Sep 27, 2024  
2013-2014 Course Catalog 
2013-2014 Course Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

The following are standard, approved subjects. Availability of any subject depends on the scheduling, program and student needs at the time. The receiving college or university determines the transferability of courses.

Course Types

Adjunct Adjunct courses may be temporary or experimental and may be used to fulfill elective credit in programs that lead to a degree or diploma. Adjunct courses may not be used to fulfill or substitute for required or option courses in any degree or program.

General Noncore courses identified as freshman-sophomore courses. open Occupationally specific courses corresponding to courses in certain professional programs at four-year institutions.

Voc/Tech Occupationally specific courses. Transferability is generally limited. Only 16 credits can apply to the AA/AS degree.

Core Traditional liberal arts courses in the first two years of a baccalaureate degree.

College preparatory (Coll Prep) College preparatory and skill building courses. College Preparatory courses cannot be used to fulfill degree requirements.

P/F Indicates courses taken pass/fail.

Prerequisites Successful completion of a course or other criterion necessary for a student to succeed in a higher level course.

Corequisites A course that must be taken concurrently or prior to the course.

*An instructor may deny enrollment in or drop a student from a specific course if a course
Prerequisite has not been met.


Viticulture & Enology

  • VIN 189 - Wine Microbiology

    Credits: 2
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 2
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    This course examines beneficial and spoilage unicellular organisms specifically related to wine production.
    Prerequisite: BIO 187
  • VIN 190 - Wine Science

    Credits: 4
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 2
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    This course focuses on principles of enology and wine laboratory analysis, focusing on the most common evaluation methods utilized in a successful winery quality control program.
    Prerequisite: CHM 122  and VIN 149 
  • VIN 201 - Viticultural Science

    Credits: 4
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 2
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Advanced concepts in the science of viticulture.
    Prerequisite: VIN 149  or instructor permission
  • VIN 202 - Vine Health

    Credits: 4
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 2
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Advanced concepts in the identification, life cycles, management and control of vineyard pests.
    Prerequisite: VIN 201  or instructor permission
  • VIN 203 - Vineyard Establishment

    Credits: 4
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 2
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Advanced concepts in vineyard establishment.
    Prerequisite: VIN 201  or instructor permission
  • VIN 204 - Engineering in Agri

    Credits: 4
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 2
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    A study of engineering principles that relate to agricultural industries.
    Prerequisite: Instructor permission
  • VIN 248 - Hort/Botany Lab

    Credits: 1
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 2
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Laboratory exercises designed to introduce the principles of botany.
    Corequisite: AGH 221  or instructor permission
  • VIN 249 - Plant Physiology

    Credits: 4
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 2
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    A study of how plants function and interact with the environment.
    Prerequisite: AGH 221  or instructor permission
  • VIN 250 - Wine Regions of the World

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    This course will investigate the grape varieties and wine styles produced throughout the world.
    Prerequisite: VIN 150  or instructor permission
  • VIN 275 - Sensory Science

    Credits: 4
    Lecture Hours: 4
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    This course presents applied information on wine sensory analysis to help students recognize personal sensory biases and evaluate wine types and styles critically and scientifically.
    Prerequisite: MAT 157  and VIN 150  or instructor permission
  • VIN 290 - Commercial Wine Prod

    Credits: 4
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 2
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    This course presents applied enology and industry topics related to the production of commercial grade wines.
  • VIN 295 - Certified Sommelier Prep.

    Credits: 2
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    This course relates information designed to assist students who are pursuing the Certified Sommelier accreditation.
    Prerequisite: VIN 150  or instructor permission
  • VIN 920 - Field Experience

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 14
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    This course provides viticulture work experience. The student will maintain employment at a vineyard working in the production of grapes and gain experience/proficiency conducting vineyard operations.
    Prerequisite: VIN 150  or instructor permission
  • VIN 932 - Internship in Enology

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 14
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    This course provides enological work experience. The student will maintain employment at a commercial winery working in the production of wine and gain experience as a cellar worker, laboratory technician or logistic coordinator.
    Prerequisite: VIN 150  or instructor permission

Water Environmental Technology

  • WAT 210 - Wastewater Treatment: Indus

    Credits: 4
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 2
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Students will learn about industrial wastewaters and the need for industrial plant operators. They will be informed on sources of industrial wastewaters and their impacts on the environment. They will also be given instruction on sampling, monitoring of treatment processes, receiving waters, working safely and maintenance of industrial wastewater treatment plants.
  • WAT 300 - Water Analysis

