives. Topics include vectors, simple and complex machines, and toggle and intermittent motion mechanisms.
  • ELT 147 - NEC Residential

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    The basic principles of the NEC for layout and construction for residential wiring systems. Apply code rules to house wiring installations. Discuss security systems, fire and smoke detectors, low-voltage and remote controls.
  • ELT 148 - NEC Residential Lab

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 6
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Utilize the basic principles of the NEC for layout and residential electrical wiring systems. Apply code rules, using hands-on approach for residential electrical installations from simplistic to complicated circuit wiring.
  • ELT 172 - NEC Commercial/Industrial

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    The basic principles of the NEC for layout and construction of commercial wiring and industrial wiring systems. Apply basics of wiring into the planning of typical commercial and industrial installations. Configure how load requirements are converted into branch circuits then into feeders, and into main electrical services.
  • ELT 173 - NEC Commercial/Industrial Lab

    Credits: 4
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 6
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Utilize the basic principles of the NEC for layout of commercial and industrial wiring systems. Apply code rules, using a hands-on approach for commercial and industrial electrical installations from simplistic to complicated wiring.
  • ELT 178 - Electrical Grounding

    Credits: 2
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    The understanding of grounding and eliminating the misconceptions when dealing with NEC requirements for installation.
  • ELT 181 - Adv Math for Electronics Tech

    Credits: 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    This course is a continuation of concepts covered in MATH FOR ELECTRONICS & COMPUTERS. Topical emphasis includes applications involving trigonometry of vectors and oblique triangles and logarithms.
  • ELT 217 - Advanced Motor Controls

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 2
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Additional topics in industrial motor controls. Course includes wiring of AC & DC motors, power distribution, solid-state controls, proximity controls and frequency drives.
    Prerequisite: ELT 303 , ELT 131 
  • ELT 303 - Principles of Electricity

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 2
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    For beginners: theory, controlling electricity, voltage, amps, resistance, wattage, series and parallel circuits, DC & AC, batteries, electric lighting, generators and motors.
  • ELT 307 - Digital Circuits

    Credits: 2
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    An analysis of those circuits that form basic building blocks for a digital system, including logical gates such as OR, NOR, AND and NAND, storage registers and counters.
    Corequisite: ELT 308 
  • ELT 308 - Digital Circuits Lab

    Credits: 2
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 4
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Laboratory evaluation of small-scale integrated circuits and medium-scale integrated circuits. In addition to basic and/or gates, it includes decoders, encoders, counters and multiplexors.
    Corequisite: ELT 307 
  • ELT 324 - Digital Electronics Lab

    Credits: 2
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 4
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Laboratory Evaluation of small-scale integrated circuits and medium scale integrated circuits. In addition to basic AND/OR gates, it includes decoders, encoders, counters, multiplexers, and microprocessors.
    Corequisite: ELT 325  
  • ELT 325 - Digital Electronics

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    An analysis of those circuits that form basic building blocks for a digital system, including logical gates, such as OR, NOR, AND and NAND, storage registers, counters and microprocessors.
    Corequisite: ELT 324   
  • ELT 326 - Digital Electronics Lab

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 6
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Laboratory evaluation of small-scale integrated circuits and medium-scale integrated circuits. In addition to basic and/or gates, it includes comparators, decoders, encoders, counters, multiplexers and microprocessors.
    Corequisite: ELT 325 
  • ELT 368 - DC & AC Fundamentals

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    An introductory course in DC and AC fundamentals. Subject matter includes Ohm’s law, series and parallel circuits and measuring instruments.
  • ELT 369 - DC & AC Fundamentals Lab

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 6
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    This laboratory will enable the student to analyze basic L-C-R circuitry. Basic test equipment usage will also be presented.
    Prerequisite: ELT 368  must be taken concurrently with or prior to this course
  • ELT 383 - Electronic Circuit Analysis Lab

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    An analytical introduction to direct current fundamentals essential in all phases of electricity and electronics. Topics covered include Ohm’s law, Kirchoff’s law, Thevenin-Norton and Superposition theorems, impedance, resonance, series and parallel circuits, resistors, capacitors, inductors, batteries, and meters.
    Corequisite: ELT 384  
  • ELT 384 - Electronic Circuit Analysis Lab

    Credits: 2
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 4
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Basic experiments in circuit analysis including familiarization with basic test instruments, series and parallel circuits (using resistors, batteries, and power supplies), and applications of electrical laws and theorems.
    Corequisite: ELT 383  
  • ELT 387 - Electric Circuit Analysis II

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Deals with principles and electrical properties of semiconductor diodes, transistors, integrated circuits and integrated circuit amplifiers, complete with mathematical analysis of equivalent circuits and their evaluation.
    Prerequisite: ELT 383  , ELT 384  
    Corequisite: ELT 388  
  • ELT 388 - Elec Circuit Analysis II Lab

    Credits: 2
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 4
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    An analysis of solid-state circuitry. Course includes both transistor and integrated circuit experiments. Linear amplifiers and active filters are evaluated. Students will attend a minimum of three industrial tours, which may take place outside of regular class time.
    Prerequisite: ELT 383 , ELT 384  
    Corequisite: ELT 387  
  • ELT 392 - Electronic Design and Fabrication Techniques

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 2
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Use schematic and PCB design software to demonstrate full turn circuit board layouts. Covert PCB layouts to industry standard Gerber and N/C drill files for export to a milling system and produce functioning single/double sided circuit boards. Properly identify schematic symbols and compare with associated packaging diagrams. Analyze and produce schematics from circuit boards. Operate surface mount soldering and desoldering equipment. Practice proper anti-static and safety procedures. Prepare a project proposal and execute for a final project.
  • ELT 470 - Bus Imaging & Security Applic.

    Credits: 4
    Lecture Hours: 4
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    This course provides students opportunities to analyze imaging systems, which include video monitoring, copying and printing and to analyze security systems as fire alarm and intruder alarms. Equipment includes laser printers, copiers, fax machines, scanners, monitors, cameras, LCD displays and such related accessories as document feeders and sorters.
    Prerequisite: ELT 728  , PHY 160  .
    Corequisite: ELT 471  

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