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 2
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    In this course, students are introduced to basic water laboratory procedures. Students will learn about chemical names and formulas, laboratory equipment, laboratory safety and regulatory sampling. They will also perform laboratory tests and procedures for alkalinity, chlorine residual, chlorine demand, coliform, hardness, jar test, pH, temperature and turbidity.
  • WAT 304 - Water Treatment I

    Credits: 4
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 2
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    This course explores the fundamentals of water treatment and basic operational procedures. Students learn regulatory monitoring concerns, sediment control, how to operate and maintain sedimentation, coagulation, flocculation, fluoridation and disinfection. Students are also taught iron and manganese removal and filtration processes.
  • WAT 305 - Water Distribution Systems

    Credits: 4
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 2
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    This course will provide students with theory and a practical understanding of the operation and maintenance of water distribution systems. Covers the role of a water distribution system operator, storage facilities, distribution system facilities, and the operation and maintenance of these facilities. Students will also learn about water quality, disinfection, safety and administrative responsibilities.
  • WAT 306 - Wastewater Collection Systems

    Credits: 4
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 2
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    In this course, students will learn the duties for the operation and maintenance of wastewater collection systems. Course information will include inspection, cleaning, testing, repair and safety procedures of collection systems. Students will also be taught about lift stations, equipment maintenance, sewer renewal, administrative duties and systems organization.
  • WAT 307 - Wastewater Treatment I

    Credits: 4
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 2
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    This course explores the fundamentals of wastewater treatment and basic operational procedures. Students learn the duties of a treatment plant operator, why we treat wastes and the operations of wastewater treatment facilities. Students are also taught preliminary treatment, sedimentation and flotation, trickling filters, rotating biological contactors, activated sludge, waste treatment ponds, disinfection and chlorination.
  • WAT 308 - Wastewater Analysis

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 2
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    During this course students will perform wastewater laboratory procedures and chemistry. They will study vocabulary, equipment, techniques, hazards, hygiene and accident prevention. They will also learn correct sampling and testing techniques.
  • WAT 311 - Wastewater Treatment II

    Credits: 4
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 2
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Students in this course will be trained to safely operate and maintain conventional activated sludge plants. They will learn about sludge digestion, handling of solids and the reclamation and reuse of effluent discharge. Information on computer applications, correct laboratory procedures and chemistry for operators will also be taught. Students will be able to analyze and present data, keep records and write reports, and learn administrative duties in treatment plants.
    Prerequisite: WAT 307 
  • WAT 312 - Water Treatment II

    Credits: 4
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 2
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    In this course, students will be trained in the practical aspects of operating and maintaining water treatment plants, including safe practices and procedures. Information on drinking water regulations, iron and manganese control, fluoridation, softening, trihalomethanes, demineralization, handling and disposal of process wastes, maintenance, instrumentation and advanced laboratory procedures will be covered. Administrative procedures will also be explained, including budgeting, setting rates, recordkeeping, personnel administration, public relations and emergency planning.
    Prerequisite: WAT 304 
  • WAT 932 - Internship

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 12
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Students will gain practical experience through on-the- job training at an instructor-approved water or wastewater facility.
    Prerequisite: Instructor permission

Web Development

  • WDV 101 - Intro HTML and CSS

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 2
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Introduces current standards of HTML, XHTML and CSS. Students will code HTML and CSS web pages, test them in browser and publish them to a web server. Page layouts will use various CSS techniques. Tables and forms will be used as well. A current version of Dreamweaver will be used to build more complex pages.
  • WDV 131 - Intro Photoshop and Fireworks

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 2
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    This course introduces students to the use of digital imagery for websites and other electronic media. Students learn to use Adobe Photoshop and Fireworks to create, modify and enhance images, and create exciting graphics for digital media use.
  • WDV 151 - Intro Web Design

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 2
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    This course introduces design principles and concepts as they relate to web design. Students will complete basic design projects, focusing on the main principles of design, color theory and basic typography.
  • WDV 221 - Intro Javascript

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 2
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Introduces the student to the concepts of the Javascript programming language and its related logic structures within an Internet browser. Will discuss the concepts of Dynamic HTML, which is the interaction of Javascript, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), HTML and the Document Object Model. Students will create dynamic forms, change content, and perform client-side, user-driven activities within a web page application.
    Prerequisite: WDV 101  or CIS 204  or instructor permission
  • WDV 245 - Content Management Systems I

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 2
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    This hands-on course teaches how to plan, design and produce complete, commercially oriented website applications using professional Open Source database-driven web content management software. Using an industry-standard web development server, students will learn to install, modify and maintain CMS software such as WordPress and Joomla. Site themes or “skins” will be created and modified using Dreamweaver.
    Prerequisite: WDV 101  or CIS 204  or instructor permission
  • WDV 261 - Intro Flash

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 2
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Provides an introduction to a current version of Adobe Flash software. Students will explore the Flash program and will become familiar with the layout and interface. Students will learn how to draw, import, lay out, modify and animate content within Flash.
  • WDV 321 - Advanced Javascript

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Use Javascript to implement client-side form data validation, browser capability and motion, as well as other dynamic content changes. Create dynamic cross-browser compatible, user-driven presentation and content with Javascript and CSS.
    Prerequisite: WDV 221  or instructor permission
  • WDV 331 - Dreamweaver Applications

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 2
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Introduces the advanced features of a current version of Dreamweaver. This will include site management tools, creation and use of templates for layout control, implementation of Sprys as well as other features. A website application will be built using Dreamweaver’s built-in database connectivity to provide server-side content delivery.
    Prerequisite: WDV 221  or instructor permission
  • WDV 341 - Intro PHP

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    This course will introduce PHP as a server-side scripting language. It will introduce the MySQL database and the SQL language for use with PHP. Students will embed PHP and SQL code into HTML pages and publish them to a PHP-enabled server. Students will create a web application that will allow for user login pages, as well as add, delete and update database content to web pages.
    Prerequisite: WDV 101  or CIS 204  or instructor permission
  • WDV 351 - Website Application Components

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Students will learn how to implement a variety of third-party components into a website application. This includes, but is not limited to, videos, audios, RSS feeds, forums, blogs, bulletin boards, widgets, e-commerce components, XML, CGI scripts and form-handling components.
    Prerequisite: WDV 221  or instructor permission
  • WDV 441 - Advanced PHP

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Expands the use of PHP, MySQL and SQL to create a functional Content Management System (CMS). Will include advanced functionality such as shopping carts, search, payment processing, reporting, AJAX, etc.
    Prerequisite: WDV 341  or instructor permission
  • WDV 445 - Content Management Systems II

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Hands-on course uses industry-standard Open Source content management system (CMS) software to build and deploy commercially oriented websites on an Internet server. Software could include Joomla, Drupal, Wordpress or other currently available software.
    Prerequisite: WDV 245  or instructor permission
  • WDV 490 - Website Applications Seminar

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Students will build, update or modify new or existing commercially oriented website applications. Projects will include project planning, time estimating, group projects, version control and commercial web host interfaces.
    Prerequisite: Instructor permission
  • WDV 495 - Emerging Technologies Seminar

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Explore the constant changes that occur rapidly in this field. Examine and discuss how current and future technologies may affect current website applications and future development. Recommended for those with a strong diverse background, interest and/or experience with website applications.
    Prerequisite: Instructor permission
  • WDV 521 - Intro Ajax

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Student will plan and develop advanced client-side applications. Ajax and related frameworks will be introduced and used to create rich Internet applications. Applications will communicate with server applications using Ajax technologies including Javascript, XML and SOAP.
    Prerequisite: WDV 321  or instructor permission
  • WDV 541 - PHP Seminar

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Explore the continuing changes and updates with PHP. Examine and discuss how current and future PHP technologies may affect current website applications and future development. Recommended for those with a strong diverse background, interest and/or experience with PHP and website applications.
    Prerequisite: WDV 441  or instructor permission
  • WDV 932 - Web Development Internship

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 12
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Work-related opportunities provide significant experience for web developers. Students who are working or have an opportunity to work in a position that primarily uses web development knowledge and skills may use this course. Students are expected to find their own internship opportunity.
    Prerequisite: Instructor permission


  • WEL 111 - Welding Blueprint Reading

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    The basic skills needed to read shop drawings (including welding symbols) will be learned.
    Prerequisite: MAT 772 
  • WEL 120 - Oxy Fuel Welding/Cutting

    Credits: 2
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 4
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Skills will be developed in oxy-acetylene welding, cutting and repair. Safety is emphasized.
  • WEL 150 - Arc Welding I (SMAW)

    Credits: 2
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 4
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Skills will be developed in electrode familiarity, welding stringer beads with five different electrodes and buildup surfacing in the flat position.
  • WEL 165 - Arc Welding II (SMAW)

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 6
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Skills will be developed in welding root passes and multiple pass tee fillet welds in the flat position.
  • WEL 166 - Arc Welding III (SMAW)

    Credits: 2
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 4
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Skills will be developed in welding inside and outside corner joints, welding around shapes and sheet metal welding in the flat position.
  • WEL 167 - Arc Welding IV (SMAW)

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 6
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Skills will be developed in welding beads, buildup surfacing, and fillet weldments in the horizontal position. Safety is emphasized.
    Prerequisite: WEL 166 
  • WEL 168 - Arc Welding V (SMAW)

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 6
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Skills will be developed in welding fillet joints in the vertical downhill and vertical uphill position. Safety is emphasized.
    Prerequisite: WEL 167 
  • WEL 169 - Arc Welding VI (SMAW)

    Credits: 2
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 4
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Skills will be developed in welding fillet joints in the overhead position. Air carbon arc gouging and plasma arc cutting will also be practiced. Safety is emphasized.
    Prerequisite: WEL 168 
  • WEL 176 - Adv Arc Welding I (SMAW)

    Credits: 2
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 4
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Skills will be developed in welding and testing on vee groove joints in the flat and horizontal positions limited SMAW. Safety is emphasized.
    Prerequisite: Welding diploma required  
  • WEL 177 - Adv Arc Welding II (SMAW)

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 6
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Skills will be developed in welding and testing on vee groove joints in the vertical and overhead positions limited SMAW.
    Prerequisite: Welding diploma required  
  • WEL 181 - Gas Metal Arc Welding

    Credits: 2
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 4
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Practical application in the use of the gas metallic arc welding process, including submerged arc and flux cored arc. Safety is emphasized.
  • WEL 190 - Gas Tungsten Arc Welding

    Credits: 2
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 4
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    A course to develop skills in the gas tungsten arc welding process using mild steel, stainless steel and aluminum. Safety is emphasized.
    Prerequisite: WEL 120 
  • WEL 236 - Advanced Arc Welding I (GMAW)

    Credits: 2
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 4
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Skills will be developed in welding and testing on vee groove joints in the flat and horizontal positions limited GMAW.
    Prerequisite: Welding diploma required  
  • WEL 237 - Advanced Arc Welding II (GMAW)

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 6
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Skills will be developed in welding and testing on vee groove joints in the vertical and overhead positions limited GMAW.
    Prerequisite: Welding diploma required  
  • WEL 238 - Adv Arc I GMAW Unlimited

    Credits: 2
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 4
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Skills will be developed in welding and testing on vee groove joints in the flat and horizontal positions unlimited GMAW.
    Prerequisite: Welding diploma required  
  • WEL 239 - Adv Arc II GMAW Unlimited

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 6
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Skills will be developed in welding and testing on vee groove joints in the vertical and overhead positions unlimited GMAW.
    Prerequisite: Welding diploma required  
  • WEL 241 - Fabrication I

    Credits: 4
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 6
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Students will learn basic introductory skills to safely and correctly operate fabrication layout equipment and hand tools. They will understand different material types, shapes and applications for each.
    Prerequisite: Welding diploma  
  • WEL 242 - Fabrication II

    Credits: 4
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 6
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Students will learn to safely operate fabrication equipment to produce four specific projects to the specified standards.
    Prerequisite: WEL 241 
  • WEL 246 - Adv Arc Welding I (GMAW) Alum

    Credits: 2
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 4
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Skills will be developed in welding and testing on vee groove joints in the flat and horizontal positions limited GMAW Aluminum.
    Prerequisite: Welding diploma required  
  • WEL 247 - Adv Arc Welding II (GMAW) Alum

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 6
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Skills will be developed in welding and testing on vee groove joints in the vertical and overhead positions limited GMAW Aluminum.
    Prerequisite: Welding diploma required
  • WEL 248 - Adv Arc I GMAW Alum Unlimited

    Credits: 2
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 4
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Skills will be developed in welding and testing on vee groove joints in the flat and horizontal positions unlimited GMAW Aluminum.
    Prerequisite: Welding diploma required
  • WEL 249 - Adv Arc II GMAW Alum Unlimited

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 6
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Skills will be developed in welding and testing on vee groove joints in the vertical and overhead positions unlimited GMAW Aluminum.
    Prerequisite: Welding diploma required
  • WEL 255 - Welding Inspection

    Credits: 4
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 6
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Students will become familiar with welding codes, how to interpret them, NDT (nondestructive testing) and preparation for taking the American Welding Society’s Certified Welding Inspector examination. This course also meets the requirements for educational certification for NDT and conforms to ASNT: SNT-TC-1A.
    Prerequisite: Completion of Welding program/diploma
  • WEL 276 - Adv Arc I SMAW Unlimited

    Credits: 2
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 4
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Skills will be developed in welding and testing on vee groove joints in the flat and horizontal positions unlimited SMAW.
    Prerequisite: Welding diploma required
  • WEL 277 - Adv Arc II SMAW Unlimited

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 6
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Skills will be developed in welding and testing on vee groove joints in the vertical and overhead positions unlimited SMAW.
    Prerequisite: Welding diploma required
  • WEL 282 - Advanced Arc Welding I (FCAW)

    Credits: 2
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 4
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Skills will be developed in welding and testing on vee groove joints in the flat and horizontal positions limited FCAW.
    Prerequisite: Welding diploma required
  • WEL 283 - Advanced Arc Welding II (FCAW)

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 6
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Skills will be developed in welding and testing on vee groove joints in the vertical and overhead positions limited FCAW.
    Prerequisite: Welding diploma required  
  • WEL 284 - Adv Arc I FCAW Unlimited

    Credits: 2
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 4
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Skills will be developed in welding and testing on vee groove joints in the flat and horizontal positions unlimited FCAW.
    Prerequisite: Welding diploma required  
  • WEL 285 - Adv Arc II FCAW Unlimited

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 6
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Skills will be developed in welding and testing on vee groove joints in the vertical and overhead positions unlimited FCAW.
    Prerequisite: Welding diploma required  
  • WEL 303 - Pipe Welding/SMAW

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 6
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Welding practice and testing on open grove plate weldments in the 1G, 2G, 3G and 4G positions, and, as time permits, on pipe weldments in the 2G, 5G and 6G positions. Safety is emphasized.
    Prerequisite: WEL 177 
  • WEL 710 - Robotic Welding

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 2
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Course provides an introduction to robotic welding fundamentals. The student will examine parameters of welding robot operation and program robots for various welding applications.

Wind Energy & Turbine Technology

  • WTT 103 - Introduction to Wind Energy

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    To provide the student with knowledge of common terminology and general information related to the wind industry. The student will become familiar with the various types of turbines, the technology, sectors, jobs and organizations as well as an outlook on the future of the wind industry.
  • WTT 114 - Field Training & Project Oper

    Credits: 5
    Lecture Hours: 4
    Lab Hours: 2
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Course includes information corresponding to industry practices and standards of safe operations of a wind power generating facility, including the techniques of proper ascent and descent of wind turbine generators, day-to-day operations and the infrastructure that is in place as part of a typical power plant. Course also includes tools and equipment used and teamwork, as it applies to operations and maintenance of the facility.
    Prerequisite: WTT 103 
  • WTT 133 - Wind Turbine Mechanical Sys

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 2
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    Course includes the nomenclature and terms common to metals and metallurgy. Instruction will also include gears and gear failure analysis techniques, gear structures, inspection of gears and analysis of lubricants. Course includes discussion of the application of lubricants and proper procedures for acquiring lubricant samples and the effects of friction, gear damage and wear.
    Prerequisite: WTT 103 
  • WTT 216 - Power Generation/Transmission

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 2
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    This course will serve as an introduction to the generation of electrical power with a wind turbine generator, moving that power through a local transmission system to a substation where a customer will purchase the generated power. This course will cover all aspects of working with components of a high-voltage transmission system.
    Prerequisite: ELT 303 , 134
  • WTT 223 - Airfoils and Composite Repair

    Credits: 3
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 2
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    This course will enable the student to more efficiently inspect, repair and move/transport wind turbine blades. Students will understand common industry terms used in the manufacture and repair of wind turbine blades.
    Prerequisite: WTT 103 
  • WTT 225 - Data Acquisition & Assessment

    Credits: 4
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 4
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    This course will give students information on how wind resource data is collected and analyzed for use in the development of wind-powered generation of electricity. Students will also learn how to access power production of individual wind turbines.
    Prerequisite: WTT 103 , ELT 303 , 134, 141, 119, WTT 216 , WTT 245 
  • WTT 245 - Electrical Practical App

    Credits: 4
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 4
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    This course will provide students with practical wiring exercises involving installation, wiring and troubleshooting of electrical devices and equipment used in, but not specific to, wind turbine control systems. Students will study electrical diagrams, design of electrical systems and electrical safety.
    Prerequisite: ELT 303 , 134, WTT 133 
  • WTT 247 - Controls & Troubleshooting

    Credits: 4
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 4
    Practicum Hours: 0
    Work Experience: 0
    Course Type: Voc/Tech
    This course will give students information and hands-on practice with wind turbine controls and sensors. Students will learn the control and sensing of the various functions of a wind turbine. Students will perform turbine malfunction troubleshooting with simulation software and lab trainers.
    Prerequisite: ELT 217 , ELT 123 , WTT 133 , WTT 216 , WTT 245 

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